Bullshit Vs What Really Matters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bullshit-vs-what-really-matters" Showing 1-5 of 5
“Like any other matter of public consumption bullshit is meant primarily to satisfy the hunger of its manufacturer, for you have to believe in your own delusion in order to make people have a share in it.”
Lamine Pearlheart, To Life from the Shadows

M.M. Bennetts
“I want to... have fun with writing again. Enjoy my work, enjoy playing with the language and characters like a sculptor plays with clay. But there's this manic focus on numbers--how many books have you written and how many have you sold and it's all push, push, push, and no time for reflection--but at heart, books are about dreaming... which is just the opposite. So I don't know...
M.M. Bennetts comment to Nancy Bilyeau as related in Nancy's tribute "M.M. Bennetts: The Closest Friend I Never Met”
M.M. Bennetts