Regime Quotes

Quotes tagged as "regime" Showing 1-30 of 33
“His family could not understand the attraction to Marxism. It offered nothing and demanded everything, including your soul.”
Rafael Polo, Growing Up American

“When power becomes the ultimate goal, freedom must be shackled.”
Rafael Polo, Growing Up American

Ludwig von Mises
“Every step which leads from capitalism toward planning is necessarily a step nearer to absolutism and dictatorship.”
Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government

Frank Herbert
“Don't give over all of your critical faculties to people in power, no matter how admirable those people may appear to be. Beneath the hero's facade you will find a human being who makes human mistakes. Enormous problems arise when human mistakes are made on the grand scale available to a superhero. And sometimes you run into another problem. It is demonstrable that power structures tend to attract people who want power for the sake of power and that a significant proportion of such people are imbalanced — in a word, insane.”
Frank Herbert

Stefan Molyneux
“If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very pro-gun; you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small political elite and their minions.”
Stefan Molyneux

Jon   Stewart
“If your regime is not strong enough to handle a joke, then you have no regime.”
Jon Stewart

“Just like freedom, Truth is not cheap. Yet both are worth more than all the gold in the world. But what is freedom, if there is no truth? And what is truth, if there is no freedom? Both are worth fighting for — because one without the other would be hell.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Giorgio Agamben
“As is well known, what characterizes both the Fascist and Nazi regimes is that they allowed the existing constitutions (the Albertine Statute and the Weimar Constitution, respectively) to subsist, and according to a paradigm that has been acutely defined as "dual state" - they placed beside the legal constitution a second structure, often not legally formalized, that could exist alongside the other because of the state of exception.”
Giorgio Agamben, State of Exception

“The only way we can truly liberate ourselves as a nation, is by maintaining the pressure against corrupt regimes, demanding accountability, restitution, retribution & of-course being smarter than them.

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The name of the regime where media is on the side of the government is undoubtedly fascism, a regime of the sick minds where freedoms are drowned in the cold waters of oppressions!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Larken Rose
“Irony: Taking a 170-year-old envy-based "philosophy," which has led to the murder of several hundred million human beings and the oppression of billions more, and calling it "progressive".”
Larken Rose

Angelo M. Codevilla
“Tacit collaboration by millions who
bite their lip is even more essential than lip service by thousands of favor seekers. Hence, to stimulate at least passive cooperation, the party strives to give the impression that “everybody” is already on its side. (The Rise of Political Correctness)”
Angelo Codevilla

“The first thing totalitarian leaders do is make sure their voices are the only ones left.”
Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Here is a tragicomic reality of all the regimes: People work hard to feed their thief politicians, their thief kings and thief queens or their thief presidents! And therefore the tragicomic reality of all the times is this: There can exist no thieves without the support of people!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

مصطفى أمين
“المعارضة العملية لا تسقط نظاماً وإنما الصمت المفروض هو الذي يلد المؤامرات والإنقلابات”
مصطفى أمين, تحيا الديمقراطية

Dean F. Wilson
“In a sea of a thousand mines, the crew of the Lifemaker had to be lucky a thousand times, but in that same sea, the Regime only had to be lucky once.”
Dean F. Wilson, Lifemaker

“With its sign system, totalitarianism tries to imprint its logic on reality, to permanently link it to the real world. Importantly, the assignment of signs and stigmas is usually the first step in the process of destruction.”
Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

“Quinito… mas, para além disso, tu sabes melhor do que eu que, logo que o regime mudou, em noventa e um, foram os camaradas do teu partido os primeiros a mostrarem apetência para os bens materiais ao tomarem de assalto as empresas do Estado, a privatizarem tudo o que pudesse dar lucro, a avidez pelo dinheiro era tão grande que dessa febre de capitalização de bens materiais só escaparam as igrejas e os cemitérios!, dizes tu que é um exagero?, então não é verdade que alguns deles se tornaram famosos quando, para justificarem a roubalheira diziam que o cabrito come onde está amarrado?”
Boaventura Cardoso

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Any regime or any government which motivates its own people to be different than one another is a good regime, is a good government! Encourage people to think differently, to act differently, and to believe in different things, otherwise you create just a herd of animals!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Fernando Pessoa
“Há partidos que, por força numérica ou coesiva ou ambas, conforme os sistemas de governo, são quase continuamente detentores do poder -partidos do governo. Outros há que, pelos motivos opostos, estão quase continuamente fora do poder - partidos de oposição. Os "arranjistas", os que se servem da política para lucro própia, matemial ou moral, convergem naturalmente para os partidos de governo, sem outro princípio que a própria conveniência. Os turbulentos, os revoltados-natos, convergem naturalmente para os partidos de oposição, sem outro principio que o seu oposicionismo temperamental.
Como, porém, os partidos se não formam em torno de conveniências ou de turbulências, pois que estas não tem em si mesmo poder coesivo, segue que estes elementos, por sua natureza discordantes, constituem um perigo, pelo menos latente, para o partido em que estão. [...]”
Fernando Pessoa, Sobre o Fascismo a Ditadura Militar e Salazar

Dean F. Wilson
“As much as he was thankful for the rescue, his pride kind of wished he wasn't. It'd taken twice the beating the Regime guards'd given him, and pride never took a beating well.”
Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker

Dean F. Wilson
“If the Regime had a factory producing Hope, the Resistance had a factory producing the tools of despair.”
Dean F. Wilson, Hopebreaker

Abhijit Naskar
“Replacing one tyrannical paradigm with another is not progress, it's only recurring regress.”
Abhijit Naskar, Revolution Indomable

Steven Magee
“I do not see much difference between the USA government in 2020 and Adolf Hitler’s evil Nazi regime.”
Steven Magee

Azadshah G.C
“The Greatest enemy of the dictator is the nation”
Azadshah Ganjali

Elie Wiesel
“Why had they arrested me?

'Because of a word, perhaps, or a silent grimace,' Razziel Paritus suggested, stroking his beard. 'Or for something your parents were supposed to have done or said. In this country denouncing people is a social duty, a moral imperative, a kind of state religion. It's also possible they arrested you for no reason at all. That your only crime is your innocence.”
Elie Wiesel, The Judges

“Rest time knows no regime.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“Experimentation on humans is the prototypical activity of totalitarianism. It is the ultimate submission of reality to the pseudoscientific ideological fiction.”
Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Milan Kundera
“In February 1948, the Communist leader Klement Gottwald stepped out on the balcony of a Baroque palace in Prague to harangue hundreds of thousands of citizens massed in Old Town Square. That was a great turning point in the history of Bohemia. A fate­ful moment of the kind that occurs only once or twice a millennium.
Gottwald was flanked by his comrades, with Clementis standing close to him. It was snowing and cold, and Gottwald was bareheaded. Bursting with solicitude, Clementis took off his fur hat and set it on Gottwald's head.
The propaganda section made hundreds of thou­sands of copies of the photograph taken on the balcony where Gottwald, in a fur hat and surrounded by his comrades, spoke to the people. On that balcony the history of Communist Bohemia began. Every child knew that photograph, from seeing it on posters and in schoolbooks and museums.
Four years later, Clementis was charged with trea­son and hanged. The propaganda section immediately made him vanish from history and, of course, from all photographs. Ever since, Gottwald has been alone on the balcony. Where Clementis stood, there is only the bare palace wall. Nothing remains of Clementis but the fur hat on Gottwald's head.”
Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

“Freedom lost to any regime, be it communist or liberal, steals the very breath of democracy”
James William Steven Parker

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