Dating Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dating-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 437
Abhijit Naskar
“A fulfilling long-term relationship is not accomplished by just finding the one. It is rather a co-operation between two passionate and highly motivated partners working together, figuring out every single situation holding hands. If there is trust at the root of the relationship, if the partners make an effort to keep it interesting, if difficulties are handled tactfully and if you can appreciate every single deed of your partner no matter how insignificant it is, the flames of love would never burn out and your love can truly live happily ever after.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Art of Neuroscience in Everything

Angela Kiss
“Living in the era of social media and dating apps, online dating is also a very popular dating method in England. It perfectly suits the English person’s superpower: being the invisible man or woman. They also like to keep their distance, and the internet is perfect for that. Also complimenting someone is easier online than offline; you don’t even have to say anything you just press a ‘like’ or a ‘wink’ button and that’s it; perfectly suitable for romantically retarded people.”
Angela Kiss

Marion Bekoe
“Life is so beautiful when you have someone to share it with, but it's more beautiful when you find happiness in yourself while alone.”
Marion Bekoe, I WILL BE A BILLIONAIRE: The right mindset is the first step towards the journey.

“To lovers out there…

Make sure you find or provide a safe space or environment for your partner, because when someone realize they are in a safe space or environment. They become free. They open up or loosen up. They trust, communicate, share, explore. They try everything and they become their true selves. They say how they feel. They start having fun, pleasure and enjoying. They become at peace and most importantly they settle.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“No matter how shy we are. We are all have naughty side that we want to show to someone. Just that some people show their naughty side to everyone. We just show our naughty side to the ones we think are special.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

In February of 1957, Rich earned his next leave to visit Gail. The news did the job of making Gail’s choice glad.
She offered to meet him at the airport and watched curiously as he stepped off the plane wearing his casual blue airman suit.
“Nonstop?” Gail asked.
“Of course.”
“How does one get off a nonstop flight, Mr. Air Force, if it doesn’t ever stop?”
Rich stopped and looked Gail over. He didn’t get her joke.
“You have luggage?” she asked.
“Yes. One case. Over this direction.” He took her arm and led her down the corridor.
“Have you ever lost your luggage?”
“No. I haven’t flown commercially much.”
“I hear you can sue the airlines if they lose your baggage.”
“Yes, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll win your case.” Gail skipped in front of her boyfriend and laughed in his face.
“What are you talking about, girl? I have no intention of suing the airlines.”
Gail’s teasing ceased. Rich obviously had no sense of humor. At least not her kind. Sobered, she let him take the lead.”
Lynn Byk, The Fearless Moral Inventory of Elsie Finch

“To lovers out there…

There is a difference between someone whose relationship failed and someone who fails in relationships. Someone who relationship fails is someone who has not met the right compatible partner. Then someone who fails in relationship is someone who can’t be selfless. Nonmatter relationship they are in. They can’t reciprocate the love,respect, kindness and care. Their relationships doesn’t fail because of what happened, but they fail because of who they are. Horrible,narcissists, manipulative, selfish, abusive, inconsiderate human beings.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“When you truly love and commit to someone, your eyes and heart are sealed, and the thought of seeking another to replace them never enters your mind, for your love is pure, and your devotion is unwavering.”
Shaila Touchton

“To lovers out there…

The reason why most marriages don’t work. It is because they all about what you get out of it rather than what you get in it. It is about the price and not the heart. They think they can benefit more in divorce than in staying married. Marriage it is not their final stop, but is a stop sign to catch their ride of where they want to be in life.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Beware of the deception of open relationships, for it is a disguise for sin, abandonment, and a lack of accountability. Don't be fooled by the false promise of freedom, for it leads only to bondage of the heart. True love requires commitment, responsibility, and accountability. Don't sacrifice the beauty of genuine connection for the illusion of liberation.”
Shaila Touchton

“Sinful parents often produce children who follow in their footsteps, both lost and wandering in the darkness of ignorance. But God's grace can intervene, breaking the cycle of sin and restoring hope. Let us cry out to Him for mercy and wisdom to raise our children in His love and truth.”
Shaila Touchton

“Some men claim they can't predict the future of a relationship, but in reality, they're just unwilling to commit to the present. Their uncertainty is a mask for their own lack of loyalty, truth, and dedication. Be cautious of those who drained your energy and waste your time, for they are often the ones who crave open relationships and are spiritually adrift, searching for meaning in all the wrong places.”
Shaila Touchton

“To lovers out there…

Be reasonable, practical and considerate to your partner. Other people should not suffer because they you or are interested in you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Crystal Evans
“I take a very long time to let go of a man.
Because I am one of those types that lead by my ego and not my heart.
I don’t think women lead by their hearts.
I think they make decisions whether to stay or leave based on ego.

Women have bigger egos than men.
Women don’t leave men because of heart break. They leave men when their egos are bruised. When he does something that shatters her pride and make her feel exposed… like she feel like it’s apparent and everybody know he doesn’t rate or love her.

It’s the same reason why a man will cheat and a woman stays with him once he makes it clear that her position has not been altered or usurped. Same goes for having an outside kid.

He kept her ego in tact.
She will ride on that ego until she is so ashamed of his behavior.
Until she finds his actions so reducing and minimizing.

Then her pride won’t allow her to stay… with him anymore.”
Crystal Evans, 100 Dating Tips for Jamaican Women

“Some individuals, who are often referred to as 'cheap', tend to take advantage of good friendships by frequently borrowing money without showing appreciation or making efforts to repay.”
Shaila Touchton

“A man who marries a woman for her wealth, status, or beauty, will soon discover that he has sold his soul for a momentary dream. He will lose the very things that truly matter in marriage - peace, joy, trust, and love. His heart will become a desert, devoid of the sweetness and nourishment that only a genuine connection can provide. He will be left with a hollow shell of a relationship, a prison of his own making, where love and happiness are mere distant memories.”
Shaila Touchton

“Some men seek a wife for the same reason they seek a bank account – to make withdrawals of love, care, and financial security, without ever making a deposit of respect, commitment, and equality.”
Shaila Touchton

“Some men marry for money, but end up losing the love and respect that truly matters.”
Shaila Touchton

“To lovers out there….

Not feeling the same way as they do about you. Doesn’t make them insane, stupid, or fools. Why would you even see it as a sign of disrespect when someone express their feelings and announces their love for you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

John Arthur
“Learning to give is the easiest way we can grow.”
John Arthur, The Law Of Reciprocity

John Arthur
“Learning to give is the simplest way to live.”
John Arthur, The Law Of Reciprocity

“Dating can lead to Emotional attachment without commitment, Focusing on self rather than God,
Premarital intimacy, which goes against biblical teachings.Jesus
emphasized living a life that honors God in all relationships.”
Shaila Touchton

“To lovers out there…

If you are not ready to make sacrifices for someone and surrender yourself and become selfless. If being always right is Important to you more than anything. Then you are not ready to be in a relationship.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there….

Spend your youth days with me so I can spend your old days with you. Spend your good times with me so I can spend your bad times with you. Spend your strong days with me so I can spend your weak days with you. Spend your happy days with me so I can spend your sad days with you. Spend your rich days with me so I can spend your poor days with you. Spend your success days with me so I can spend your failure days with you. Spend your days where you are beautiful with me so I can spend the days where you are no longer attractive with you. The problem is we want to give ourselves to others when we are no longer in good shape or condition. When we are tired, burned out, warned out and exhausted. When we are emotionally damaged, depressed and heart broken. We then want to be loved and accepted by force by those who we rejected when everything was going well for us.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there…..

Don’t make other people types your type. Don’t be bullied or pressured by other people preferences on who you should date, marry or love. Never fail to date, marry, fall in love or be in a relationship with someone because of the fear on what people will say. It is your heart, feelings or happiness that will suffer or starve.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“To lovers out there…

Some people deprive themselves happiness, pure joy, bond, satisfaction, pleasure, passion, moments, memories, love, experience, affection, good times, and companionship because they want to prove to others that they can be single.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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