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The Struggle

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A bloody path has been chosen…

The war against the Titans continues, and they remain determined to wreak havoc on the world, but Seth has become something all gods fear. Now the most dangerous, most absolute power no longer resides in those who have been freed from their tombs.

The Great War fought by the few is coming…

All may doubt and fear what Seth has become. All except the one woman who might be his final chance at redemption. Josie will do anything to prove that Seth is on their side, but fate has a nasty way of changing lives, of changing people.

In the end, the sun will fall…

The only way they can save the future and save themselves is by facing the unknown together. It will take more than trust and faith. It will take love and the kind of strength not easily broken. No matter what, their lives will never be the same.

For what the gods have feared has come to pass. The end of the old is here and the beginning of the new has been ushered in…

368 pages, Paperback

First published March 20, 2017

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About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

To email me, please use the below addy.

# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 976 reviews
Profile Image for hillary.
739 reviews1,545 followers
August 28, 2019
If I'm ever going to buy this series in the paperback format, I'll rip the covers and draw them myself. I swear.

DNF page 135 | 27/08/19

The Struggle is me trying to force-feed myself this series.

I’m so disappointed right now I can feel my old Covenant-loving self crying on the inside.

I can’t believe this book. Is this for real? So now not only the characters are still boring and Seth is possessive, but now even the writing is dull? I'm bored and I can’t keep forcing myself to read this thing, I’ll just reread the Covenant again, for f’s sake.

Jennifer is one of my all time favorite authors and it pains me endlessly to say this, but I have to recognize this series (and this book in particular) deserves a 0.
Profile Image for Roobie.
688 reviews89 followers
July 8, 2018
⭐️4 stars⭐️

The kitchen door opened once more and Deacon drew up short. His gray eyes widened as he spotted Apollo.
Gable bumped into him from behind. "Who's that?"

"Nope," Deacon said, turning right back around. "That is all kinds of nope right there."

Main reason I keep reading these books is because I love these people and I get the Covenant series nostalgia feels. And of course because JLA. Seth and Josie are cool and all but they're not Alex and Aiden.
And I NEED more Deacon and more Apollo!
(JLA if you hurt my babies I will be very very angry)

Also, in case I haven't mentioned it before... I want toBURNthat cover.

Profile Image for Alexandra.
1,881 reviews10 followers
March 13, 2017
I received and e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Review can be found on*Milky Way of Books*

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised anymore but after reading yet another book by Jennifer Armentrout, I'm still getting more excited and more needy for the next one!

"The Struggle" is the third book of the Titan series and boy, doesn't it have lots of action and drama! After the events of the second book, Josie and Seth will have more to deal with than the escaped Titans and their murderous attentions.

Did I also mentioned that this book kind of hints a possible "end of the world" scenario? Yup, you can't relax not even for one day if you are part of this story!

But one of the coolest parts of the book was Seth and his maturing. Well, he is is a beloved cocky jerk but as to his feelings and obligations for Josie he is adamant, despite everything that can and will happen between them. Josie, on the other hand, has some serious problems with her power at the beginning of the book, but towards the ending I wish she had never found out what her actual powers are.

(HINT: If you have Apollo for a father, you need to brush up your Greek mythology knowledge)

In the end, this book has yet another cliffhanger, which after everything that has happened, will be a torture to find out. But I will not be afraid; they must survive both of them.
Finally Jennifer Armentrout used one of the Greek words I had offered in her FB group! It's an endearment Seth often uses for Josie! Thank you Jennifer!
Profile Image for Laura.
471 reviews577 followers
June 2, 2017

Untagged spoilers.

So, after not wanting to pick up this book, to”but what if I hate it?”but ending on”maybe this not so bad”…I still don’t know how I feel about it.

It’s not a secret that Jennifer’s last books have let me down immensely to the point where I’m not sure if I should continue reading her work because I just don’t enjoy it anymore. Things could be easily fixed if only she stopped recycling her own characters but that’s her problem, I guess.

With all of that being said, I enjoyed The Struggle. Probably more than what I thought but there are some things I need to address:

1. I was under the impression this was going to be the last book since this was a… trilogy? I don’t know if I was misled or if I was wrong all along but finding out there’s a fourth book didn’t sit well with me.

2. Apart from Josie getting over her jealousy towards Alex, there was no character development for her. This Josie may as well be the same we saw in book one.

3. Ihatewhen there’s a pregnancy involved and suddenly shit’s good. Like, here we have a couple who has spent little time together, have NEVER talked about children, at least one of them has NEVER seen a child as a goal… and the excuse I got for this out of the blue change is”oh, but it’s his baby. It’s our baby. It’s her baby. Because it’s us, everything is different.Uhm, no.

Give me a full on panic couple who, in the end, love each other so much they decide they can become parents butyou just can’t push the I suddenly-love-kids-we’ll-be-amazing-parents button and expect me to buy it.

There were also a lot of things I liked and I appreciate Jennifer for thinking about them. Seth and Aiden finding common ground was one of them.

It’s a good thing Jennifer’s writing style is still that easily-flying-through-the-pages because that’s exactly what this book needed.


I’ll read the next book, hoping it’s the last one, and I need consequences.

Seth can’t go around killing titans.

Apollo needs to redeem himself after how shitty he’s been.

More Alex and Aiden.

Josie needs to level up, man.

I kinda want to re-read The Covenant series now.
Profile Image for Edit~A.
393 reviews26 followers
July 7, 2017
After the power 2017?? 2016 just starteeed!!! Omg i'm going to die here >.<
Profile Image for Cierra.
184 reviews60 followers
March 29, 2017

I love Seth!

And I know he can learn to control his inner God Killer, especially if it means keeping Josie safe


It's way too far away! I'm not sure if I'll survive...
Profile Image for Siobhan ™.
Author108 books9,117 followers
March 30, 2018
Initial Thoughts: EPIC. Loved every single part of this book. Can't believe I read it so fast when I had every intention of savoring it slowly but it was unputdownable. I will never get enough of the Covenant world. Never.

Full Review:

Fair warning - the fangirl in me is out in force right now and this review is going to be cheesy and gushing in the extreme. I'm making no apologies - just letting you know in advance.

Waiting for this book felt like an eternity for me. The Covenant series is my all-time fav series, ever, EVER and I was so excited when Jennifer announced this new spin-off series and it is everything I was hoping it would be and more. I wanted Seth to get his HEA and I was really hoping we would see more of my fav couple, Alex and Aiden, and the other characters I have come to love, and Jen has delivered in spades. My respect and admiration for her are at an all-time high because every book in this series is even better than the last and I am salivating at the prospect of the next book already.

The Power ended explosively and I thought I'd die if I didn't get my hands on this book. Finally, the wait was over and I had every intention of reading this one nice and slow to really appreciate the magnificence. But that is virtually impossible when it comes to this world and these characters (and this author.)

There is not one single thing I would fault about this book, and I'd give it a million stars if I could. I loved it. I loved Seth. I loved Josie. I loved Aiden (especially Aiden. Yum. Yum.) I loved Alex (she's still such a bad ass) and Marcus, Deacon, Luke, Colin etc - I could go on. Told you I'd gush buckets.

The blend of action/adventure and romance was perfect in this one. The snarky, witty banter is there, the sexy times are there, the edge-of-the-seat suspense is there. What I really loved was the character development, especially Seth's progression. And I enjoyed the fact that Aiden and Seth are starting to see eye-to-eye, yes they say they still hate each other but they don't really.

Josie has grown on me since book one and I loved her faith and her loyalty to Seth in this one. I kinda guessed the two big things going on with her but they were still awesome reveals. Seth goes off to do something at the 96% mark and I swear I was legit afraid to read. My heart was in my mouth and I was turning the pages of my Kindle shielding my eyes. Really loved the end, even if the ending wasn't quite as "bam-in your face" as The Power. Doesn't matter - I'm still suffering from the worst book hangover and I'm already on a countdown to the next book.

The writing is superb (as usual) and the pacing is consistent and it was virtually impossible to tear myself away from this masterpiece.

The Struggle = Book Heaven for me, and I am on the verge of tears now because it's over already and I want to slap upself up the head for devouring it so quickly. I have a ton of other books to read for reviews and I can't do it. I just can't let go of this one yet. Think I'll have to re-read it instantly.

Thank you so much, Jennifer, for writing such an amazing spin-off series. Please let it go on and on. I for one will never tire of reading about these characters. I love them all.

This review will appear on my blog on release day -http://myyanabookobsession.

ARC generously provided by the author courtesy of her assistant. I have voluntarily reviewed same and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
Profile Image for Maroua Zaatour (Mirou).
203 reviews109 followers
February 18, 2020
4.5 ⭐

Oh my emotions.. This book is an emotional rollercoaster. This being said, please brace yourselves when reading this book!
Off to book 4. Ugh, I don't want this series to end 😭😭
Profile Image for Cecilia.
321 reviews472 followers
February 28, 2022

Si bien Seth siempre fue mi preferido, desde la saga anterior “Covenant”, merecía este spin off y tener un final feliz.

Esta entrega logrado desplegar emociones contradictorias, desde ansiedad, frustración y felicidad.

La historia continúa desde la decisión tomada por Seth, la que conlleva diversas consecuencias tanto para Josie, Alex y Aiden.

La que se lleva la peor parte es Josie, quien cae secuestrada y debe enfrentarse a sus peores miedos. En cuanto a Seth, descubre nueva información y poderes; ¡y por fin! Llegan buenas noticias a su vida, sintiéndose querido y con un futuro.

Esta entrega se centra, principalmente y nuevamente, en las decisiones que debe tomar Seth, debiendo dejar de lado su impulsividad y egoísmo; intentando proteger a su pareja pero también conservar el equilibrio del mundo.

Y esa profecía final, consigue mantenerte expectante y con la necesidad de leer el desenlace.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,630 reviews426 followers
April 2, 2018

Tenía rato que no me enganchaba tanto con series o sagas pero es que para mi todo lo que tenga paranormal o mitología me trauma me pongo enGrecia freaky mode


La historia comienza justo donde se quedó el libro anterior e inicia con todo sin dar tregua para empezar no sueltan una bomba acerca de Seth y una profecía cumplida que te quedas WTF? No lo puedo creer!!! Esto está pasando? Pero como cuando porque y me gustó a donde lo dirigió JLA Seth convertido en un asesino de Dioses para que al final resultara que es un Dios absoluto de la vida y la muerte y yada yada yada y después Josie siendo secuestrada y torturada por Hiperion aquí ya casi me daba algo y se estaba resultando mejor que el libro anterior peeeero no fue así porque a mitad del libro la trama empieza aflojar Seth se vuelve demasiado blandito, Josie y Él derramaban mucha miel casi al punto de vomitar arcoíris y unicornios, o sea yo soy muy cursi pero aquí me cambiaron mucho a Seth me gusta más él siendo coqueto, caliente y sarcástico si en el siguiente le baja tantito a su miel será perfecto.

Además Apolo sigue siendo un idiota tan bien que me caía en Convenant y sus apariciones junto con la de los otros Dioses son casi inexistente quiero ver más a los otros quiero que salga mi Dios favorito Asheron a no verdad? Digo Hades.
March 15, 2018
The Struggle had me on the edge of my seat, and I thought my emotions would burst out of me! With pages filled to the brim with sacrifice, redemption, forgiveness, friendship and love, I couldn't help but continue to fall madly in love with this series.It was such a huge win! And I loved that the characters constantly pulled at my heart, it made me turn the pages that much faster. So yes, I loved every single thing about The Struggle, and I can't wait to see how it's going to wrap up in the final book!
Doing the right thing had never felt more wrong than it did right then.
Maybe that was how it always felt.
I wouldn’t know.
It was so rare when I actually did the right thing. - Seth

*Cries*Seth continued to break my heart.I hated that he only saw the bad in himself. And every time he hurt others, it weighed so heavily on his shoulders. Sohis emotional anguish easily became mine, and I ached to make it better for him. But there's finally a but in this series, because something happened in The Struggle that was a game changer. And I loved how it all unwound and how Seth took control.And on top of that, Seth had Josie, even when he didn't realize it. She refused to walk away from him. No matter what happened.
Locating the other two demigods was what my father—Apollo—had ordered me to do, but that had fallen way down my priority list, and I didn’t even care. Didn’t give a flying Pegasus about what that said about me, because no one, no one had ever fought for Seth before.
And I would.
I would fight till my dying breath for him. - Josie

I've said it before, but I love Josie! Not only because of her realistic take on this world, but because of how she viewed Seth! I loved her for that!I loved that she was going to fight for Seth! That she planned to prove to him that he deserved love. And that they both deserved to stand side by side in the upcoming battle.But while that may have been her focus and goal, the situation changed. And this became Josie's most emotional book so far.
“Oh my god,” I whispered. “No. No way.”
This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t be
here .Panic unfurled in my chest. My gaze swung around the room as my pulse pounded erratically. Oh god, I couldn’t be here. - Josie

Josie's pain ripped me to shreds. Her suffering was so horrific, that at times it felt like I couldn't breathe and that I was choking on her emotions.There was no escaping the horror in Josie's thoughts and surroundings. So I found myself with so many tears, and I couldn't get them to stop. Even when there was a moment of solidity or bonding, I found myself with tears in my eyes. Again. The pain that came off of Josie, and some of the others, just went straight through my heart.
“Well, maybe you should try to control your murderous impulses,” Aiden suggested. “You never know when the gods might actually be useful.”
Seth snorted as he placed the last of the eggs on a plate. “That is just as likely as you actually being useful.”
One side of Aiden’s lips kicked up. “You know, I think you have a crush on me.”

But this book wasn'tjustabout Seth and Josie.Friendship was such a strong theme, and I was beyond ecstatic that many of our favorites fromThe Covenant Seriescould be found in The Struggle. Alex and Aiden played an even bigger role in this book. And on top of that, we got another favorite character, who made an appearance. Oh my gosh, I screamed when they appeared on the page!So if you lovedThe Covenant Series,then you're going to love seeing this face again, along with all of our other favorites too *smiles hugely*.
"If something happened to you again?” Lighting shot between the clouds, lighting up the sky in brilliant white. “I would burn this fucking world to the ground and then I would destroy Olympus.” - Seth

The Struggle was beyond amazing and that ending, oh, it was breathtaking. I'm so excited to see how the final book is going to play out!I just known that it's going to be beyond epic!!
“The Army of Awesome reunited at last.” Deacon grinned while his brother sighed heavily. “It’s been a long time coming.”

See?!?! Amazing I tell you!!!!

For more of my reviews, please visit:
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Profile Image for Kayla (In Between The pages).
235 reviews16 followers
March 6, 2017
honestly this is the quickest I've read a book in months.

I loved Till Death. but this book drew me in and held my attention like no book has been able to in a really long time.

I absolutly loved getting more of Sethie!!!

this series has been non stop fun and action from the start, and I can't even explain how much I enjoyed reading more of the whole Covenant gang growed up hehe.

Seth is just an absolutely fun character. a huge dick most of the time but fun none the less. he's such a smart butt and sassy as heck. but he's just one of those characters I can't get enough of.

and we've gotten to see such a diffrent side to him in the Titan series vs douche conquer Seth from the Covenant days. he's still corky and sarcastic. maybe even more so during this one at times. but Seth ha shown some of the biggest character growth that I've ever seen.

he's so caring and so passionate. and you can see it in every move he makes during this book. even when he's made the wrong move.... it's out of a need to keep others safe. even from himself.

and Josie... my lord this girl. while she may not be quite the head strong bad-a Alex always is, she is such a. strong and powerful character. she still has this humanity to her that can be so opposite of Seth most of the time. she's the sweet to his salty, and the soft to his hard. but when it comes time my girl can kick some butt.

plus her and Seth and really all the crazy characters that are back are so much fun to read. this group just meshes so well, and the funny little one liners from any number of them (cough cough Deacon and Aidan)

also I need to a add. Apollo is a dick. like a seriosuly huge dick.... I take back him being my favorite Greek god. back to Hades I go *whistles

But Jen threw so many crazy twists and turns into this book. while I definitely had my suspicions during it (spidy powers tingled... a lot!)
there were times even my mad awesome guessing skills hadn't expected something.

and there were times where I was nail bitting waiting to see what would happen and ready to reach in a and smack some Sethie Pooh at times too.

the story just has all that great Titan fun
the action, the suspense, the romance... the Seth *snickers

I seriously cannot wait until this book gets in everyone's hands.... if you're a Seth fan, or even just a Covenant fan. you will love this book.

my only complaint is that there's going to be too.much time between now and when I get my hands on the next one into he series haha

I give, without a doubt (honestly it deserves like 25K) THE STRUGGLE *****5 STARS*****
Profile Image for Jasmine.
485 reviews878 followers
Shelved as 'to-be-continued'
March 29, 2017
THE COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *heart skips a beat*
Profile Image for Beth Hudspeth.
535 reviews313 followers
March 22, 2017
This is the third book in the Titan series, a spin off from the Covenant series. Let me just start out by saying I LOVE Jennifer L. Armentrout as a romance writer, but when she writes fantasy it is out of this world! I would really reccommend starting with the Covenant series. To get the full back story of Seth and the gods you will really need to start there. It is a wonderful series so don't worry, those 5 books will fly by.

As far as this book goes, JLA has outdone herself once again. The queen of cliffhangers has struck once more. It's really not as bad as some in the past, but good Lord it will leave you wanting more. Sethie is just the best character to do a spin off for. His personality is just something you want to read about. Amazing banter between characters, quotable one liners, and classic JLA humor will always bring you back to what you love about her.

If you have an interest in Greek mythology this is definitely for you and I mean, even if you don't it's still awesome. I didn't even know I had an interest in Greek mythology until I picked up the Covenant series and now I'm obsessed. I've found myself knowing answers to off the wall trivia questions about mythology because of this series. It's funny to tell people I learned it through reading fiction, but Armentrout's mythology is quite accurate to what I've researched. Obviously not everything, but it's a plus for me on the accuracy of novels.

The action has really ramped up in this installment if that's even possible. Seth is growing as a character and so is Josie. They are taking on the Titans and have even more to deal with. They are quite the team though.

Armentrout has a wonderful imagination and a great talent for words. I love that she chose this as her career path because she does it so well and entertains us all!
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
April 2, 2018

The Struggle es el tercer libro de la saga Titan ( spin off de Covenant ) escrita por la autora Jennifer L. Armentrout y continua narrando la historia de Josie y Seth.

Hay ocasiones en las que inicias un libro sin ninguna clase de espectativa y termina convirtiendose en uno de tus favoritos, eso me sucedio a mi con esta serie, la empece por pura curiosidad, ya que la saga Covenant me gusto pero no me parecio memorable, nada que ver con estas novelas que me gustan tanto que en cuanto pude deje de lado otros libros que estaba leyendo en ese momento e inicie esta tercera parte.

Esta parte es un poco mas light que las anteriores, se centra mas en la relacion entre Seth y Josie que en la parte mitologica, por esa razon en concreto no le puse las cinco estrellas, eche en falta mas parte mitologica pero en general fue una lectura increible ( como la mayoria de los libros de la autora ): entretenida, agil de leer, con una trama que no decae en ningun momento y con varias escenas divertidas.

Me gusto muchisimo y aunque tenia miedo de que tuviera un final de infarto, fue bastantetranquilo.

4 Estrellas!!
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews179 followers
February 16, 2021
Şu serinin kitaplarına 3⭐️ veriyorsam tamamen Alex&Aiden aşkımdan ve saygımdan😍😍 Bir de yazarın Melez’den dolayı bende kolay kolay bitmeyecek bir kredisi olmasından. Ama bu seriyle o kredilerin epeeeeeey bir kısmını harcadı. Ayağını denk al, Jennifer. Bozuşmayalım🤭🤭
Profile Image for Julia.
517 reviews79 followers
March 5, 2017
*ARC by the author*

OMG this book destroyed me in all the good and bad ways.
At first I struggled a bit to remember what happened in the last book but soon I was up on track and holy daimon babies, it was so epic. Before I knew it, I was done with the book and now I´m scared of the next book.

We have the trade mark insane banter and joking going on which I was so happy to have back. Only Jennifer is able to create such weird dialouges were you end up laughing your guts out even though technically the whole situation is rather serious.
She is also the only one who can make me sit infront of the book saying "oh god, oh god, I don´t wanna read on" cause I know shit´s going to go down and I´m really scared of what it will be.
The storyline had a really good balance between action and figuring stuff out, even though I thought we´d have a bit more action, it was still enough for me.
Also the reading flow is so good that you don´t even realize how long you´ve already read and before you know it you are done.

I´m not going to say much about the storyline so that I don´t spoil anything but lemme tell you the last 20% were mind blowing and I so did not expect it.
I was so happy to have Alex and Aiden so much in this book cause you know baes. And Alex´ insaneness is always a huge plus to have. Moreover I was a huge fan of all the girl bonding Josie and Alex did. Their scenes together were some of my favorite parts of the book.
I was a bit sad not to have more of the gods in the book cause that is always promising a fun and totally insane scene.

Then I have to say I´m a huge fan of Josie. She is such a strong, badass character and she never annoyed me one bit. Plus she isn´t having any of Seth´s attitude and stubbornness and goes toe to toe with him. Also her character development is so greatly written.
Seth also goes through some huge character development and I start to like him more and more even though there are still times where I just want to punch him in the face. But some of his actions and reactions really surprised me in a good way this time.
Also I loved all the Seth and Aiden scenes, their dynamic is just so much fun and it was awesome seeing how they actually started to bond but still roast eachother.

All in all it was a magnificent third book that kept me on my toes and guessing. Plus I know really want the next book even though I fear it so much at the same time.
Profile Image for Avy ❄️.
306 reviews67 followers
Want to read
June 26, 2017
That cover and title

But then I see that the release date isn't until March 2017

Profile Image for Angelica Juarez Gonzalez.
313 reviews77 followers
May 21, 2017
Lo que me gusto:

•Que hubo menos Hércules que la entrega anterior (una y contada), es un personaje que odio y no soporto.
•Que di con acertada mi teoría. No fue la teoría en si lo que me gusto.
•Unrotundo a más Alex y Aiden.
•Seth, yo te amo
•Que Drew siga siendo el modelo de las portadas.

Lo que no me gusto:

•¿Cuántas veces van a seguir con el cuento del Seth que fue malo, tomo e hizo malas decisiones en el pasado? ¿Ah, Alex? ¿Apolo? ¡Quiero que entiendan que es otro! Además, ¡Otra saga de la que hablamos! Uff
•Lo obtuso que Apolo puede llegar a ser con su hija.
•El parecido en narración (frases), personajes y escenas con sus otras sagas. Pure crap.
•La ridícula, excesiva u obstinante baja autoestima de Josie. Parece increíble cómo puede degradarse así. Ya van tres libros Jen, bájale,por favor.

¿Qué pasó, Jen? Hasta ahora el control de natalidad había funcionado con tus protagonistas.
Ops, spoiler. Sorry.

Justo en estos momentos no sésitener una sonrisa de superioridad por haber acertado en mis teoríasoestar triste(¿enojada?)por lo predecible que se torna la historia.
Como hace meses vengo diciendo (y parece que nadie me presta atención)…

Aquí van mis teorías:

A 5 meses de su publicación.

1. Me imagino a Seth terminando por ser un Titan (? Quizás.
2. O tal vez Josie queda embarazada después de esa última relación sexual sin protección y de la unión de una semidiós y El apollyon (Dios asesino) nace un Titan.
3. Por algo el título de la trilogía.

Esta bien, es penoso andar pendiente de la vida sexual de otro.

[image error]
Profile Image for ♡Julalicious Book Paradise♡.
1,040 reviews70 followers
March 29, 2017
Original review onJulalicious Book Paradise

If you haven't readThe ReturnorThe Power,you better stop reading this now or you might get some spoilers from the previous books.

Following the previous events fromThe Power,Seth has left the group to protect them, or to protect Josie at least. He has yet to understand all the powers that come with being the God Killer and he doesn’t want to harm her more than he has. Heading to the only place far enough from her, he will end up learning a lot more about who he has become.

Seth’s character is probably the character that goes through the most changes in this book. He has become something he has yet to understand the extent of its power and he’s struggling a lot with the guilt of what he has done in the past. The last one isn’t new as we have been following Seth since book one and we know this issue isn’t going to solve itself easily, but it’s such a huge part of who he has become. Even if people forgave him, he had yet to reach that kind of level towards himself.

Josie’s character is going to go through a lot in this book too, both physically and mentally. Searching for Seth will end up being a lot more to handle that she probably first anticipated. An old enemy is back and he wants revenge. I will say that I really love Josie because she is genuinely a good person. She wants to protect and help the people she care about, yes, but she’s willing to risk herself to save others too. She’s always been mature, but the way she handles each situation in this book has made me love her more. The best example is that she is open to accept so much from Seth because she knows that he has so much good in him. She knows who he was and she knows who he is and she isn’t willing to give up on him. Doesn’t mean she has forgotten; it just means she knows that not everything is black and white and that he deserves a chance.

Josie and Seth are both pretty much in a learning curve versus their powers, their love and their future. It isn’t easy with Seth being protective of her and Josie wanting to prove herself and show she can take care of herself. It isn’t easy as the book progress for them to find a compromise to their problems, but they are trying their best.

The Gods as always are always cryptic and have a tendency to keep information to themselves when it could be useful to our little group, but I guess that sometimes Gods just forget that they have to trust the people they asked to save the world.

I was also glad to be reunited again with Alex, Aiden, Deacon and Luke. They are such loyal friends and I feel like Alex and Josie have become even closer in this book and I was really happy about that.

Overall, Jennifer has once again brought us through a rollercoaster of events that will leave you breathless. The ending is not actually a cliff-hanger, but it will leave you begging for the next book to see where the final book in the series will lead our heroes.

I was giving an advanced copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
Profile Image for Pat Marín.
Author5 books381 followers
June 14, 2019
4,5 por el enganche. Lo que escribe esta autora para mí es adictivo total, siempre. Todo. Y este spin-off de Covenant me está encantando. Jodie y Seth pasan por muchas cosas en esta tercera parte y tal y como acaba les faltan muchas más 😱. Deseando poder terminarla. Pronto reseña completa enlanarradora
Profile Image for AJ.
3,098 reviews1,037 followers
March 10, 2017
4.5 “Oh my gods”stars

Book #3 in the Titan series, this book is full of the action, humour, romance and paranormal awesomeness that I love so much about this series. It’s a fast-paced, exciting ride with moments that made my heart ache and some pretty big shocks, but it’s mostly a whole lot of fun, and I absolutely loved it!

This book continues Seth and Josie’s story as they continue their quest to track down the remainder of the unknown demi-gods (who have no idea of who they really are), so that they can band together to take down the evil titans. There’s pretty much nothing more I can say about the story that won’t be a spoiler for this book, or the earlier books in the series, so I’ll keep this review vague - but make sure you’ve read the previous books, because the series is one continuous story and this one seems to be a turning point which some big twists and reveals, and it’s one exciting ride!

“What the gods have feared has come to pass. The end of the old is here and the beginning of the new has been ushered in.”

If you don’t remember what went down in the final few chapters of the last book (The Power), I suggest a reread, because this one picks up immediately after all of that action and dives straight into a whole heap of new-but-related action, and I was sucked right back into the excitement of the world

Both Seth and Josie have intense individual storylines in this book, and there are some massive changes for them which have a huge impact on the overall story. I loved watching the way they handle all that they go through, and the resulting changes. It’s quite dark in places, but JLA has a sensationally sarcastic sense of humour that she has written into her characters, and it provides a great balance for the intensity of the story.

“Zombies are all fun and games until they’re standing right in front of you.”

There are ups and downs, terror and torment, but there are also some epic ass-kicking moments, laugh-out-loud banter and inner monologue, and a gorgeous, gorgeous romance which was sweet, sexy and all kinds of swoony.

Seth and Josie are turning into quite the powerhouse couple. They have issues they need to deal with, and I’ve got to hand it to Josie, because the strength she shows in both standing up for herself, and being there for Seth was fantastic to see.

Loving him meant that I knew from the first moment that I fell for Seth that he was complicated – that loving him wouldn’t be easy. Loving him…Well, it meant that I was willing to fight for him.

But most of all, I love how they are growing and changing together, and I love their commitment to each other as they stand together to face everything that is coming their way.

“I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together, Josie… If there is anything in this world, there is us.”

With the story taking place in the Covenant/Titan series world, there are lots of fantastic cameos, and I particularly loved that we got to see so much of Alex and Aiden. Deacon is a hilarious highlight as always, and there are some surprise appearances and new characters that I really enjoyed.

I loved this book. It was everything I was hoping it would be, and is a real game changer. I’m so excited to see where the series goes from here.

4.5 stars!

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Tate ♡ .
383 reviews51 followers
June 10, 2018
No se que pensar es decir esperaba más de Jen... Pero estuvo bien.
Me hubiese encantado otro final más demoledor jaja pero bueno. Veamos que pasa con el siguiente libro.
Por cierto...
Cada que pienso que Seth a madurado más repentinamente retrocede dos pasos y cada que pienso que la historia tiene algunas tramas ocultas me encuentro con que es simple y ya. No me disgusta pero esperaba más de Jen por el tipo de saga que fue covenant....
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,893 reviews316 followers
August 13, 2019
I remember when I started reading this book for the first time and I thought it was supposed to be a trilogy, I'm sure you can imagine my confusion when I hit the halfway point and you could just tell it wasn't going to end soon. But then I got super happy when I realized it would be continuing.

Book three of the Titans continues with the group trying to track down more demigods in order to entomb the Titans. And you can say it's not going so well. But of course those obstacles are what makes these books great. I love how Armentrout blends multiple characters together in scenes and it all feels natural. It's hard to write group scenes but it's just done so effortlessly here. And with all of my favorite people.

But again, I have to say that Alex and Aiden's reactions to Seth are getting old really fast. No matter what he does, they don't see change or growth. They are the first to put him down and not trust him. It makes me think less and less of them every time they're on the page. It drives me nuts. Thank gods Deacon and Luke are there as well. Deacon is a shining light who just makes everything better.

And Seth...the best part of the books. His love for Josie is amazing and unyielding and the two of them together...I cannot wait to see how this ends although I'm very scared to see where this goes.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,697 reviews212 followers
December 31, 2017
The Strugglewas a struggle to read. It could just be me but it was so slow and boring. I definitely expected another epic or at least an okay book, especially after the first two - but yeah, uh, no. I didn't like this book at all. If this whole series could just forget that this book existed then I would be okay with that.

I didn't care about any of the characters. Sorry Seth? It's like he went back to his annoying ways from theThe Covenant Seriesand at that point I was just like "whatever, you do you."

I feel really bad because I feel like I'm in the minority of this book. I guess I just read a different book than everyone else? Or maybe I was beyond moody, needed coffee, or needed wine?!? I have no idea. I'll definitely try to reread this book, and series, sometime in the new year and hopefully I'll have a different opinion onThe Struggle.
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