What would be three questions you would ask someone IRL at a book club? > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Kat (new)

Kat Medina What would be three questions you would ask someone IRL at a book club?

I'll start!

1. What inspired you to write the book?
2. How did you overcome resistance/inner critic when it showed up? What kept you motivated?
3. What is your favorite book?

message 2: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Gatchel My answer to #1 ‐ paying the mortgage.
And that's the answer for most authors I know, as it should be.
Those who do not have the business mentality are less likely to invest in education, tools, and a quality team of editors and designers.

As with any business, though, it can take a few years for those investments to pay off.

message 3: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Gatchel What questions would I ask?
For readers or authors
1. Who was your favorite character? Why?
2. What scene do you keep going back to? The one you think about while you're doing dishes or in the grocery store
3. If you could rewrite one scene, which would it be and what would you do differently?

message 4: by Kat (new)

Kat Medina Deborah wrote: "What questions would I ask?
For readers or authors
1. Who was your favorite character? Why?
2. What scene do you keep going back to? The one you think about while you're doing dishes or in the gro... "

I love these - such great thoughts and unique questions. Thank you for sharing!

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