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MY LIFE IN QUOTES Quotes Showing 1-8 of 8
“Choosing a career to please parents, or just thinking about the financial compensation it will represent, is not enough motivation to give your best, and less will arouse a non-existent vocation. The result: a mediocre and frustrated professional!”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“Querer saber lo que hace tu pareja, querer que sea organizada y responsable en las cosas, no es querer controlarla o meterse en todo; es simplemente preocuparse y estar al tanto en las cosas relacionadas con quien se supone es tu otro yo. Si hacerlo, es hacer un mal, entonces no debiesen denominarse "parejas de vida".”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“Los secretos son para los demás. Porque si a la pareja se le miente o se le ocultan nimiedades, fácil se hará mentirle por otras cosas. Así es como se pierde la confianza.
Al final, solo es cuestión de madurar y saber separar a tu pareja de vida, del resto de las personas.”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“Sometimes it is better to stay out of confusing situations, because your actions and words can be misrepresented, even with the best intentions in the world.”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“I have learned that from children we can only expect what we did with our parents. If we receive less than that, it will have been our fault for bad upbringing. On the other hand, if we receive more, we should consider ourselves simply lucky.”
Jasmina Alexander, MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“Donde sientas que respiras libremente, donde no te pese la distancia, donde ni los lujos o comodidades sean necesarios para que tu corazón te diga con sus latidos: ¡aquí es..!”
Jasmina Alexander , MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“Where you feel like you are breathing freely, where the distance does not weigh you down, where not even luxuries or comforts are necessary for your heart to tell you with its beats: this is it!”
Jasmina Alexander , MY LIFE IN QUOTES
“Relationships only last as long as infidelities are hidden, forgiven, or allowed. Anyone who says otherwise is lying, or is simply a naive person.”
Jasmina Alexander , MY LIFE IN QUOTES