Daddy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "daddy" Showing 1-30 of 77
Sylvia Plath
“You do not do, you do not do
Any more, black shoe
In which I have lived like a foot
For thirty years, poor and white,
Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.

Daddy, I have had to kill you.
You died before I had time―
Marble-heavy, a bag full of God,
Ghastly statue with one grey toe
Big as a Frisco seal”
Sylvia Plath, Ariel

Sylvia Plath
“Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.”
Sylvia Plath, Ariel: The Restored Edition

Ricky Maye
“In all of your living, don't forget to live.”
Ricky Maye

“Abba is not Hebrew, the language of liturgy, but Aramaic, the language of home and everyday life … We need to be wary of the suggestion … that the correct translation of Abba is ‘Daddy.’ Abba is the intimate word of a family circle where that obedient reverence was at the heart of the relationship, whereas Daddy is the familiar word of a family circle from which all thoughts of reverence and obedience have largely disappeared … The best English translation of Abba is simply ‘Dear Father.”
Thomas A. Smail, The Forgotten Father

Ring Lardner
“Are you lost, Daddy?" I asked tenderly. "Shut up," he explained.”
Ring Lardner, The Young Immigrunts

John McGahern
“They'd listen silenty, with grave faces: but once they'd turn to each other they'd smile cruelly. He couldn't have it both ways. He'd put himself outside and outside they'd make him stay. Neither brutality nor complaining could force a way in.”
John McGahern, The Dark

Suzanne Wright
“She was going to go to her room,munch on chocolate,then collapse into bed.

And if her upstairs neighbors decided to talk about who the daddy was or cry again about how much David was loved,she'd go up there and give them somthing to really bloody cry about.”
Suzanne Wright, From Rags

Wendy Corsi Staub
“But if there was no baby ...
Then he wouldn't be a daddy.
And for aome reason, he desperatly wanted to be a daddy.”
Wendy Corsi Staub, A Thoroughly Modern Princess

Kristen Ashley
“Never wanna leave my Justice, my home.
So I bring her with me, my baby Lonesome.
Don't matter, Justice is always there,
Always right there, no matter where I go.
My baby Lonesome,
Makin' it so I'm never missin' home.”
Kristen Ashley, Bounty

Penelope Douglas
“Baby, he whispers, his hands shaking. I hope you love me, because I love you like crazy, and I'm going to want you the rest of my life. I tried to stay away, because I thought it was the right thing, but I fucking can't. I need you, and I love you. This doesn't happen twice, and I'm not going to be stupid again. I promise.”
Penelope Douglas, Birthday Girl
tags: daddy

Penelope Douglas
“Baby," he whispers, his hands shaking. "I hope you love me, because I love you like crazy, and I'm going to want you the rest of my life. I tried to stay away, because I thought it was the right thing, but I fucking can't. I need you, and I love you. This doesn't happen twice, and I'm not going to be stupid again. I promise.”
Penelope Douglas, Birthday Girl
tags: daddy

Dana Isaly
“Hey,” he says, his hand suddenly gripping my jaw and bringing my gaze to his. “These eyes stay on me while I’m inside of you.”
Dana Isaly, Dipped in Holly

Lioness DeWinter
“One of your fathers is a god. Your other Daddy only thinks that he is.”
Lioness DeWinter, Corinthians

Farrah Rochon
“It's so good to see you, Daddy."
"You saw me the day before yesterday." He laughed as he expertly diced bell peppers into uniform pieces.
"But it's always good to see you," Tiana said. "It's something I've learned to never take for granted.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Farrah Rochon
“As she waited for the soul-crushing grief to envelop her, an odd thing happened. The grief failed to materialize. Instead, she felt... joy. An overwhelming sense of peace weaved its way around her sadness.
Tiana knew she would always miss her daddy, but the hole his passing had left in her heart wasn't as hollow this time around. It was filled with memories of the past year--- the laughs they'd shared, the meals they'd prepared together, and the all-encompassing love they'd experienced every single day. And a true goodbye.
Tiana closed her eyes tight, holding onto those memories. They would be with her always. Just as her daddy would be with her.
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Farrah Rochon
“Not too long before, she would have maintained that no matter how well things were going, she would never be truly happy again, because her father was no longer with her.
But he was here. She felt him every time she walked into the kitchen at this restaurant. She felt him whenever she walked into her mother's house in the Ninth Ward, or when she was in the house she and Naveen shared uptown.
She felt him everywhere.
And because she knew his spirit would always be with her, no matter how far she traveled or how long they were apart, Tiana now knew true happiness.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Phillip Andrew Bennett Low
“The door flung open, and the President's daughter burst into the room. 'Daddy!' she cried, unfazed by his lack of pants.”
Phillip Andrew Bennett Low, Monsters in a Mirror: Strange Tales from the Chapel Perilous

Sophie Kinsella
“We've had some happy times here," says Dad, and a shadow passes over his face as he reaches for his glass. Now that I'm properly close to him, I can see that he looks more lined than the last time I saw him. Older. More worried. Not at all like someone who's "never been happier."

He's such a performer, Dad. He can fool his guests and even his own family. But life's difficult, I realize. More difficult than he's been letting on.

And I feel a wash of shame. Have I ever asked Dad how he's doing? Have I ever looked at him as a person? Or only as my dad, who was supposed to be superhuman and not get divorced and not sell the house and basically never falter in any way, shape, or form?”
Sophie Kinsella, The Party Crasher

Dash Shaw
“Dad believes that negative criticism is inherently more truthful and constructive than positive criticism. He also believes that every "No" spoken gives a future "Yes" more power and credibility. He's a master at finding the tone, pitch, and demeanor to say "Yes" so that it obviously means a "No." It's an art form. There are a million dead "No"s in that monstrous, distant, future "Yes." Even though it's a million miles away, I can always see it from where I am.”
Dash Shaw, Doctors

Stewart Stafford
“Paternally Grateful by Stewart Stafford

O flesh of my flesh, know this,
I would give my life willingly,
Endure any ordeal or torment,
So you may grow and prosper.

Tongues lisping out male mockery,
Knock a noble half of themselves,
And consume their bitter meat,
In acts of black hole cannibalism.

Fathers' legacies pass into legend,
No more alive than they once were,
Moral stains are gazer's blemishes,
A scratched cornea in a cloudy eye..

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

“I’m a dad, but my kids call me ‘DAD DAD DAD.”

Farrah Rochon
“The promise of a hearty breakfast of buttery grits, fluffy eggs, and thick, crispy bacon beckoned, but she remained tucked underneath her covers with her eyes closed. She basked in the feel of the warm sun caressing her face as it shone bright through her windows. The jaybirds flittering about outside chirped songs of cheer, a happy soundtrack for what was sure to be a stellar day.
"Tiana, baby. Come to breakfast."
Tiana's eyes popped opened and a smile as wide as the Mississippi River stretched across her face.
"I'm on my way, Daddy," she called.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Farrah Rochon
“As people began to congregate around the door, Tiana made her way to the closest window. She gasped at the sight on the other side of the glass. The fog had thinned, but only in the area surrounding their house, and flower petals rained from the sky. They collected on the ground like a colorful snowfall.
Tiana closed her eyes, a gentle smile touching her lips. She was at peace, because her daddy was now at peace.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Being strong or pretending to be, even when he is not, for the family looks up to him, is a father all about.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Slate

Amarylis Rivera
“How many hot dogs do you want, princess?" Jason asks me.
I grin, "Two, please." But the ones attached to your body.”
Amarylis Rivera, One Daddy Isn't Enough

Genereux Philip

“I love you 3000.”
Christopher Markus;Stephen McFeely

Stephanie Garber
“And you think i'm that someone?" A laugh accompanied tella's words. But Jacks did not smile "You convinced Legend to help you, you died and came back to life, and you dared to kiss me. Of course you're that someone.”
Stephanie Garber, Legendary
tags: cute, daddy

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Just because Satan is the father of lies doesn’t mean that you have to adopt him as your daddy.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

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