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Book 8.5 in the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling Keeper of the Lost Cities series delivers what fans of the series have been begging for! Told in an exciting new way, the saga continues with plenty of huge reveals and shocking new twists—plus a complete series guide with beautiful color and black-and-white illustrations and other awesome bonuses!

In this extra special installment of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, the story picks up right fromLegacy’s particularly devastating cliffhanger. But chapters alternate between Sophie and Keefe’s perspectives to give readers deeper insights into both beloved characters. New powers will be discovered. Hard truths from the past will come to light. And all of your favorite characters will find themselves tested in ways they never imagined.

And that's not all!

Unlockedalsoincludes a comprehensive guide to the world of the Lost Cities, featuring new character and world details that have never been revealed before—plus fun bonuses like Keeper-themed recipes, a detailed map of the Lost Cities, gorgeous full-color illustrations, and so much more!

764 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 17, 2020

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About the author

Shannon Messenger

Hi! I'm the NYT and USA today bestselling author of the KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES series and the SKY FALL series! And yes, I DO accept friend requests here--BUT! Please note: I *never* check my private messages here, so if you send me one, you won't get a reply. My real contact information is on my website: shannonmessenger


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,822 reviews
Profile Image for Mariam.
280 reviews109 followers
December 26, 2021
call me a fake fan, but i'm getting really tired of how far shannon messenger is drawing out this series. i've been here since the very beginning, and i love the characters more than words can express, but for gods sake, can we just have the finale? despite it all, yes, i'll be reading this book, but as a reader who has been rooting for sophitz...it's more than likely i'll be reading with a heavy heart.

tbh wasn't as bad as i thought, though i think the fact that 80% of the book is bonus content is a little excessive. the novella itself dragged on as most of the newer kotlc books seem to do, but the last few chapters were genuinely interesting. sophie's character seems to be taking on a drastic turn which i look forward to seeing in the next book. dex's newfound relevance warms my heart and the chapters spent on his relationship with keefe were refreshing; i hope it will continue on to book 9. all in all, it was surprisingly good. i still think two of the major flaws in these books are the immature writing (i.e. "Blondie," "Hunkyhair," ) and the recycled plot, and they were especially noticeable due to the shortness of the novella.
Profile Image for Layla.
376 reviews432 followers
September 17, 2021
~1.5 stars~

I think it's obvious, due to the fact that I've stuck with the series this long, that I enjoy it for the most part. Exile is one of my favorite books. But this book was horrendously bad.

a comprehensive list of everything I disliked:

• The guide just consisted of repeated information that we already knew. I didn't gain any further knowledge of the elvin world. It just reiterated a bunch of stuff. And it didn't even condense it to make it more digestible. That portion was immensely boring. My brain checked out after 5 pages of that nonsense. I'm still surprised that I was able to complete it. If I wanted to read a textbook, I would do so, but that's not what I'm here for.

• It was additionally too lengthy if you ask me. There is no reason the guide should be 500 pages long. The whole registry file took up like 200 pages, and included a bunch of, in my opinion, boring information. For example, Keefe's detention records and Sophie's healing center records. I couldn't care less about that stuff. Each character should have had 2-5 pages max based on how big their role in the book was. I skimmed through half of this, (and even sometimes entirely skipped over sections). All I felt was pure boredom. I don't hate myself so much that I would suffer word to word of this book. 200-300 pages MAXIMUM is how long I think a book guide/companion should have be.

• I also found that the way they are written is so immature and weird. The registry is supposed to be the equivalent of government documents? I really don't mean to nitpick. Obviously I am not the target age audience of this book, but that's hardly an excuse. I genuinely do like reading middle grade because of how fun, frivolous, and refreshing they can be, so I want to make it clear that I am not some snobby reader that looks down upon books that have a younger age demographic or written to appease to younger age groups. But it simply makes no sense that government files read as if they are written by a 5th grader.

• Now onto to novella. It was around 200+ pages and according to the author, you HAVE TO read it in order to read the next book in the series. That defeats the whole purpose of a.5 book. Novellas and these types of companions aren't supposed to be a mandated read, but rather extra content for fans that want to read them? So....I'm confused on why it's written in a way that you must read it to understand book 9. A 0.5 book shouldn't be a crucial part of the main plotline. Why couldn't the novella have been a compilation of short stories and in between scenes? Maybe a holiday special? Something like that, I don't know.

• oH wOw AnOtHeR sTuPiD cLiFfHaNgEr, ToTAlLy DiDn'T SeE tHAt CoMinG. But for real, the novella was enjoyable enough, but also kind of useless. I feel like we got nowhere other than seeing what Keefe's new ability can do, some irrelevent background information, and the whole dead end quest of opening the cache. We are back at start. We just made a full circle. The same recycled formula was used for the novella's plot. And the romance once again seemed to hold too much prominence. I'm staring to despise all these ships.

• If I hear the words "Mommy Dearest" one more time, I'm going to loose it. I felt physical pain everytime those words were uttered.

Okay, that's a wrap on all my incoherent thoughts. I didn't like this book, I respect the opinions of those who did, but I do wish I could say that I had a better experience with this book than I did.
Profile Image for Isabella.
8 reviews2 followers
June 15, 2020
Don't read this unless u have read Flashback

AHHHHH I can't wait for this to come out!!!!!! And it's going to have Keefe's POV!!!!! I really hope there is a lot of Sokeefe. And if Fitz acts like a butt to Sophie again I'm going to reach through the book and slap him. Keefe please, PLEASE, confess to Sophie in this book! And Sophie you better not forgive Fitz for breaking up with you just because your unmatchable! Team Foster-Keefe for da win!!!!
Profile Image for Spriya.
204 reviews30 followers
February 24, 2021
I don't even know what to make of this series anymore.
When I was younger, I was absolutely obsessed. With the last three releases...not so much.

I'm just so incredibly sick of this nonsense.
This is getting WAY too redundant- the plot, the descriptions, the everything.

Shannon Messenger needs to end this series. It's becoming awfully apparent that she's exhausting her list of plot devices, so she's resorting back to the initial cycle of epiphany-->fight--> loss--> regroup.

Oh, and I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but frankly, I couldn't care less.
I am so sick of Keefe and his endless moping.
I was Sokeefe and am still Sokeefe, but the last few installments have been diverting focus from the actual story, and shifting towards romance. This is an obvious reaction to the pressure her fans have been placing on her in terms of the ships.

I don't really care about the ships anymore, I just think the series needs to wrap up soon before the quality deteriorates any more. Y'all finna hate me for this, but I'm too disappointed to care.

Ladies and gentlemen- this is the moment where I have declared myself an un-fan of this series.

As for the "guide" part, it was fine, no complaints, I didn't really care for it.

The artwork was absolutely stunning.

But other than that?

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Profile Image for Mora.
740 reviews28 followers
August 4, 2022
--4 August 2022
I got a whole bunch of likes on this review before the book published bc I was one of the first and I just rambled about how excited I was. So when I finished reading the actual book for the first time, I felt I had to give a brief, calm, and reasonable review to maintain that quality of thought since it's one of the higher reviews on the page now.

However I have since decided: screw that! So let's talk about Sophie's character development:D

I mention Sophie's character development at a few points in myLegacyessayreviewand how her growth in confidence really came through. I loved her how it felt like finally an overcoming of her uncertainty from all the prior books - but I also love howUnlockedshows it’s not the crux of her arc (like it sort of felt like, since she was finally coming into her power and owning it instead of being afraid of it) and instead opens a new space for character development.

Now Sophie has to work through what’s "good" confidence and what’s overconfidence and deal with the many repercussions of her new more proactive and independent actions. She also has to deal with the way this new independent way of doing things and her deviation from what the others’ plans are (ie talking and planning forever and ever; solely working on the defensive) puts her at odds with her friends and allies. Sophie’s whole stance for this entire series is “I don’t work alone” and there have been some lovely places where she defends that stance and some development moments where she learns what working as a team truly means. But previously, she and her friends were always on the same page, even if they were against the plans or wishes of the Black Swan or the Council or their parents. And now Sophie has done things they don't agree with - and more than that, she made those choices (unlike, for example, Tam, who was threatened and blackmailed) and doesn't believe they're the wrong choices to make (unlike Keefe, who generally comes to regret most of his reckless decisions that put him at odds with the rest of the crew).

And while Sophie's newfound confidence feels like a long time coming (again, it kind of felt in Legacy like the culmination of what seven books have been working towards), it also comes with new challenges she'd never had to think about before because she hadn't been at a place where she was able to - or needed to - consider they were things she'd have to face.

--9 Dec 2020
I am a simple person: I get newKeepercontent, I put off all my responsibilities so I can absorb it immediately.

I'm impressed how much Shannon Messenger managed to fit into one novella, both in terms of information and moving the plot forward - almost as much as we get in a normal installment (or at least have been getting the past few).

I loved Keefe's POV more than anything else, as well as his registry file, and I thought the field guide was a neat way of summarizing the important information from the past books without having to go through and reread all eight 700+ page installments and try to work through all the twisting details again (which I have done and likely will do again, but currently don't have the time for lol)

I do appreciate how the Shannon Messenger's publishers literally let her do anything she wants that publishing normally wouldn't do (ie this book 8.5 that doesn't directly continue as a normal book and is full of unique and different stuff but is still like an actual necessary installment in the saga bc it picks up where book 8 left off, like what?? closest I can think of to that isSightwitchand that doesn't even directly continue the saga but is more of a prequel about different/side characters)

THAT SAID boy am I excited (and also confused about what the heck is going on) (but also EXCITED)
Profile Image for dirtyhands (Taylor's Version).
179 reviews139 followers
June 22, 2022
well, that went as expected.
the two reasons i read this book for were-
1) keefe and keefe pov
and 2) keefe confession
both of these were disappointing.

i love keefe.
i have a strong emotional attachment to him, and he’s the only one in that series that acts human. my heart constantly aches for keefe, he’s really dealt with the most out of everyone there.

with his childhood emotional and verbal abuse, his mother betraying him, his mother constantly harming him and his friends, keefe just trying to help everyone but ends up hurting them, the one person he loves is obvious as hell and “loves” his bsf, his bsf being emotionally absuive, keefes internal struggle of knowing his worth and thinking everyone’s better off with himrunning way etc. so i came to see how he’s doin and his new powers. except well we rarely see his powers bc keefe doesn’t want to hurt people(WHICH IS IN CHARACTER SO IM CONFLICTED) but- Shannon built up that whole cliff hanger in legacy and we DIDNT SEE HIM WAKE UP. AND WE RARELY GET TO SEE HIS NEW POWERS, NO QUESTIONS SURROUNDING THEM ARE SOLVED, WE DO NOT GET TO SEE THE EXTENT OF THEM, ETCKANDKAMSKDJ
i’ve been waiting for keefes pov for a while and guess what, he rarely talks and he doesn’t talk to sophie in person so we don’t get his thoughts on that either. and one of the strongest of reasons i read this was forthe confessionthat took 8.5 books, and surprise surprise, we don’t get that either. in keefes letter at the end of the book we get
“you mean a lot to me, foster. more than you’ll ever know”
um thanks shannon. you could really take lessons from some of the kindergartners i’ve seen confess their eternal love to each other.

shannon has really hit a wall with her character development of keefe.she’s added so much trauma to create depth and now it seems as if that’s the only way she can keep him relevant and “grow” his character. so not only is keefe reduced to her writing and awful dialogue that does not compare to his actual character, but she now is continuously shoving keefe into horrible experiences and reusing all her “depth” and angst tactics. this woman has used the whole running away thing bc I’m Just a Burden 3 times.3 times.and the fact that she is further elongating this wreck of a series,she is going to wear keefe down to the bone.she is going to stretch his character so far, he will only become either completely destroyed or still the Brooding Character.IF ONLY HIS CHARACTER WAS IN THE HANDS OF A CAPABLE WRITER I TRUST.

sophie and dumb lines-
really not gonna get into it much- go read my other review for legacy, but ofc i hate sophie.
she’s dumb, still acts 12, is now very over confident and acts like “adults are dumb🙄😡🤪”
even now when we’ve made some progress when she’s finally getting some balls and taking actions against the neverseen, everyone disagrees with her

now for dumb lines:

“the lost cities were her home now- and she wouldn’t ever want to leave them. but sometimes she felt... disconnected.”

we get it,, you’re not like the other girls🥱

“this is a different level of danger,” oralie insisted. “you’ve never dealt with a forgotten secret before.”
“uh, i’m pretty sure i have,” sophie argued.

REALLY16/17 YR OLDSOPHIE “uh, i’m pretty sure i have” oamdbamndkdndkdkdkd i hate myself why am i reading this.

when sophie was thinking about the hopelessness in keefes eyes or whatever and she goes:

“which was a really weird- really pointless- thing to be thinking about when she should be trying to figure yoit what lady gisela was planning-"

this is why we don���t like you, when it’s pointless drama with fitz you’ll drop anything to think and deal with it. but it’s when it’s your bsf, who’s abusive mom just experimented on him and is feeling incredibly lonely, you decide it’s“weird and pointless”to think or talk about it.

while sophie’s brooding, edaline brings her food-
“sophie stared at the neatly arranged slices, which were such a dark purple, they looked like they would stain her teeth.”
who- what- what does it staining your teeth have to do with ANYTHING you were thinking about??

“a few years ago, she might’ve cringed at the idea of carrying weapons. but she wasn’t that girl anymore.”
ok are we supposed to clap? when you’re in danger you should be able to carry weapons. it’s just basic survival??

plot and writing-
i absolutely hate shannon messenger for lowering keefe to her writing and dialogue. it flows like my middle school short story except less amateur and blue vibes (for some reason?) and more IMMATURE NEON VOMIT.

“he definitely wasn’t going to let his mind go /there/- because there was no way /that/ was possible. none. less than none. negative infinity!”

i hate the way she elongates her words like a childdd and doesn’t just like “‘right,’ he drew out” or some crap
“‘truuuuuuuuuue.’ dex figeted with the piece of circuitry- “

“she sighed. ‘riiiiiight’ we’re back go the whole ‘not talking”

“aaaaaaaaaand here we are again.”


plot is stupid.
we don’t learn anything new.
we crack oralie’s forgotten secret and learn nothing.
we see keefes new powers and learn nothing.
we visit glimmer and learn nothing.
we actually find a neverseen storage room and get the catches, but guess what- we learn nothing.

shocking isnt it, ladies and gentlemen.looking back, i find this SO IRONIC considering the title is literally"Unlocked"because absolutely nothing gets unlocked, no new knowlege aquired, no problems solved, so secrects brought to light, etc

i love howat least three of the characters verbally acknowledgethat we don’t ever learn anything or win anything- keefe, glimmer, and ro. so shannon knows what’s up, but doesn’t do anything to fix it. thanks shannon. just thinking about this from an authors perspective, all of these quotes and bits of dialogue bringing this issue up has to pass through shannon, editors, and publishers and yet, no one cared to point out how dumb that was? to publically state that you know this is one of your books' greatest flaws and you dont do ANYTHING to fix it in your new novel(la). i think thats pretty hilarious and embarrassing.

fitz has mellowed a bit, but he also wasn’t really in it.
and he still“curls his fingers”and easily gets mad. here’s a line where keefe is quite literallyloosing his freaking mindafter numbing everyone and sophie is trying to help him:
“‘ugh, are you guys done with your mental conversation yet?’ fitz interrupted.”i hate him
another reason why sophitz is horribly problematic:even when fitz and Sophiearen’t togethershe still feels the need to explain why she spends time with keefe to fitz? like miss ma’am you don’t owe him anything??
fitz says she and him talk lot and she goes-“‘no we don’t,’ sophie argued, not sure why her voice had gotten so high pitched. ‘seriously, we don’t’”
sophie has been unconsciously conditioned to be afraid to be alone with any other guy bc fitz will throw a tantrum.

the world building is awfu.-
i mean, ive already talked about the issues with the economy in my review of Legacy (click here)
the councilors are petty and fight about who’s better and more needed:
“alina tilted her chin up. ‘i suppose that’s not a terrible idea. but i think he should receive some lessons from me, as well. my ability has some overlaps that should be considered.’”how is ur whole country run on these petty, over privileged, snobby elves?

glimmer is right on the whole“you guys literally always lose, why should i be on your side?”i’m abt ready to cheer on the neverseen
keefe needs a break, him running away, especially to earth is gonna cause his so much pain and suffering.
i like ro, but she’s gotten significantly more annoying.
elwin gets a pass, he’s chill.

and the plot, and all the other characters can go to hell. cheers🧃thank you for listening, gents🎩
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for maddi.
147 reviews33 followers
August 15, 2022
the fact that i started reading this series when I was 13 and I won't finish reading it until I'm 18...

2022 edit: shannon announced more books in the series so now I'll be 20 when the last book comes out 🤨🤨
Profile Image for BrooKe.
169 reviews37 followers
November 28, 2020
2.3/5 | I feel like the novella and the book deserve different ratings.

The novella was a solid 3.5 because it was all about Keefe now that he is single-handedly carrying the entire series. It’s the rest of the book that I have issues with.

The best part ofUnlockedfor sure HAS to be the Iggy colouring page! Or the pages usefully detailing each and every characters’ first line! Or the descriptions of Team Valiant’s fucking outfits! Let’s be real, though: the quiz that lets me know whether I should adopt a murcat or a gorgodon is for sure the coolest!

WhenShannon Messengersaid on her Instagram that this book would be full of exclusive extra features, I didn’t think there’d beTHISmuch of it.I don’t understand why 70% of this 700 page book had to be about stuff every fan already knows?I don’t think it’s been so long sinceLegacythat I need a fact file about every single character and a textbook of pre-established world building to catch me up.

Since the novella is literally tiny, let’s talk about the other 500+ pages of this book.

I’ll just quote Keefe:

The highlight of the first 300 pages was:
”Black clothes are my life.” -Tam Song

And maybe Keefe’s detention records.

All the art is generally really pretty. It always has been. If only the artist had remotely as pretty a personality.



That was underwhelming.

I get that there needed to be some events that couldn’t be conveyed through Sophie’s point of view, but I wish more had been done with Keefe’s perspective? All that turmoil just for him to run away again? I just feel like we’ve been here before.

Grady sees him with a cobalt blue crystal which means Keefe’s gone to hide in the Forbidden Cities somewhere, and thatisan interesting development, no doubt, but that will only pay off in Book 9. It doesn’t really affectUnlocked,and the reasoning behind it is also kind of weak. What reasoning does Keefe have for leaving the Lost Cities? All he keeps saying is ‘I have to go’ which, in light of the fact that all these physicians, technopaths and mentors are willing to get his power under control, what could he possibly achieve alone in a Forbidden City that would be more effective? I get that he’s scared shitless and not thinking straight, but I feel like he should know better by now? Unless he has something up his sleeve that I’m overlooking...

Until I know for sure, this just seems like unnecessary drama shoehorned in to prolong the series. Hasn’t Keefe figured out by now that the best place he could be is by Sophie’s side?I feel like we’re going in circles,that we’ve just gottenNeverseen2.0, but a watered down version.

I won’t lie. Keefe’s awakening, a moment thatshouldhave been monumental ,was disappointing. That it happened so quickly andoff-screen,that we didn’t explore his mental evolution while he was in the coma at all... The set up inLegacyprevented the novella from beingbad(in my opinion), but my grievances with it stem from the fact thatit could have beenso much better.

I also can’t bring myself to care that much about everything that happened in Sophie’s POV. Like, okay, ithappened—she listened to an ex-Neverseen member and burned down a hideout full of critical plans like a bloody idiot in the interest of looking threatening. Yay! And what now? Sophie learned a valuable lesson to not be reckless?

I feel like we could have just condensed the Keefe chapters into another one of his short stories like the ones inNightfallandFlashback(both of which are amazing) and then stuck the Sophie POV into the beginning of Book 9.

However,Keefe’s power is really intriguing! Very mysterious, very scary. Like, what the fuckISit? I really like the ambiguity that still surrounds it! It’s like a mutant Beguiler-Descryer-Mesmer-Empath-Polyglot thing. How do all these powers fit together? We learn so many crazy new things about his ability as we went and I’m thinking that’s mental and amazing, but where does it all converge? What do they all have in common? How does Gisela plan to use it?

Well, if there’s anything I learned from the first 500 pages of the textbook, specifically in Keefe’s art commentary, it’s that Keefe will always come back for Sophie... which is what makes Keefe’s departure that much more redundant.

I swear I’m not merely a Keefe fangirl, but I genuinely feel like he was the only notable character in this novella and had the only remotely interesting character interactions. Therefore, let’s alter the following title a bit:


”He wasn’t ready to feel optimistic—not when his throat hurt from the words he’d choked back, and his stomach hurt from all the failed medicines, and his head hurt from the constant emotional overload, and his heart hurt worse than anything.”

I lovedLegacy,but this really does give meFlashbackvibes. Namely, the quality of consistently reminding me that I’m only really reading this book for Keefe. I’m really happy I love him so much, but at this point I really wish I loved more than just him.

But I did like that we saw so many other sides to his character, and on a much deeper level, too. Up until now we have gotten subtle instances of his discomfort, but he was always able to mask it. In his perspective, despite his best efforts, he cannot hide it from the readers, and I found that super interesting.

We see his thought process as he goes through denial, his deflection mechanism (humour), him finally confronting the sick reality of his situation, and when confronted with these major developments, he’s terrified. He just stops talking and, for someone like Keefe who hardly ever shuts the fuck up, that’s so scary to me as someone who has seen him smile and joke through his turmoil since he was fourteen.

We also get to see a little bit of Keefe’s selfish side. Boy’s been through too much like,fuck,let him be a little selfish. For instance, when he says he’d never wish for two people special to him to be going through a rough patch, but that he��s not exactlysadthat Sophitz didn’t work out. It’s nice to have someone to relate to on that note.:P

"You are?” a new voice interrupted.
A beautiful voice.
Keefe’s favourite voice—even when it was all squeaky with worry.”

Keefe’s blatant crush on Sophie is awesome. We finally get some outright romance instead of Sophie’s ambiguous thoughts.


It’s good to see Sophie blatantly longing for Keefe for once, even if it STILL isn’t romantically. I kind of wish Sophie would recognise how much Keefe loves her already, and that she’d realise just how much he sacrifices for her. And, you know,maybe realise that she’s clearly into him as well?Yes, she longs for his company in this novella, but it’s so brief it makes me wonder... Dare I say it?Does Sophie even deserve Keefe at this point?

I feel dirty for saying that. Don’t get me wrong: I am devoted to SoKeefe and have been sinceExile,but if Sophie doesn’t start reciprocating at leastsomefeelings soon then, I don’t know... I wish it’d be a little less one-sided. I can only wait so long for some kind of relationship progress (you’d think 8 books would be plenty of time).

Keefe not knowing how to handle everyone worrying over him because he was starved for affection for the first thirteen years of his life is killing me. Dex, Elwin, Kesler, Ro—all going out of their way to help him cope. As much as I fucking adore Sokeefe more than almost anything else in this universe, it’s so gratifying to see others care so dearly about him.

"...as the rest of him collapsed into Ro, clinging to her as hard as he could.
“Uh, I’m not much of a hugger,” Ro warned.
But she also twisted Keefe’s head so it rested on her shoulder, away from the spikes on her armour. And mixed with her surprise and awkwardness was a tangle of anger and concern so tightly woven together that they felt almost solid.


This newfound Dex-Keefe friendship is precious, Fitz and Keefe also had some solid interactions (howalien!) and Ro consistently referring to Keefe as ‘my boy’ and Elwin practically adopting himHURT ME.

Also, I don’t remember Glimmer being such a boring brat. Maybe my memory’s rusty, but I thought she was kind of cool in Book 8?

ALSO,does Biana have a thing for Tam or not? Because last book she was literally holding hands with Dex. I swear to god if this is going to be another damn love triangle...


Whatever, it’s a novella. Those have a reputation for being crap anyway, right? And this wasn’t even crap—just kind of a let down (especially considering the wait foractual contentturned out to be two years instead of one. It’s that deception that annoys me).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for SARAH.
142 reviews173 followers
November 25, 2023
22% | slug to read through, no redeeming qualities

6,000+ pages later and farther from a finale than ever. shannon, stay away from cliffhangers and romance, it's for the better. am i being mean, sure, but this book is no different to the others AT ALL, fitz is still unlikable, keefe contributes barely anything, sophie is in her hunger games era, and the rest of the characters are nonexistent.

if i'm going to be honest, yes, i skipped the first 500 or so pages of the book because they were literally just filled with boring information or things i already knew. it's absolutely ridiculous that shannon continues dragging out the series. at this point every time she publishes another book, it's hard to remember anything from the past books. i can't tell whether shannon doesn't understand the blatant pleas for a book nine finale or doesn't care.

what about the great gulon incident? please tell me this will be addressed, i am, frankly, tired of hearing about it. it's like that one inside joke someone keeps repeating but never explains 😑 if you;re not going to explain it, shut up about it.

can you imagine my utter surprise when there was a cliffhanger at the end? shocker, nobody saw it coming 🙄. i was going to try and word it nicely, but i can't, so here: the cliffhangers are so badly written, it's like shannon decided "hmmm, i'll just end the book here for fun because i don't want to write anymore and just love when readers have to wait".\

the books are getting lackluster and the jokes aren't funny. shannon messenger has just gotten too focused on the (bad) romance that the book's plot is lacking a lot, in my opinion, of course.

me at the cliffhangers:

*aggressive poker face*
*pretends to be shocked*

moving on, if you ship sokeefe, prepare to be disappointed, this coming from someone who liked keefe (past tense). he is practically silent for the vast majority of the book and then at the very end, does perhaps one of the stupidest things i've seen any character able to do.

as for sophie, she does not deserve ella. sophie is practically exactly the same, except tries to be more Katniss Everdeen™. spoiler alert: she fails terribly. ✨🧚🏼‍♀‍ShE's So QuIrkY aNd CoOl🤪✨that's definitely not because of her bajillion powers and speshul brown eyes. oh and she's now the leader of TeAm VaLiAnT hehe. isn't she supposed to be fifteen or sixteen?

Sadly, there’s no cure for teenage angst, Elwin told her.

can this book get more corny?

the only characters i liked were glimmer (my bestie) and tam (my second bestie). they're probably one of the only redeeming things about his book. no, i am not just saying that because glimmer likes cats. i'm not even going to talk about the other irrelevant characters, including but not limited to, biana, dex, linh, wylie, and mr. forkle.

i do though, unfortunately, remember dex's siblings, oh, and fitzy. TeAl. TeAl. TeAl. TeAl. which, not to start world war iii, is the epitome of annoying characters. if anyone ever wants to torture me, it's with fitzroy. i have nightmares about his 'wonderboy' face and oh so perfect teal eyes.


“If you break my cat statue, I’m going to be super mad!” Glimmer shouted after them

this is the energy we need.

honestly, if book nine isn't the end to the series, i won't read the rest because it has been way too long of sophie and her 'squad' thinking they accomplished something, but end up being defeated (no surprise there bc the foreshadowing is truly immaculate).

linkto my blog
Profile Image for stu .
130 reviews367 followers
March 16, 2021
2.5 Stars

Unlocked,book 8.5 in the seriesKeeper of the Lost Cities,I read it because, I lovedKeeper of the Lost Citiesall the books, except this one, I didn't really enjoy this as much as I'd like to have.


The Plot,for the first 500 pages, THERE WAS NO PLOT!, it was all information about the stuff in the book, WHICH I DIDN'T ENJOY AT ALL! But otherwise it started interesting-ish, and something happened and more, and Blah, blah, blah.

The Characters

In this book she seemed more stubborn, like at the end when she blew up one of the Neverseen's hideout's somehow, that probably wasn't the best idea, but still, thought I'd mention it....

I love Keefe, but he just wasn't himself in this book, he seemed kinda insecure, I mean I get why, but still KEEFE, YOU GOTTA JOKE, IT'S YOU!

There are more character, but somehow, I kinda feel like these two were the most mentioned in the book. Also I REALLY, REALLY HOPE THAT REX IS NOT TALENTLESS, THAT'D JUST BE SAD!!

Why I rated the book 2.5 Stars?
I was gonna give this book a lower rating, but I it wasn't thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bad, The novella part was good, plus, I really liked that there were pictures of people especially Wylie's Family, I REALLY LIKE IT!, IT WAS SO SWEET!

Overall,This was not how I expected the book to be like, but it was thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bad, either, just could've been better.
Profile Image for Calypso ♡.
62 reviews46 followers
March 25, 2021
The book isn't even out and almost everyone is giving it 5 stars so I am just going to join

will you come to my funeral XD

XD whelp I finished this at 2:30 A.M. and I feel great
Good book!!!
Imma take a nap now...
Profile Image for Line.
23 reviews1 follower
November 29, 2020
Keefe is coming out of his coma, it’s a simple fact. Can’t wait till it comes out, thank you, Shannon Messenger! For not torturing us into waiting until 2021 for book 9 on THAT cliffhanger!

EDIT: I finished this a day ago, last year when I finished Legacy I called my friend at 11 o’clock at night crying, and this time I wanted to chuck the series at the author’s head and was screaming in angry elvish for about 10 minutes. Over all I liked the extra stuff, but I felt like the story part should have just been left in the 9th book, ESPECIALLY WITH THAT HORRIBLE CLIFFHANGER LIKE WHAT THE DOODLES?! *insert slew of angry elvish* anyway I loved the artwork in the book and I’m currently making some Mallowmelt cookies (why is it that every time someone says “mallowmelt” my brains like “MALO MART!!” and puts the Malo Matt themesong on loop in my head?) anyway I’d probably give this book 3 stars, I loved all the extra stuff (and the map was so cool!!) but just 3 because I felt like the story part was unnecessary. Anyway Alassëa Dae Sanwë (I HOPEFULLY said “Happy Shadow Thoughts” in elvish, I’m not sure)

EDIT: Just had two of the Malo Mar-*ahem* Mallowmelt cookies and OH MY DOODLES, adding another star just for those delicious cookies. Little fact though, adding a little bit of salt before eating the cookies makes it even better! I had to stop myself from eating 3
Profile Image for elena ✧˖°.
269 reviews68 followers
November 27, 2021
I liked this book so much more than I was expecting. I didn’t have high expectations, mostly because Nightfall, Flashback, and Legacy were all so draggy and all had the same plot line. That being said, Shannon Messenger told the novella part of this in such a way that I think was incredibly essential to the story.

I loved that half of it was told from Keefe’s POV, because it helped me gain greater insight into his head, which was a really good thing with all the changed that happened at the end of Legacy. It was also a great thing that it was quite short, because she was able to do some big stuff without dragging out over 800+ pages.

As for the series guide part...I loved this much, much more than I was expecting, and it had a lot more info than I would have imagined. It included:

- all of the main character’s registry files (including Sophie’s complete medical file and Keefe’s complete detention record)!

- information about all the locations on the map in the front of the book

- absolutely stunning portraits (Sandor and Grizel, Bo and Ro, Flori and Call’s Panakes, the Council, the Foster family, the Endal family, the Song family, Elwin and Livvy, and the Collective)

- information about the Lost Cities’ culture (including but not limited to, food and drink, abilities/skills, gadgets, and fashion)

- all of Sophie’s notes on both the Black Swan and the Neverseen

- information on all of the Intelligent Species

- activities (quizzes, Iggy coloring page, and recipes)

- Keefe’s memories and his commentary on them. (Keefe’s memories and his commentary had to be my favorite part [perfect for Team Foster-Keefe fans!])

Also, the cliffhanger at the end was by far the most evil of them all....almost makes me hate Shannon but then I remember everything she has done for us and then realize that I really can’t hate her...but the cliffhanger was awful. No joke, I cried the first SIX times I read it!

Another year is just too long to wait! I will preorder the next installment so fast, SM won’t know what hit her! So highly recommended!❤️

Also...can I just point out that this is the most highly rated Keeper book! *squeals*
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Troy_Reads.
96 reviews105 followers
January 3, 2021
Although I think that the series guide would work best as a separate book (so it could be optional for readers to buy), the content inside enveloped me in the true beauty of the Elvin world and all the work Shannon has put in to build this story. I loved reading though the guide and all the information we have learned throughout the series, along with some fun activities and art! Some parts were less entertaining than others, however, and I felt like Shannon gave away too much of her future plans for the series through subtle hints and 'redactions' in some files. As for the novella section of this book, Shannon Messenger is continuing to open up plot points which does make it harder for her to end the series. But, I did feel a definitive shift in the series from Sophie and her actions towards the ending so I am very excited to continue on. The new powers and settings and adventures in this really did truly feel satisfying for me, although a bit more action would have leveled up my rating. Keefe's perspective was a bit strange, and his reaction to some of the problems in this book were not realistic, but overall I would honestly like to continue his perspective throughout the next one so I am sad to see it end. I also thought that this was one of her best cliffhangers so I am highly anticipating the next one!!
Profile Image for Tessa Herondale~Carstairs.
209 reviews229 followers
November 22, 2020
4.5 stars

Who's with me to go storm Shannon's house?

Sign-ups down below.

Date: Christmas Day, it'll be a nice present for her for breaking our hearts
Profile Image for sureena.
694 reviews37 followers
December 9, 2020
alternating chapters from keefe and sophie's POV? Yes please.

Post-Reading: @^%#*#^@%@%

(3.5* STARS)
Profile Image for Madison.
320 reviews
November 27, 2020
Oh my god, I never thought I'd wish that a 0-star rating could count on a KEEPER book, but here. I. Am. This was so bad. So, so,sobad.

Besides the fact that this was a blatant cash grab, it was a textbook. This book is 745 pages long but 500 of those pages are repeated information that a fan of the series already would know. Why would one read this book? Well, if you've never read the first 8 books in the series JUST BUY THIS ONE and you'll be good! It tells you in great-length all that has previously happened. The first 500 pages are the definition of TELL instead of SHOW.

How about that novella? Yeah, talk about pointless. The author explained that this book was titled "Unlocked" because a lot of secrets were so-called unlocked, but that isn't even the biggest lie of this entire book because THE AUTHOR NOTE BEFORE THE NOVELLA LITERALLY SAYS:

"And don't worry, this novella may be a little shorter than the Keeper books usually are, but it's packed with huge revelations!"Now Shannon must've been high (or just got knocked in the head really, really hard) when she wrote that sentence because I'm telling you right now that that's a big FAT lie.

THE GROUP LITERALLY FINDS OUT NOTHING; THE READER'S LITERALLY FIND OUT NOTHING; THIS BOOK IS LITERALLY NOTHING BUT A WASTE OF SOMEONE'S HARD EARNED CASH. Here, if you don't mind a little spoilerly section (and trust me, you shouldn't buy this book) then let me share everything that happens in those "important, must-read" 200 pages.

1) We get Oralie's forgotten memory, and what was it? Did it actually give answers? NO! Why would it? Instead, it mentions two new words that we - the readers - have never heard of and instead adds to Oralie and Kenric's love story. DISAPPOINTMENT.
2) Keefe wakes up and finds out that he can LITERALLY freeze people, he can make them stop, or sleep or dowhateverhe wants them to do. Cool power, but it isn't explored because Keefe is scared to death that he'll harm people when he's already seen that he can bring them back with a snap of his fingers (figuratively). And at the end of the novella, you literally see Keefe use it on Ro WITH CONTROL. So, him being scared of it? WASTE.
3) Two out of the three Dizznee triplets have powers, Keefe can now tell who is talented or talentless, and what one's powers will be.
4) Sophie burns down a Neverseen hideout... and then starts a war (was a war not already happening?)
5) Keefe changes Iggie's fur color (just cuz) and then leave's Sophie a note and FLEES TELLING HER TO NEVER SPEAK TO HIM AGAIN.

WHAT THE HELL. LIKE, SERIOUSLY. I actually liked Fitz in this book. And I disliked-to-hated him in the previous books, MORE THAN THE NEVERSEEN. We got to see a little bit of a darker Sophie side, and if she just started murdering people in Book 9, I wouldn't be opposed.

And yeah, that's it. Everything "important" that happens in the book, 4-freaking-bullet-points. NOW TELL ME WHERE THE "HUGE REVELATIONS" ARE? PLEASE! BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THEM AT ALL.

Sadly, no matter how much I (and others have started) to wish, that Book 9 be the final - seeing how Messenger just keeps replaying the SAME plot points over, and over again - it's going to be near impossible to actually make it the final book. There are simple to many unanswered questions that this series holds and unless Shannon's going to start each chapter of B9 off with a question and then proceed to answer it, it ain't gonna happen.

I don't think it would be to hard to believe that Shannon herself has forgotten all of the question's she needs to answer. LIKE I "M SORRY, BUT SHANNON NEVER EXPLAINED WHAT HAPPENED TO GRADY AFTER SOPHIE ENHANCED HIM IN NIGHTFALL EVEN THOUGH GRADY SAID HE'D EXPLAIN IT TO SOPHIE, or did he and I just missed it because of how much it was a throw-a-way explanation?

Would someone be a doll and write an entire list of unanswered questions down and then shoot an email to Shannon with that list attached? (Kidding, but like come on Shannon).

I could rant about this book for a long time, I haven't even touched the WASTE OF MONEY THIS BOOK WAS BECAUSE SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!! But it's Thanksgiving, and I need to go cook with my momma. But if there is one thing I'm grateful for today, it'd be the fact that I finished this book.

Granny's Rating: 3, because of the photos, and she was disappointed in the ending
Profile Image for Samantha Carter.
297 reviews
April 18, 2022
First and foremost, I would like to state that this was a buddy-read with the wonderfulAvery.Secondly, similarly to the format of this book, I will also be splitting this spoiler-free review into two:


This guide was such a pleasure to read! It was especially helpful in catching up the reader on the events of the previous books, especially if said reader was too lazy to re-read all 8 of the other books before diving into this one (me. reader is me). It went over all of the information readers know about the Lost Cities from the previous books, and it wasn't boring to review. The writing style was very engaging. Also, some new potential discoveries were unearthed and hinted at. Though I do wish (even though this might not entirely fit into the Guide) that the Guide covered some topics about the Lost Cities that are still obsucre, such as the correspondence between the humans and the elves. But again, this is more a personal preference than anything else.

The world of the Lost Cities is excellently developed, and I will go down fighting that. Truly, the development is stunning, and the entire world/concept is so fascinating to read about.

I think the guide was terrific. It did exactly what it needed to in quite the entertaining and engaging manner.


This novella was superior to its predecessors in the series in many, many ways. First of all, stuff actually happened. The novella moved forward constantly, but not at a super alarming rate. Lots of things happened, and even though it was under 300 pages, it felt like I was reading it forever (which is a good thing!).

I think the format totally worked. I really appreciated seeing into Keefe's perspective, as it propelled the story forward in an excellent and fresh way. Keefe's perspective really was true to his character. Though it was frustrating because of all the denial and pain that he has and goes through, it really puts into perspective exactly what he's going through that the other books just weren't able to capture.

The writing style for this one also seemed to have advanced quite a bit. Obviously, this novella, being (supposedly) the second-to-last part of the series, was a huge turning point for the series. And the writing style truly matched it. It wasn't as upbeat and fun as the last few installments (though still had the occasional chuckle), but through the writing, you could definitely tell that everything in the Lost Cities was quickly changing, and that the characters and events were maturing. The novella, to be honest, was pretty depressing, because it seemed all "doom and gloom". But for what was going on in it, I think it was an excellent tone to set. Shannon's writing is really growing into something remarkable. I'm really curious to see how Book 9 is going to wrap everything up! There's a lot of loose ends still in the series, but not too many to where I can see a rushed ending. I think that Shannon will be able to truly ace this.

Another thing that I noticed that was a little different than the other books in the series was that in this installment, there were a lot of really interesting and, quite frankly, deep, themes explored. I'm curious to see where Shannon takes them. She really scratched on some interesting ideas, and I hope that later they become more fleshed out.

I LOVED the fact that we got to see so many more minor characters. Especially seeing their interactions with the main characters were so fun (I missed Tiergan! And Biana! And Dex! And oh my gods the development for Elwin!! He's so sweet!). Though Sophie and Keefe were pushed to the forefront, almost every character in this novella was developed in some kind of way. I also liked seeing the new residences of the Lost Cities (and Tiergan's especially just proved how right I was about his character being the "cool dad" ).

The exploration of certain character's relationships were really interesting, too. I especially loved seeing more of Kenric and Oralie's relationship. This fleshed out Kenric a whole lot more (without the pressure of him having people watching him as this political figure) and it truly made my heart ache for him and Oralie. They deserved a happy ending. (Though, Kenric always has had an air of suspicion to me... anyone else??)

The character decisions and motivations were changed in this, book, too. A lot of realizations were made. And I loved every one of them. It's so exciting seeing these characters come into their true power (well, most of them at least... *sobs*... Keefe). There is one particular scene in this that I won't divulge in due to this being spoiler-free, but when Sophie goes somewhere with Glimmer and Tam? Yeah that whole scene gave me CHILLS. So excellent. Though I don't necessarily agree with her decision, I thought it was epic all the same. What a game-changer.

All in all, this novella was definitely a worthy addition to the Keeper series and I think it was well-worth the money. Just like Shannon promised, there were so many new elements introduced and many breakthroughs. However, there was a whole lot more questions raised than answered, but I find that's just in the nature of the series at this point. Regardless, I'm really excited to see where the series goes next. In fact, I think this might be one of the best installments yet.Legacyhas NOTHING onUnlocked.

Oof and here I thought I would have just enough room on my bookshelf for book 9. Bold of me to assume I would 😆

Overall, though, I’m really excited for this addition to the KotLC series, especially since we’ll get an insight into Keefe’s perspective.

akshgdkashdfwkhfdg THIS COVER IS SO GORGEOUS OMGOSH I'M ACTUALLY IN LOVE!!! SILVENY!! SOPHIE!! THE LOST CITIES IN THE BACKGROUND!!! EVERYTHING LOOKS SO GORGEOUS!!!! I was expecting something much different, butoh goshI don't even care bcuz this is the most stunning cover I think I have ever seen:DDD
Profile Image for ellie.
293 reviews
December 5, 2020
Final review (12/5/20):
Rating: 4 stars

So...I feel like I need to rate the guide book and the novella separately:
Guide book - 4 stars

So this was pretty cool but like...I knew all of it already? It's sort of like a review of the whole series. I didn't mind it, but I ended up skipping some stuff.

Highlights of the Guide book:
- bramble/base quest rules by fitz
- middle names (bar keefe's)
- art of a lot of characters we've never seen before
- keefe's art commentary

Rating: 4.5 stars (pls do NOT read the spoilers if you haven't read/finished the book - they will literally spoil the whole plot lol)

Wow...just...wow. I...totally wanted to be emotionally wrecked for the rest of the year. Gosh. Thanks, Shannon.

This was by far the saddest book in the series -and just...the whole deal with the end.

I felt like a lot of the characters weren't acting like themselves, though, especially Sophie and Keefe. It might've been bc it kept saying Sophie "talked softly" and I feel like never does that lol but it was from Keefe's POV so idk - but it was refreshing to see Keefe blatantly thinking about and crushing on Sophie, as opposed to Sophie's usual obliviousness. Glimmer also seemed nothing like the character she was in Flashback/Legacy, but I liked how Dex was there a lot. (Also, Ro calling Keefe "my boy" is just so cute lol I love their dynamic)

The plot was just...weird, I guess? Like it was pretty much nonexistent on Sophie's end until the last three chapters if I remember right and Keefe's was just...idk it just didn't *feel* like Keeper. It was nice, though, to have the gang actually DO something, and Sophie is getting stronger - I both like that and am a bit scared lol

I know loads of people are saying they think the series should end bc the plot’s just getting recycled but...I think I would read them if Shannon made twenty lol these books are like so addicting and I don’t rly read for the plot anyway the characters are what I’m here for lol

The ending...was too similar to Neverseen's, and was quite possibly even worse.

I'm gonna reread this for the next year and possibly start rereading the series again soon...though I think reading about them when they were smol and innocent and not emotionally traumatized will make me rly sad:(

Initial thoughts (August 2020): Switching between Sophie and Keefe? DO I SMELL A CERTAIN SHIP BY THE NAME OF SOKEEFE BEING MADE???

to those of you who are saying it was made a long time ago: yes lol I know I’ve shipped it since exile

I just mean I think it’s going to become canon and they’re gonna start dating

Update (11/16/20):
One more day!!! here are my ships - good luck to them all! *fingers crossed*

Dexiana (though I don’t mind Tiana)
Fitz ends up on the council lol

Update #2 (11/17/20 - release day!):
Uhhh elwin is a GOD
Also whoever was in charge of writing about Sophie in the registry reads like an overzealous fan it’s hilarious

Update #3 (11/28/20):
So I just gotta say, I LOVE that Shannon let everyone "contribute" to the book - like:

Sophie: Notes on Black Swan/Neverseen and Unmapped stars locations
Fitz: Bramble and Base Quest Rules
Biana: Lost Cities fashion guide ( "Style File" )
Keefe: Art of his memories with commentary
Linh/Tam: Exilium experiences

But I started the novella and wooooo it just has some very non-Keeper vibes to it? everyone feels a little out of character (especially Keefe) and something's just off about Sophie? idk
Profile Image for The Bookwyrm.
39 reviews21 followers
December 2, 2020
I’m editing this review because I finally had the chance to read Unlocked.

I definitely have mixed feelings about it. While the novella was about as good as KOTLC gets, and it at least tried to finally change the repetitiveness.

If you haven’t read the book yet, just know that 70% of it is filler and the other 30% is satisfying, albeit drawn-out—story. Also, heavy spoilers ahead, obviously.

If you’re wondering why I rated it four stars, here’s the breakdown:

-It’s a new KOTLC book and hasn’t proven itself to be bad—5 stars

-2/3 of the book is filler—2 stars

-Some of the filler is kind of interesting and *kind of* clarifies a couple world-building issues I was wondering about. Also the art and Keefes sections are pretty cool—3 stars

-The story in general finally at least tries to fix the repetitiveness of books 5-8, and mostly succeeds—4 stars

-It didn’t even reveal what was in the caches, or really anything else that it was supposed to. It also didn’t resolve the love triangle or confirm the Great Gulon Incident—3.25 stars

-Keefe’s ability manifesting was actually pretty compelling, although him leaving didn’t make sense, and I don’t think it’s necessary. However, it’s clear that Shannon’s going somewhere with this, so I’ll let her go with it. Also, it sets up the final book relatively well—3.5 stars

As you can tell, it’s far from a perfect book, but the short amount of story we had was probably some of the best in the second half in the story. I’ll go over the “Series Guide” first, and then the novella.

Series Guide Review:

If the Unlocked series guide had been separate from the main series and released after book 9 like the Percy Jackson field guide, or JK Rowling’s Hogwarts Library books—and also included more pictures, even if they were sketches—I would have rated it much higher. Because the deal is, we don’t need a series guide. We haven’t even gotten the last book yet. And we sure as hecking frick (this is a children’s book review) don’t need a 600 PAGE SERIES GUIDE! I’m not joking, the guide gets so ridiculously repetitive, most of it is hardly worth reading. I mean, I’m sure sometime in the next year I’ll read it when I’m annoyed at the release date again, but....
don’t read it before the novella. And once you finish that, I’d encourage reading the authors notes at the beginning of each section, the art and commentary, and whatever else seems interesting from the Table of Contents.

Anyway, I would give the series guide a 2.5/5 star rating.

Novella Review:

The thing I liked about the Unlocked novella is that it’s kind of the Part 2 of admitting and trying to fix the mistakes that started happening in books 4 and 5. Legacy acknowledged that the same thing was happening basically every time, and that the Neverseen’s plans are still unknown, so right off the bat we were given their (unavoidably corny) motive: world domination. The climax set up what will surely be a key development in the final book. However, I still think that all this is happening way too late, but I digress. (Just imagine, though, what KOTLC would be like if it developed like Rangers Apprentice and introduced a new Big Bad and story arc every two books. This universe has so much squandered potential.)

Anyway, I thought this second part of trying to fix previous mistakes...mostly worked. I think it was satisfying for a storehouse to be burned, and it finally explained the stuff found in Nightfall. I think one of the series’ most chilling moments was when hundreds of Neverseen cloaks were found in the storehouse—an definite hint of things to come. So I guess that means it’ll be Sophie & Co. vs Gisela, Vespera, New Recruits, and Possibly Fintan in Book nine.
This is also a good spot as any to mention that I’m not sure where Shannon’s going with Glimmer, but I hope there’s a good reason.

I also thought that making Sophie the Moonlark was an interesting decision. I’m of two minds about it—first of all, *very* original to have a teenage girl lead a rebellion and have her sign be a type of bird exclusive to this world—wonder where that came from?
But then again, there are some key differences—the government has no part in this conflict, and it’s rebel organization vs rebel organization. Each group has their own philosophy—something I wish had been explored more—and wants basically the same thing, with different ways to do it.
And on the other hand, it’s about time that Sophie took on some responsibility as the face of the rebellion. And the “this means war” was another chilling statement, although I’d have guessed that happened when the Neverseen LITERALLY TRIED TO KILL AN ENTIRE RACE OF PLANT PEOPLE. And it’s also kind of strange that none of the wise Black Swan leaders never considered any offensive strategies. Still, it set up the final book well, so that’s lit, I guess.

I have one more thing to say before I move on to the second aspect of the novella.

I think the way that this series can be saved is more moral ambiguity. Just imagine this—Tam actually joins the Neverseen because he agrees with their philosophy and radical methods more than the corrupt elvin government.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,808 reviews4,087 followers
June 11, 2023
First off, let us all be very impressed with my self-control for the fact alone that I read this book in complete 1-764 page order. I didn’t skip around to the bonus section that picks up right after the eight book. Be impressed—or call me a fool for not getting to the part I really wanted to read, either way is fine. 😉

Seeing the bit of art and illustrations that were in this book, I can see why Sophie has commented throughout the series about all the elves being good looking. They all looked like Barbie and Ken dolls (looking at you Alden) and it was kind of funny in that way. Barbie meets AI, maybe, would be the best way to put it?

There’s a lot of sections of this book, including some parts that frankly I didn’t need to be reminded of because I’ve been binging this series and was quite literallyjustthere with some of the events recapped, but I can see that this would have been good to read as the series was being published and the long stretches between the books releasing.

There’s a certain character that I wouldloveto hog tie at the end of the novella. Not that I know how to hog tie, but I would be willing to learn. This author is quite mean with her cliffhangers, I must say.

Main Content
Recapping literally everything and every event from the prior books (most written in a blunt-so-that-happened kind of way); More sass and eye rolling from Sophie to adults; A mention of Keefe giving Ro a“less-than-friendly gesture”.
Profile Image for a foray in fantasy.
291 reviews322 followers
December 23, 2020
The first half of the book was boring and repetitive. It deserved two stars. However, the novella was fantastic and deserved five stars. So, averaging the two gives a total 3.5 star rating.
Profile Image for tappkalina.
678 reviews513 followers
December 11, 2022
200 pages could have been easily cut, but there were parts that helped me remember what happened in previous books, so it was worth the read for that at least.

I also think you can't go into book 9 without reading the novella at the end of this one first. Skip the rest, just go for the novella. It is really important and angsty and we've finally got Keefe's pov!
Profile Image for Summer.
81 reviews2 followers
Want to read
July 8, 2020
Profile Image for Ashley.
701 reviews64 followers
December 10, 2020
That...was not what I was expecting. I definitely cheated & peeked at other's reviews which I think (no, I know) biased my opinion a bit going into the book. I already knew more than half of the book was going to be like an Information 101 guide on everything Keeper of the Lost Cities, but I was still dissapointed on how little of the book was actually the story, you know?

I had placed a hold on the book at my local library expecting to have to wait weeks, maybe a month or so before I could get my hands on the book. But while I was picking up Words of Radiance today, they gave me Unlocked because it was available for me. I remember telling myself to wait to read Unlocked so I wouldn't have such a long, agonizing wait until the next book came out. & yet I did the exact opposite. I finished it a few hours today (yes, I completely skimmed everything else okay I am not a patient person). Yes, I'm definitely a little mad at myself right now.

So, everyone knows Unlocked alternates between Sophie & Keefe's POV. Which is something I feel like I've been waiting for ever since we first met Keefe. (Oh, & I found out I've been pronouncing his name wrong this entire time but I prefer my pronounciation anyways.) The reunion scene I was dreaming of ever since the cliffhanger of the last book was nothing like what we got. Not even remotely. Of course everything moves so galcially slow in the series & everyone keeps going in circles so honestly, was I surprised? Nope. We've come to accumulate so many characters in this series & they're all so important, but there's so many now that I don't think we even seen them all in this one. I honestly didn't think we were even going to see Forkle there for a minute (even though he did make a very, very small appearance). I don't know.. To sum it up, Unlocked was a pretty big dissapointment for me but I couldn't bare to give it 2 stars because I feel like we're this || close to Foster-Keefe (Keefe's letter <3).


AHHHHHHHHHHH Shannon Messenger is giving the people what they want, POV's from Keefe!!!! YES. I can't wait x1000.

Team Foster Keefe /forever/.
Profile Image for Elisa_Bookaholic.
111 reviews
December 13, 2020
I AM GONNAFINDSHANNON MESSENGER AND TAKE WHAT SHE HAS WRITTEN AND READ IT ALL AS SHE WRITES AND AHH AND I AM DYING AND IT IS 1 45 AM SO I CAN'T GET UP AND SCREAM AND I DON'T THINK IMMA BE ABLE TO SLEEP AND I SWEAR IF I HAVE TO WAIT TIL NEXT NOVEMBER SOMEONE ISDEAD.Y'all. I......am gonna go have a mental break down and my mom is gonna glare at me for being up this late. And realize it's not a surprise. And I am crying here and can't stop and please. I can't. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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229 reviews
December 12, 2023
This series... it's gone on way to long. I loved the world Shannon Messenger has created, the elves live in just about the coolest place ever. However, the whole "war" with the Neverseen has been dragged out to the max. But this book was definitely a good way to transition from the ages of buildup we've had in the last few books, to hopefully what will become a grand finale.

spoiler alert!

SummaryThis book is basically a way to stall for time before book 9. However, that being said, I still enjoyed reading it. The artwork in the center was also beautiful. I'll admit, I skipped a lot of the 'bonus material' but from what I did read, it seemed pretty well thought out and interesting (at least to someone who may be more invested in the series ). As for the actual novella, it was pretty good. Essentially, Keefe gets a new ability that's super powerful, and Sophie is attempting to find Kenric's old fancy secret box.

Parts I liked
~Biana:She gets better every book. Unlike her brother. I'm a sucker for a good, non- backstabbing female friendship. Biana & Sophie's friendly banter is always a win in my book.
~Fitz/Sophie Improvement:I'm gonna say it. The love triangle in this book is painful to read. Keefe/Sophie doesn't work; Fitz/Sophie doesn't work... But in this book, we return to the better dynamic they had at the very beginning of the series. I loved both Fitz and Sophie at the beginning of the series... and I loved their friendship. Even Sophie's crush on him was pretty cute. But as the series progressed it got so tiring watching the whole will they/won't they drama.Especiallywhen Keefe entered the mix. Andespeciallywhen Fitz's entire character fell apart. In the novella however, I actually saw some development. They were more open with each other, and it was so much more fun to read. Hopefully this continues. I can't take another book that returns to whatever Legacy was.
~Keefe/Dex Friendship!:loved their whole dynamic, and both remain great characters.
~Actual Series Moving Forward:this is a big one. I'm so thrilled that the war that's been brewing is official. The little "oh no what a fatal blow this is but we're actually fine" wreck the Black Swan has been in with the Neverseen is hopefully over. I really need some cool, ability using battles. Because that's what drives me mad about this series... the unused potential.

Parts I Disliked
~Potential:Maybe Shannon Messenger is saving it all to the end. Maybe the end books will be full of exhilarating, incredible battles. Or... maybe not. This series has been so caught up in the "love triangle" and "drama" that it has completely forgotten there's supposed to be a WAR of some kind going on. I mean,whereare the super exciting battles with tons of fancy elf abilities?! Why is there only 1-2 per book? Andwhyare the insanely powerful characters so underused?! Wheeerrree are Linh & Marella? Like if I were the Black Swan, special ol' Sophie wouldn't be theMocking jayMoonlark. It would be Linh. I'd find all the Neverseen hideouts, fly her in in some type of attack helicopter (don't tell me the fancy elves have no helicopters or that Dex couldn't invent one) and have her flood the whole place. She's such a powerful character. And yet she's so underused.
The Attempt at Romance:There's potential with the Keefe/Fitz/Sophie thing. However, instead of having me root for one or the other I'm firmly sided with neither. It's simple as this. Sophie doesn't deserve either of them. Keefe & Fitz are so dedicated to her, and she's just... not. The whole breakup with Fitz really bothered me. It was so forced. I can 100% tell the author just needed to break the up to bring back the love triangle. And then there's Keefe... who is just so head over heels for Sophie. And I'm sure she has some idea about it! But she just keeps dragging him along because she can't choose. And where is the romance with the other characters? We've had hints of Tam/Biana and Linh/Wylie (also Dex?) but that's it! I really would rather read about those pairs than the disastrous Sophie-Fitz-Keefe triangle.
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