Couple Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "couple-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 91
Tatjana   Ostojic
“Exposure to erotically inclined stimuli immediately activates parts of a male brain that are associated with sexual desire. Being attracted to other women, however, doesn’t mean men would betray the trust they are given and harm the partnership with the women they love.”
Tatjana Ostojic

J.D. Robb
“Darling? Spare a minute?”
She came back, her ’link pressed, screen down, to her chest. And hissed, “Don’t call me darling when I’m talking to cops.”
“Sorry, Lieutenant Darling.”
She rolled her eyes. “What?”
J.D. Robb, Golden in Death

“To lovers out there …

No man is an island. We all need someone In our lives no matter how rich we are, how educated , well-spoken, or how capable we are .The reason why most people are alone and suffering the way they are suffering . It is because they’re judgmental towards other people. They judge people without knowing them first. By doing so they choose to ignore good people who have good intentions, good heart and who care about them, because of their own selfish ego and standards. By the time they are desperate and are looking for someone they end opening up for wrong people in their lives and end up being hurt or murdered.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Some people are the way they are. They even converted and became something they are not, because they had never experienced or received love from their partners. They had been into multiple relationships or marriages but had never experienced true love shown to them. Reason might be because of their attitude or behavior. Might be also because of the type or preferences they select. Not that they have bad luck or not meant to be loved.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Donna Goddard
“Touch is a conveyor belt for energy. Make sure the energy you’re transferring is positive and life-enhancing.”
Donna Goddard, Love Matters

“To lovers out there ….

A relationship should bring the best In you. If the relationship brings the worse In you then that relationship is not for you. If it makes you want to do bad things, start thinking bad things or harmful things, desiring to do bad things on others. If it makes you want to do the very same things, you complain about saying they are wrong. Know you are in a bad or toxic relationship .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Marion Bekoe
“if it's not putting money in your pocket, it's taking money from your pocket.”
Marion Bekoe

“To lovers out there …

One day we must break away from the myths that if you single and not dating. It means you are well mannered , raised well and you are a good person. If you’re dating then you are ratchet, wild, fast forward and you like things. Most people who are not dating is not by choice but is by circumstance .

Some are not dating because they can’t find right partners. Some are in the closet. Some they fear to be heart broken, pregnancy ,commitment, to be burden. Some are busy don’t have time. Some don’t have money. Dating doesn’t make people hoes. Not dating it doesn’t make people saints either.  We should stop bad mouthing, slandering, name calling, slut shamming people who are trying their best to find right partners or to find love. Especial when we can’t do what they are doing because of our fears, even thou we also want what they want. To be loved .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Why would you want to keep or to control someone, especially your partner. People who are in a relationship should stay because they want to and should have a free will to say and do anything they want. It is dangerous and it ends badly forcing someone to do something they don’t want.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there ….

Until you date someone who loves you. You will always give and get nothing In return. Giving your time, efforts, sacrifice, money, love, care , respect, peace, kindness, help, understanding, support and giving yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

A hurting relationship is a relationship that one is 100 percent fully concentrating on another person, and a good working relationship is a relationship that is 50/50. 50 is concentrating on another person and another 50 is concentrating on yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

You are as important as your partner wants you to be to them.
There is a huge difference between being important out there
and being important to someone.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Social media standards destroy relationships and marriages. What you need to understand is people are not the same. Everyone has their own unique custom features, which is created by their experience that makes them behave or act different than others. Whatever you read online or anywhere might not apply to all man or women even thou it applies to Peter or Mary.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there…

When your partner treats you like a Queen or a King. It doesn’t mean you should treat them like slaves , beggars or your servants.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

When you don’t like someone. You will find everything they do or say wrong, annoying, bad and offensive. Even if it is good, you will interpret it in a wrong way so that it looks bad, and you will see them being wrong and bad. When you like someone. You will find everything they say or do good. Even if it is wrong. You will justify it and defend it, because you don’t want to see them as bad people. That is why the ones you don’t like you mock, ridicule, expose, speak ill and make fun of. The ones you like you don’t. Sometimes people are not as good as we think they are. Sometimes people are not as bad as we see them. It is us who judge and make them that way . We create our own life about them, rather than observing and seeing what is right there. Maybe that is why we are not finding right partners. We had judged them wrong , without knowing them and giving them a chance.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there…

Most marriages don’t work because people get married to an idea than a person. It is the idea they have of them getting married or an idea they have about the other person. Because he/she goes to church , Because he/she is rich, because he/she looks innocent, because he/she is educated. They marry someone on what they have or do but not on who they are.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Donna Goddard
“We need difference to help us grow and blossom. It is what happens in life-enhancing relationships. Imagine living with a clone of yourself. How utterly boring. How uninspiring. How intolerable. We need difference to make life worth living. We are drawn to people who change us. Not change us into less of ourselves but into something we cannot be in our own solitariness.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

“To lovers out there ….

Love is just feelings. You can feel anything for anyone regardless of how they look and who they are. It doesn’t care about your intelligence or IQ. That is why everyone qualifies to love and to be loved. Your standards has nothing to do with love. That is why most of your relationships don’t work. You want to use your position, beauty, money, power, life status, education, qualification to measure love. If you continue thinking and living like that. You will find partners, but you will never find love. You are busy fighting your feelings because the people you love don’t have your standards.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Marion Bekoe
“Before you attract the person you want in your life, be that person.”
Marion Bekoe

“To lovers out there …

A person who loves you . Will give you everything even if they have nothing, but a person who doesn’t love you will give you only excuses even if they have everything. People will literally do anything for the ones they love and do nothing for the ones they don’t love. It is not a matter of having more or of lacking. It is the matter of the heart if they love you or not.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Så här skulle man kunna ha det. Att gå och lägga sig med honom, vakna med honom. Om och om igen tills det slutar vara något särskilt. Tills jag kan ta honom för givet. Inte på något dåligt sätt utan på ett mysigt sätt. Att veta att han finns där, precis som han alltid gjort.”
Pia Printz, Holiday Romance

Marion Bekoe
“Avoid people who cannot put themselves in your shoes to see things from your perspective; such people see things one way, and that is their way.”
Marion Bekoe, I WILL BE A BILLIONAIRE: The right mindset is the first step towards the journey.

“To lovers out there …

Everybody deserves love, but not everybody deserves you. You also deserve love , but you don’t deserve everybody.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Kaylee Stepkoski
“Whenever I’m near you, I’m standing with an army, a force that nothing can take down.”
Kaylee Stepkoski, Ever: The Alliance

Kaylee Stepkoski
“My beloved, I promise I will never allow anything to rip us apart.”
Kaylee Stepkoski, Ever: The Alliance

Kaylee Stepkoski
“If you do not do what your heart yearns for, you will
create regrets. I have my share of them, and I want you to be spared of that burden.”
Kaylee Stepkoski, Ever: The Alliance

“To lovers out there …..

The worse and sad thing in life is not to have someone who really understands you. Someone who can put up with you , when you say and do stupid things. Both of you laughing about it rather than being judged from it. Someone who will always have you back and who genuinely cares about you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

The reason why most marriages don’t work. It is because they all about what you get out of it rather than what you get in it. It is about the price and not the heart. They think they can benefit more in divorce than in staying married. Marriage it is not their final stop, but is a stop sign to catch their ride of where they want to be in life.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

Be reasonable , practical and considerate to your partner . Other people should not suffer because they you or are interested in you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there …

If you are not ready to make sacrifices for someone and surrender yourself and become selfless. If being always right is Important to you more than anything. Then you are not ready to be in a relationship.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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