Taking Responsibility Quotes

Quotes tagged as "taking-responsibility" Showing 1-19 of 19
“I choose to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not to compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinion of others. I choose to be me.”
Miranda Marrott

Vishwas Chavan
“Admitting a mistake is not a weakness; on the contrary, it shows an openness of your heart. It takes guts to say sorry. Only a strong and well-balanced individual with clarity of mind can do so effortlessly. Taking responsibility for your actions requires and develops your self-control. You become your own person.”
Vishwas Chavan, VishwaSutras: Universal Principles For Living: Inspired by Real-Life Experiences

Cortney S. Warren
“The more we lie to ourselves about how we are contributing to our problems, the more harm we will cause to ourselves and our relationships because we will blame others for undesirable aspects of our lives instead of taking responsibility for our role.”
Cortney S. Warren, Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Psychology of Self-Deception

Rebecca Yarros
“I reach out and trace the dragon relic on his back, my fingers lingering on the raised silver scars, and he stiffens. They're all short, thin lines, too precise to be a whip, no rhyme or reason to their pattern but never intersecting. 'What happened?' I whisper, holding my breath.

'You really don't want to know.' He's tense, but doesn't move away from my touch.

'I do.' They don't look accidental. Someone hurt him deliberately maliciously, and it makes me want to hunt the person down and do the same to them.

His jaw flexes as he looks over his shoulder, and his eyes meet mine. I bite my lip, knowing this moment can go either way. He can shut me out like always or he can actually let me in.

'There's a lot of them,' I murmur, dragging my fingers down his spine.

'A hundred and seven.' He looks away.

The number makes my stomach lurch, and then my hand pauses. A hundred and seven. That's the number Liam mentioned. 'That's how many kids under the age of majority carry the rebellion relic.'


I shift so I can see his face. 'What happened, Xaden?'

He brushes my hair back, and the look that passes is over his face is so close to tender that it makes my heart stutter. 'I saw the opportunity to make a deal,' he says softly. 'And I took it.'

'What kind of deal leaves you with scars like that?'

Conflict rages in his eyes, but then he sighs. 'The kind where I take personal responsibility for the loyalty of the hundred and seven kids the rebellion's leaders left behind, and in return, we're allowed to fight for our lives in the Riders Quadrant instead of being put to death like our parents.' He averts his gaze. 'I chose the chance of death over the certainty.'

The cruelty of the offer and the sacrifice he made to save the others hits like a physical blow. I cradle his cheek and guide his face back to mine. 'So if any of them betray Navarre...' I lift my brows.

'Then my life is forfeit. The scars are a reminder.'

It's why Liam says he owes him everything. 'I'm so sorry that happened to you.' Especially when he wasn't the one who led the rebellion.

He looks at me like he sees into the very depths of who I am. 'You have nothing to apologise for.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Richelle E. Goodrich
“I know you would like to blame the world, but the fact is that life is an 'up to you' thing.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

“Each daily task, is but the future in a mask.”
Ronald Mapamula

Christine Evangelou
“There is no finish-line on the path to soul growth- there is no race, no perfect place to get to where life is easy. We can release judgement and fear-based thinking when we entertain that life is a journey with many pit-stops along the way and we are responsible for finding the beauty at every twist and turn.”
Christine Evangelou, Rocks Into Roses: Life Lessons and Inspiration for Personal Growth

“If you want to change something about yourself, you need to be willing to take full responsibility for yourself. If you are going to hide behind stories and excuses, it won't work!”
Akiroq Brost

“The poodle knows not to mess with the lion, and if it ever does, too bad for the poodle. - On Responsibilities and Consequences.”
Lamine Pearlheart

“Until a child is excited about doing more work and taking responsibility, he doesn't have a growth mindset”
Asuni LadyZeal

Akwasi O. Ofori
“Not only is our humanity prone to self-sabotage, but it also exhibits a certain fickleness in our nature. This inconsistency is also to some extent responsible for our willingness to pass the buck.
Furthermore, it often makes us appear unstable and insecure in our ways. We can be subject to mood swings, oscillating between humility and arrogance; peacefulness and violence; or between happiness and sadness.
This irregularity displayed in our nature is responsible for why we vacillate between actions. It might be in our nature to be good and kind, but we lean towards cruelty and brutality.”
Akwasi O. Ofori, Embrace the Challenge: Turn the Negatives into Positives in Your Life

Billy Childish
“One thing that you can be sure of in this world, is that nobody's responsible. The starving millions? That's someone else's fault - let them eat cake! The H-bomb? They're blown to smithereens? - God must have dropped it! The chocolate vending machine's out of order? It doesn't belong to the publican or his wife, certainly not! Nobody is who it belongs to, and nobody deals with official complaints! It restocks itself, of its own accord, totally self-perpetuating! But somebody's pocketing the non-returnable two bob bits ; if you want to know their names you can go to the devil!”
Billy Childish, My Fault

“Make a resolution today to seize your moment. Get up, get out there and reach for your dreams because no one is going to bring them to you. It's your responsibility to go for it. And you have to do it now.”
Martins C. Amadi

“If you spend the next five years taking responsibility for the challenges or deficiencies in your career, rather than trying to change your employer, the economy, or some politician, you’ll win. You’ll learn more, gain more respect and trust, and stand out from your peers.”
Evan Thomsen, Don’t Chase The Dream Job, Build It: The unconventional guide to inventing your career and getting any job you want

Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu
“Viata pe pamant e ca un torent. Trebuie sa-l traversezi inot pentru a ajunge pe celalalt mal. Grijile de capatai ale omului de pe pamant sunt de a nu fi purtat de torent. De moda. De noutati. Doar animalele moarte, cadavrele, sunt duse de curent. Trebuie sa tii capul sus daca vrei sa inoti bine.”
Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu, Dracula in Carpati

“God's responsibility is to set choices before you and counsel you on what is best for you. But God will not make your choice for you.”
Benjamin Suulola

Abhijit Naskar
“Civilization is not an heirloom that is left to you, civilization is the keepsake that is left by you.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Akwasi O. Ofori
“When we reach the point where we can take responsibility for our actions, we can then say we have come of age. Because if we want to taste success, we must come to a moment of reckoning. Anybody who can reach that threshold can boldly say he is strong.”
Akwasi O. Ofori, Embrace the Challenge: Turn the Negatives into Positives in Your Life

Akwasi O. Ofori
“No more should you fall for that prank that blaming others is the ideal thing to do. Though it might make you feel good to see others blamed instead of you, don’t fall for the illusion that if you accept the truth about yourself others will see through the façade and lower the premium, they put on you.
No such thing should ever tempt you to pass blame on to another person again. If you are ever tempted to do that, look for what is gone amiss in your life so that you can put things right.”
Akwasi O. Ofori, Embrace the Challenge: Turn the Negatives into Positives in Your Life