Ex Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ex" Showing 1-30 of 74
Gena Showalter
“Don't look now, but that's my ex over there."
Surely I'm not the only one who takes "don't look now" as "there's no better time than now." I looked.
"Bad, Ali!" Another slap to my arm. "Bad, bad, bad Ali! Have you no self control?”
Gena Showalter, Alice in Zombieland

Bill Maher
“Can we go back to using Facebook for what it was originally for - looking up exes to see how fat they got?”
Bill Maher

Stephan Labossiere
“Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back.”
Stephan Labossiere

Lauren Barnholdt
“a) he's late.
b) he's acting like an asshole and blowing me off.
c)he's gotten into a horrible car crash that's left dead.

The most likely answer is A. (We went to prom together, and the limo had to wait in his driveway for half an hour. At the end of the night, we got charged for an extra hour. He- read: his parents- paid for it, but still.)”
Lauren Barnholdt, Two-Way Street

Anthony Liccione
“To save face, it's better not to ask sex from the ex, but to give everything the axe.”
Anthony Liccione

Kerrelyn Sparks
“He assaulted the man with a psychic wave. "You are a cockroach." In his inebraited state, Cody had no resistance at all to a vampire mind control. He fell to the floor and scurried around the foyer on all fours. "I am a cockroach" he muttered in a squeaky voice. "Hmm, about time you figured that one out," Fidelia steped back as he brushed against her long skirt.”
Kerrelyn Sparks, The Undead Next Door

Cheryl Strayed
“One ends a romantic relationship while remaining a compassionate friend by being kind above all else. By explaining one’s decision to leave the relationship with love and respect and emotional transparency. By being honest without being brutal. By expressing gratitude for what was given. By taking responsibility for mistakes and attempting to make amends. By acknowledging that one’s decision has caused another human being to suffer. By suffering because of that. By having the guts to stand by one’s partner even while one is leaving. By talking it all the way through and by listening. By honoring what once was. By bearing witness to the undoing and salvaging what one can. By being a friend, even if an actual friendship is impossible. By having good manners. By considering how one might feel if the tables were turned. By going out of one’s way to minimize hurt and humiliation. By trusting that the most compassionate thing of all is to release those we don’t love hard enough or true enough or big enough or right. By believing we are all worthy of hard, true, big, right love. By remembering while letting go.”
Cheryl Strayed, Brave Enough

“All we shared was a mattress, and a lie, and an address
Baby I don't need you, well baby I don't need you
Once occupied by a goddess, now it's a room full of boxes
She said, "it's time to leave you" but baby I don't need you!
In a perfect world... her face would not exist
In a perfect world... a broken heart is fixed”
Billy Talent, Billy Talent II

Heidi Betts
“It made him feel like less of a man. And given how much less of a man he’d felt the past several weeks, that was really saying something. He was surprised someone from the Man Club hadn’t come by to revoke his dick and balls.”
Heidi Betts, Knock Me for a Loop

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Oftentimes someone leaves their partner who is comparable to the sun for someone else who is comparable to a spark.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Colleen Hoover
“I feel like all it takes is one weak, insecure moment in the presence of your ex to convince yourself you made the wrong decision.”
Colleen Hoover, It Starts with Us
tags: ex

Heidi Betts
“The Howard Hughes thing hadn’t actually sounded like such a bad deal until about...oh, eight thirty-five this morning. Something about having his ex carry him to the bathroom and help him wash his balls just took all the fun out of becoming an eccentric recluse.”
Heidi Betts, Knock Me for a Loop

Heidi Betts
“Bad enough that getting turned on when he had nothing more than a bath towel to hide it would make the condition kind of hard to miss, but getting turned on in front of his ex-fiancee was akin to smearing honey on his junk and walking into grizzly territory.”
Heidi Betts, Knock Me for a Loop

Ciara Smyth
“In fact, a whole ex-girlfriend themed ghost train sounded genuinely terrifying. You'd get in and instead of a mummy mannequin covered in toilet roll popping out, it's her and you look down and you're wearing a baggy old jumper with a stain on the front. You turn the corner and you find yourself being forced to scroll through her Instagram and there are replies from a girl with tattoos and she looks exactly like the celebrity your ex fancies most. Right at the end, they play a video on a loop that's just screenshots of all the pathetic texts you sent when you were too heartbroken to have any dignity.”
Ciara Smyth, The Falling in Love Montage
tags: ex, lesbian, wlw

“Next time I'll listen to my heart,
Next time I'll be smart.
Next time, I'll listen to my heart,
Next time, well I'll be smart.

That girl could still be mine,
But I'm tired of the hurt,
I'm tired of trying,
I'm tired of the pain,
I'm tired of trying,
I'm tired of crying.

Next time I'll listen to my heart,
Next time I'll be smart.
Next time, I'll listen to my heart,
Next time, well I'll be smart.”

“Loving her was as if she invaded my home,
because you were the only "home" my heart knew.”
Mireya Rios, Painted Love

“Когда я еще был человеком, который имел право ходить, куда ему заблагорассудится, я часто впадал в сомнение, читая в книгах описание ужаса. Там говорилось, что у жертвы останавливалось сердце, что человек врастал в землю, как столб, что по жилам его пробегала ледяная струя и он обливался потом. Я считал это просто плохим стилем. Теперь я знаю, что все это правда.”
Эрих Мария Ремарк, The Night in Lisbon
tags: ex

“Letting go of your ex is part of a much larger lifelong journey of understanding yourself and making choices consistent with your values.”
Dr. Cortney Warren

Steven Magee
“I wish my cheating ex well and I am glad she is out of my life!”
Steven Magee

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is possible for your ex, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or your husband or wife, to no longer be your type.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Cora Reilly
“Returning to an ex-boyfriend only because one couldn’t be alone or to soothe a broken heart was the worst option.”
Cora Reilly, By Sin I Rise: Part Two

Steven Magee
“My first memories of police corruption were of numerous police stops being made on my car over a relatively short period of time. It turned out that it was the same police officer each time and he was dating my ex!”
Steven Magee

Giulia Reverberi
“Solitamente aspettare funziona, basta solo che lo zombie non mi veda per un po’ e si scorda di me. Esattamente come il mio ex quando stavamo insieme.”
Giulia Reverberi, Zombie Friendly: Ci si vede all'inferno

Steven Magee
“The problem when you continue to communicate with your cheating ex is it brings on negative emotions.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The biggest thing my ex threw at me during an argument was her cell phone. It missed. She needs to work on improving her aim.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My ex was raising my daughter to be gay. She had a lot of gay friends and was dressing her in rainbow clothes.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I see the advantages to being newly single every day!”
Steven Magee

“That person held significance, and it's alright if their memory still lingers. Accepting their absence doesn't diminish the importance of what you shared. Realize that not every chapter is meant to span a lifetime; instead, focus on what you've learned and carry those lessons into the unwritten pages ahead.”
Carson Anekeya

Maki Marukido
“- Je me demande s'il y avait une chance pour moi aussi d'avoir une relation comme ça avec toi.
- Aucune. Parce qu'on se ressemble trop. Tu ne crois pas ?”
Maki Marukido, Pornographer Playback

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