Majority Quotes

Quotes tagged as "majority" Showing 31-60 of 155
“Mob psychology: if the majority laughs, you must laugh too.”
Misba, The High Auction

Joost A.M. Meerloo
“In his important social psychological experiments with students, Asch found out in simple tests that there was a yielding toward an ERRING MAJORITY opinion in more than a third of his test persons, and 75 percent of subjects experimented upon agreed with the majority in varying degrees. In many persons the weight of authority is more important than the quality of the authority.”
Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

Elif Shafak
“Article Two: The overwhelming majority of people never think and those who think never become the overwhelming majority. Choose your side.”
Elif Shafak, The Bastard of Istanbul

“I refuse to share the thoughts of the ordinary. I am the outsider not because they expelled me but because I expelled them! I have rejected the world. I am contra mundum. I have climbed on top of the moon and deflected the earth from its path. I have put out the fires of the sun with just one of my tears.”
Mark Romel, The Mistletoe Murders: A Nietzschean Murder Mystery

“Here is the short version of the Kool-Aid Fallacy: Cult … therefore Jim Jones … therefore mass suicide … therefore Kool-Aid. It’s astonishing how much of social media now revolves around simple word association sequences. Absolutely no thought goes into anything. No one ever delivers an actual argument. If they ever do attempt an argument, their punctuation, spelling, grammar, logic and general education are not up to the task, and soon dissolve into meaningless mush. But usually they just hurry on to the insults and ad hominem attacks, which is the part they love. Before long, the Kool-Aid fallacy is eagerly applied. Every argument should have a Dunning-Kruger quotient associated with it. Most people are 100% on the Dunning-Kruger scale. They imagine themselves geniuses, and geniuses dunces. As ever, they have inverted reality.”
Thomas Stark, Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

“Any scientist that wants to change the prevailing paradigm is automatically branded a heretic, apostate, infidel, blasphemer, maverick or lunatic, exactly as happens with religion. The scientist must break with his peers, and have his job, career and funding placed in extreme jeopardy. How many careerist scientists are up for that? The answer is zero. The result is that scientists go on thinking what the establishment and the funding bodies expect them to think, even though they themselves must, deep down, know they are supporting ludicrous claims that make no sense.”
Thomas Stark, Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A billion foolish people do not form even a single wise person.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“The minute a giver realizes that the majority of people did not need help, they were just taking advantage of their kindness, they stop helping, even in cases where others now require real help, because they end up assuming everyone is an ungrateful taker, based on their experience. It is very important for a giver to learn the art of giving so that they can give well and not be taken advantage of.”

“It’s time to introduce a new fallacy that we have coined the Kool-Aid Fallacy. It goes like this: “You disagree with me and I’m in the majority while you’re in the minority. Therefore you’re a cult. Jim Jones led a cult and all of his followers drank poisoned Kool-Aid. Therefore, you’re a suicide cult and I am entitled to say, ‘Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.’” It’s unbelievable how many times this fallacy appears on social media. It is now so common that we can validly refer to a Kool-Aid version of Godwin’s Law. Any strong-minded minority with ideas that challenge the common herd will automatically be called a cult and then it is inevitable that Kool-Aid will be mentioned. Whenever any troll refers to “drinking the Kool-Aid”, they should immediately be labeled as having committed the Kool-Aid fallacy.”
Thomas Stark, Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

Harper Lee
“Atticus, forse ti sbagli..."
"Come hai detto?"
"Quasi tutti sembrano pensare di aver ragione loro, e che tu, invece, abbia torto..."
"Hanno sicuramente il diritto di pensarlo, come noi abbiamo il dovere di rispettare le loro opinioni", disse Atticus, "ma prima di vivere con gli altri io devo vivere con me stesso. L'unica cosa che non è tenuta a rispettare il volere della maggioranza è la coscienza”
Harper Lee, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird

Olivier Zunz
“Tocqueville charged that Americans lived under the constant threat of a tyranny of the majority - an alternative despotism - that muzzled dissent and killed freedom of opinion in America. He claimed, 'I know of no country where there is in general less independence of mind and true freedom of discussion that in America.' What Tocqueville feared most from equality was a deadening uniformity of thought, which he believed he detected in America. he depicted Americans as victims of a crippling conformity of opinion, justified only in part by the great instability of conditions inherent in a new country, yet aggravated by an extreme case of national pride that made self-criticism unlikely. He complained that one could not even criticize the weather in America.”
Olivier Zunz, The Man Who Understood Democracy: The Life of Alexis de Tocqueville

Ehsan Sehgal
“Such a majority cannot be honourable and fair, which deprives the rights, and prevents the freedom of minorities within its way of the system.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“Don't sell yourself short, young man,' he said sternly. 'These people don't need charisma. They need hard work and the truth- exactly what you've given them. ... Popularity isn't everything. In fact, it isn't anything when you get right down to it. The majority is rarely right.”
Karen Hancock, Arena

“Is the Bible a “source”? Is a commonly accepted scientific fallacy and misinterpretation a “source”? The “sources” once said that the earth was flat, that the earth was at the center of the universe, and that God created the earth as his special project. Why would we take “sources” seriously? All we take seriously are reason, logic, and mathematics. Sources that are in contradiction of these – and nearly all sources are – are worse than useless. What kind of pathetic human being, what kind of intellectual cripple, has to appeal to sources and authorities? Use your reason and logic … then you will end your dependency on “sources”, i.e. authorities.”
Thomas Stark, Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

“The people that change the world are the world-historic figures that make the world believe what they believe about themselves. These people never believe the world. Like Dr. Stockmann, they stand proudly alone”
Thomas Stark, Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

“What is a minority today, will be the majority of tomorrow...”
Hyderabadi Maratha

“There’s plenty of love in the world, but there’s even more hate. In fact, every time love increases, hate increases even more. Love is always directed towards a minority (or even just one person), and therefore indifference or active hate is directed towards the majority. Since love is conferred on the minority and hate on the majority, the growth of hate always outstrips that of love. Our world is now fantastically full of hate, and the more it preaches the rhetoric of “love”, the more the hate grows. The Devil himself couldn’t have constructed any better device than love for spreading hate!”
Joe Dixon, The Intelligence Wars: Logos Versus Mythos

Abhijit Naskar
“A civilized nation never uses terms like majority and minority to refer to people, it's only the uncivilized nation that does so. In people we’ll find salvation.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Shape of A Human: Our America Their America

Ehsan Sehgal
“The majority is the effective and powerful law in a constructive way, or in a destructive way, on this planet.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Criss Jami
“The crowd, or the mob, has always quite enough fighters with a fire to fight alongside the 'underdog', but it fights, or it tries, while lacking the discernment or facts to determine the actual underdog.”
Criss Jami

Norbert Wiener
“Thus on all sides we have a triple constriction of the means of communication: the elimination of the less profitable means in favor of the more profitable; the fact that these means are in the hands of the very limited class of wealthy men, and thus naturally express the opinions of that class; and the further fact that, as one of the chief avenues to political and personal power, they attract above all those ambitious for such power. That system which more than all others should contribute to social homeostasis is thrown directly into the hands of those most concerned in the game of power and money, which we have already seen to be one of the chief anti-homeostatic elements in the community. It is no wonder then that the larger communities, subject to this disruptive influence, contain far less communally available information than the smaller communities, to say nothing of the human elements of which all communities are built up. Like the wolf pack, although let us hope to a lesser extent, the State is stupider than most of its components.
This runs counter to a tendency much voiced among business executives, heads of great laboratories, and the like, to assume that because the community is larger than the individual it is also more intelligent. Some of this opinion is due to no more than a childish delight in the large and the lavish. Some of it is due to a sense of the possibilities of a large organization for good. Not a little of it, however, is nothing more than an eye for the main chance and a lusting after the fleshpots of Egypt.”
Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics: or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine

Steven Magee
“While I have met some of the scum of the USA on my travels, I stay focused on the natural beauty of the USA and the nice people that make up the majority of Americans.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The majority of hurricane Ian deaths were drownings, vehicle crashes, medical emergencies, falls and suicides.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hurricane Ian revealed the majority of Americans affected were not insured!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hurricane Ian revealed the majority of affected Americans were so poor they could not afford to purchase home insurance!”
Steven Magee

“Democracy was never anything but a contingent hodge podge of basis thoughts haphazardly slapped together in the minds of starry-eyed philosophers who infinitely outweighed the value of Mob Man's voice to that of The Genius.”
Lil Low-Cu$$'t, The Swarm

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I have long ago lost any interest in being in the majority. Rather, my sole interest is being with God, which oddly enough places me in the majority anyway.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“The vast majority of war crimes are never prosecuted.”
Steven Magee

Dan Desmarques
“The difference between the child, the teenager, the adult and the old person is very easily demonstrable. When a child doesn't understand something, he asks questions, and if you can explain things well, the child will understand. The teenager can only understand something if he sees it in a book, so he distrusts any explanation. The adult is not interested in understanding anymore but merely accepting, and his concept of truth is ruled by the majority. The old person doesn't trust the majority because he was betrayed too many times, and instead gets fixated on his own thoughts until he dies. One then experiences the death of the mind when he becomes a teenager and the death of the heart when he becomes an adult, and as an old person he finally experiences death to the meaning of life, and when there is nothing more to live for, life itself ends. This is why you must be like a little child if you wish to understand the kingdoms of God. The happiness of the child comes from discovering new things, learning new things, doing new things, and falling in love with everything.”
Dan Desmarques

Steven Magee
“The vast majority of police officers are above the law.”
Steven Magee