Castle Quotes

Quotes tagged as "castle" Showing 1-30 of 119
Franz Kafka
“Many a book is like a key to unknown chambers within the castle of one’s own self.”
Franz Kafka

“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them I shall build my castle.”
Nemo Nox

Mervyn Peake
“This tower, patched unevenly with black ivy, arose like a mutilated finger from among the fists of knuckled masonry and pointed blasphemously at heaven. At night the owls made of it an echoing throat; by day it stood voiceless and cast its long shadow.”
Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan

Diana Wynne Jones
“She was remorseless, but she lacked method.”
Diana Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle

“Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –”
Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

Pat Frayne
“Favorite Quotations.
I speak my mind because it hurts to bite my tongue.
The worth of a book is measured by what you carry away from it.
It's not over till it's over.
Imagination is everything.
All life is an experiment.
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly.”
Pat Frayne, Tales of Topaz the Conjure Cat: Part I Topaz and the Evil Wizard & Part II Topaz and the Plum-Gista Stone

“Ah, Ms. Ferrars. I don't know what you hope to accomplish by sitting in the corner.”
Tahereh Mafi, Unravel Me

Sherry Thomas
“The Castle. He’d seen this expression far too many times during their marriage. The Castle was Bryony drawing up the gates and retreating deep into the inner keep. And he’d always hated it. Marriage meant that you shared your goddamn castle. You didn’t leave your poor knight of a husband circling the walls trying to find a way in.”
Sherry Thomas, Not Quite a Husband

Meagan Spooner
“None of this was what held Yeva's gaze. Because in the bottom of the valley, straddling the river nestled in the foothills, was a castle.”
Meagan Spooner, Hunted

Peter S. Beagle
“But the Lady Amalthea and Prince Lir walked and spoke and sang together as blithely as though King Haggard's castle had become a green wood, wild and shadowy with spring. They climbed the crooked towers like hills, picnicked in stone meadows under a stone sky, and splashed up and down stairways that had softened and quickened into streams.”
Peter S. Beagle

Holly Black
“It's supposed to be very beautiful, the Citadel,' Oak says. 'It is beautiful, Wren?'

When the light went through the ice of the castle, it made rainbows that danced along its cold halls. You could almost see through the walls, as though the whole place was one large, cloudy window. When I was brought to it for the first time, I thought it was like living inside a sparkling diamond.

'It's not,' I say. 'It's an ugly place.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The reason why castles are built is because of the lack of morals, because where there is morals there is security, and if there is security there is no need for castles!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Jarod Kintz
“I once saw a moat bicycling around a castle. It was being chased by a soggy giraffe that had a tornado for a neck. I was on the overlooking grassy hill, selling lasagna-free duck soup by the slice to tourists from Nebraska.”
Jarod Kintz, Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.

Holly Black
“Nearby a wide, brackish river froths, bubbling around rock. Tall, slender saw palmettos make lonely islands of rubble and root. On a steep slope, a single wall of a five-story concrete building stands. It looks like a castle cut from construction paper, flat instead of three-dimensional.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Kate Morton
“He felt like a character in a book. He thought of Mary Lennox as she discovered her secret garden.
The blackberry bushes had become too thick to ride through and Percy dismounted, leaving Prince beneath the shade of a thick-trunked oak tree. He chose a strong whip of wood and started carving his way through the knotted vines. He was no longer a boy whose legs didn't always do as he wished; he was Sir Gawain on the lookout for the Green Knight, Lord Byron on his way to fight a duel, Beowulf leading an army upon Grendel. So keen was his focus on his swordplay that he didn't realize at first that he'd emerged from the forested area and was standing now on what must have been the top of a gravel driveway.
Looming above him was not so much a house as a castle. Two enormous floors, with mammoth rectangular windows along each face and an elaborate stone balustrade of Corinthian columns running around all four sides of its flat roof. He thought at once of Pemberley, and half expected to see Mr. Darcy come striding through the big double doors, riding crop tucked beneath his arm as he jogged down the stone steps that widened in an elegant sweep as they reached the turning circle where he stood.”
Kate Morton, Homecoming

Asif Hossain
“The sight of the centuries-old stone walls never failed to captivate me, evoking a sense of history and grandeur. Stepping inside, I was greeted by the timeless beauty of the castle's architecture. The walls whispered stories of the past, while the ornate furnishings and artwork adorned each room with elegance. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, allowing me to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse myself in the tranquil atmosphere. I wandered through the halls, taking in the breathtaking views of the Ligurian coastline that stretched out before me. The waters sparkled under the sun's warm embrace, inviting me to lose myself in its vastness.”
Asif Hossain, Serenade of Solitude

Richard H. Fay
“A steel-grey sedan pulled up a disused track and parked beneath the grim walls of Glamtallon Castle. Alec MacCrimmon, unofficial county historian and caretaker of the timeworn tower, turned off the ignition but refused to leave the relative comfort of his car. With hands clasped so tight to the steering wheel that his knuckles turned white, he glanced up at the fortress and shivered. Even though bathed in the golden rays of the late afternoon sun, the lichen-festooned edifice exuded an algid chill. MacCrimmon never liked the look or feel of the place. He especially disliked being anywhere near it so close to sunset.”
Richard H. Fay, Trio of Terror: Three Horror Stories

Isbelle Razors
“My mind rests in
Cathedrals, Palaces, Castles,
Temples, Chateaus &
Graveyards of Undead Ideas -”
Isbelle Razors

Kate Stradling
“The captain left with his back straight and his nose in the air. In his wake, Dagmar poked her head around the doorframe. “You never can tell with His Majesty, can you?” after which she retreated to the mystical trappings of her tower.”
Kate Stradling, The Legendary Inge

Margaret  Rogerson
“Măreția locului i-a adus în minte un castel părăsit din basme. Imaginația ei a dat la o parte atmosfera mohorâtă de părăsire și a înlocuit-o cu lumină și râsete și muzică, în timp ce se întreba de ce era păstrată casa în acest fel, când ar fi putut fi un loc atât de frumos.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Maggie Stiefvater
“Merida wondered at how splendid the castle looked in this light, old DunBroch, a castle made new. The rising sun caught each of the panes of glass and lit them like spring fire. The ivy was green and lush. The berries in the Christmas boughs were bright as battle. It was a grand and welcoming and beautiful sight, vibrant and alive. Yes, there was smoking fire in the background and walls had newly been knocked down, but it was impossible not to see that beneath that, the castle had a live and beating heart. It had changed. It had earned its freedom from Feradach's destruction. It had become something new. Or rather, it was still DunBroch, but it was DunBroch, grown, changing, moving onward, and Merida was fiercely proud.”
Maggie Stiefvater, Bravely

Stewart Stafford
“Throne In Confusion by Stewart Stafford

The sacked castle casts smoke on the lake,
Cinders’ glow distinguishes it from the mist,
The only gallows the noble knights adorned,
Were ones lowering them onto their steeds.

Thundering warhorses charged the enemy,
Storming across such a gallant battlefield,
Mortal combat with axe, blade and sword,
For king, country and all of Heaven’s glory.

Intruders rush over a downed drawbridge,
Rotten and riddled in darkness incarnate,
To a peregrinating, riderless throne room,
A neophyte sovereign in gold leaf crown.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stewart Stafford
“The Castle Of Fear by Stewart Stafford

The ghost sweated out from battlements,
Appeared bleeding into full-bodied shape,
The riddle of this phantom's raison d'être,
Opaque as the spectre walked transparently.

The armour that clad the body blinded eyes,
The bagpipes it carried underarm deafened,
The steely gaze froze the viewer on the spot,
The sour odour it emitted made all nauseous.

The wraith's left foot piteously dragged behind,
Shuffling moans of pain, trailing the footsteps,
Banshee shrieks, harrowing to all that heard,
Dawn drained the strength, and it took flight.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Sarah J. Maas
“That was awe on my sister's face.

Utter awe at the castle in the clouds, at the verdant countryside rippling away far below, speckled with red-roofed little villages and broad, sparkling rivers. A lush, eternal countryside, rich with the weight of summer upon it.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Kate Morton
“It was an irony---and perhaps, even, a foreshadowing---that she had been struck especially by the majesty of the house that long-ago day. It had looked to ten-year-old Jess like something from a fairy tale, standing tall with its gleaming weatherboards and elaborate tangle of wisteria branches. The longest boughs of the tallest trees arched together to form a proscenium around the house at center stage, the sweep of green leaves fell away on all sides, and the round pond was just visible on the western slope, with its glossy lily pads and graceful stone statue. The effect was of a place set apart from the rest of the big wide world.”
Kate Morton, Homecoming

John Flanagan
“I picked this up again because every time I enter a really old building with a spiral staircase I remember this quote from this exact book about why spiral staircases spiral clockwise, and I don't know if it's true or apocryphal or just plain fiction -- I suppose I could look it up -- but I just love that it's permanently engrained in my memory at this point:

"That stairway would be a narrow spiral, set to the left-hand side and twisting the right as it ascended. In that way, a right-handed swordsman climbing the stairs would be at a disadvantage to a right-handed defender. An attacker would have to expose all of his body in order to use his sword, while the defender could strike with only his right side exposed. It was standard design for the castle tower.”
John Flanagan, The Siege of Macindaw

Jaime Jo Wright
“Pastel pink petals from the apple blossoms in the nearby orchard floated past on the breeze, a glimpse of beauty in the ruins of a place riddled with curses.”
Jaime Jo Wright, The Vanishing at Castle Moreau

Richie Norton
“Work from the dream, not toward it. Build the castle, then the moat. Every job should enhance freedom for personal, not push it away.”
Richie Norton, Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping

“I had beaten the monster and taken him out of my castle.”
Dina Husseini
tags: castle

“Quotes, proverbs, and wise sayings are fragments of wisdom that, when gathered, build the castle of enlightenment.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

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