Andarz Abedini | MD Candidate

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Being Mortal: Med...
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Stephen E. Ambrose
“Were I to describe the blessings I desire in life, I would be happy in a few but faithful friends. Might I choose my talent, it should rather be good than learning. I would consult in the choice of my house, convenience rather than state; and, for my circumstances, desire a moderate but independent fortune. Business enough to secure me from indolence, and leisure enough always to have an hour to spare. I would have no master, and I desire few servants. I would not be led away by ambition, nor perplexed with disputes. I would enjoy the blessings of health but rather be beholden for it to a regular life and an easy mind, than to the school of Hippocrates. As to my passions, since we cannot be wholly divested of them, I would hate only those whose manners rendered them odious, and love only where I knew”
Stephen E. Ambrose, Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West

Matthew Wood
“For Scudder, that which lives senses life. Like Hippocrates, he taught that the study of medicine begins by training the senses to experience life. The human senses are the foundation of medicinal knowledge and they are trained by exposure to life in all its forms.”
Matthew Wood, The Practice of Traditional Western Herbalism: Basic Doctrine, Energetics, and Classification

Neel Burton
“Only from the brain springs our pleasures, our feelings of happiness, laughter, and jokes, our pain, our sorrows and tears ... This same organ makes us mad or confused, inspires us with fear and anxiety... Hippocrates, The Holy Disease”
Neel Burton, The Meaning of Madness

“Tener una vida extraordinaria es simple. No es fácil, pero es simple. Los secretos para alcanzarla existen desde hace cientos de años y han sido aplicados por muchos Titanes a lo largo de la historia: Confucio, Hipócrates, Alejandro Magno, Leonardo Da Vinci, Miguel de Cervantesetc.,”

“Living an extraordinary life is simple. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. Its secrets have been around for hundreds of years and have been applied by Titans throughout history: Confucius, Hippocrates, Alexander the Great, Leonardo Da Vinci, Miguel de Cervantes etc.,”

Maud Newton
“Most ancient thinkers ascribed great influence to the stars. Many also emphasized climate, landscape, diet, and so forth. The Hippocratics taught that these factors affected the balance of four basic fluids, or humors, in the body and that the humors in turn determined the wellness - or sickness - of a person, as well as the kind of child they were likely to have. Hippocrates's son-in-law, Polybus, associates each humor with a season: blood with spring, yellow bile with summer, black bile with fall, and phlegm with winter. He characterizes health as a state in which these humors "are in the correct proportion to each other" and pain and disease as a result of an imbalance.”
Maud Newton, Ancestor Trouble: A Reckoning and a Reconciliation

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