The Gratitude Jar Quotes

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The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles by Josie Robinson
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The Gratitude Jar Quotes Showing 1-13 of 13
“By just spending a few minutes in gratitude each day, you'll notice your thoughts start to shift in a remarkably short period of time. Most of us aren't used to practicing gratitude, so the effects are noticeable immediately since you're using a part of your brain that probably hasn't been used much before, at all.

As you notice your thoughts shifting, you'll also notice your mood shifting. You'll feel better. Joyous, even. And when you're in that joyous, happy place-that's when the miracles start happening.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“The simple act of practicing gratitude, consistently, is your invitation to a new life. Accepting the invitation is now up to you.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“Gratitude gives us eyes
to see God, Earth, beauty,
love, joy, and abundance.
Everything we never knew
was already right there in
front of us, waiting. We just needed gratitude
to open our eyes.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“I truly believe experiencing gratitude on a daily basis will bring about more positive changes than any other thing you've tried before.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“You may not feel the full benefits of your gratitude practice at first, but in due time they will reveal themselves. Before you know it, there will be dozens, if not hundreds, of people, places, and things you will feel immensely grateful for in your life.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“You are powerful. And we need you to be. The planet needs all of us to show up and show out. To claim our birthright. The simple act of practicing gratitude, consistently, is your invitation to a new life. Accepting the invitation is now up to you.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“I know I've done my life the hard way, and if you're reading this book, you probably have too. You're not alone. Welcome to the human condition. But now, it's time for an easier way. Or you wouldn't have this book in your hands. Divine Timing and all. Go for good, and all that's not the truth of you will fall away.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“Our consciousness is where it's at. What we put our attention to increases. What we appreciate, appreciates. The six inches between our ears are the most powerful part of the human body. I invite you to entertain the idea of allowing your life to get easier by focusing on all the many things you are grateful for in your life. Because that is what you will get more of in your life. And you'll feel better. And better.

And better.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“When we apply this to gratitude, we experience the same results with grander outcomes. Things flow easily and we realize there is more than enough. There is no scarcity. No lack. No limitation. Only our false belief in any idea of scarcity. The truth is that there is an abundance and plenty for all. But this realization only comes from practicing gratitude consistently.

That's why it's called a spiritual 'practice'.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“Simple gratitude practices can be incorporated easily, and I find myself using a handful of them every day. When I let up on the consistency, it shows. My life feels slightly off-kilter. That feeling is useful information and tells me to go back to basics and practice gratitude for all the good, and even what feels like (at the time) the not-so-good, experiences. They all prove useful. When paired with time, it equals perspective, and perspective is a powerful thing because it leads to gratitude.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“Never underestimate your own strength. We humans are resilient, strong creatures, able to bounce back from the brink time and again. We are not at the mercy of externals. Ever. It's only our thoughts that have us feeling like rudderless ships.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“It's a lot different to say 'thank you' to God instead of asking for stuff. That's the way I used to pray. Help me, God. Do this for me, God. I'm mad at you God, fix it.

I don't pray like that anymore. The only prayer I say now is Thank You.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles
“Every single time I gave gratitude, even for the littlest thing, I felt I touched a presence greater than myself. It's like gratitude opened the channel between me and God and I could touch God, if only for a minute. Every major religious book is filled with verses about expressing gratitude to God, and I believe that is because it's the best way to reach Him.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles