Fame Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fame" Showing 181-210 of 929
R.F. Kuang
“But, my God, I want to be back in the spotlight.
You enjoy this delightful waterfall of attention when your book is the latest breakout success. You dominate the cultural conversation. You possess the literary equivalent of the hot hand. Everyone wants to interview you. Everyone wants you to blurb their book, or host their launch event. Everything you say matters. If you utter a hot take about the writing process, about other books, or even about life itself, people take your word for gospel. If you recommend a book on social media, people actually drive out that day to buy it.”
R.F. Kuang, Yellowface

R.F. Kuang
“what is an author without an audience”
R.F. Kuang, Yellowface

“When Bob Hope tells a joke, his audience enjoys it far more than if it were being told by a comedian of lesser stature, not simply because Hope tells a joke exceedingly well but because his audience expects him to be funny, wants him to be funny and is rather flattered that he is being funny for them.”
Bill Veeck, The Hustler's Handbook

“When I started out, you lot decided I was God. I remember first seeing the word 'godlike' written in a paper about me. I didn't know how to handle it at all - how could I?”
Celia Walden, Babysitting George: The Last Days of a Soccer Icon

Jack Freestone
“People may ask, “How can that celebrity be part of a Satanic cult? They are too rich, and famous. Too handsome, or too beautiful. Too nice. Too powerful.” But that is the wrong question. The question should be, how did that person obtain that level of celebrity? And once people realize that person is literally owned, and controlled by others, or by other entities, then their celebrity may remain for a time, but their fake power will dissipate almost immediately.”
Jack Freestone

Roxane Gay
“We are all stinking messes, every last one of us, or we once were messes and found our way out, or we are trying to find our way out of a mess, scratching, reaching...Her struggles were documented and parodied, celebrated and ridiculed. Celebrity. Call. Gossip. Response.”
Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist

Lashon Byrd
“Chasing fame, is like eating shit”
Lashon Byrd

Lashon Byrd
“Don't chase fame, chase a widespread impact, let your work speak for itself, fame is an inevitable excrement of such, and not one to be eaten”
Lashon Byrd

“True fulfillment is found not in the spotlight of fame, but in the quiet moments where purpose and passion converge.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Lashon Byrd
“How I see it is, I do the work, make the impact, and my public reputation-caricature are the crumbs, leftovers. It doesn't matter ultimately, especially compared to the impactful work done. Which is what matters.”
Lashon Byrd

Lashon Byrd
“My impact is forever, regardless of being attached to my nametag.”
Lashon Byrd

Gavin de Becker
“Often, knowing the language of a given prediction is more important than understanding exactly what a person says. The key is understanding the meaning and the perspective beneath and behind the words people choose. When predicting violence, some of the languages include:

The language of rejection
The language of entitlement
The language of grandiosity
The language of attention seeking
The language of revenge
The language of attachment
The language of identity seeking

Attention seeking, grandiosity, entitlement, and rejection are often linked. Think of someone you know who is always in need of attention, who cannot bear to be alone or to be unheard. Few people like being ignored, of course, but to this person it will have a far greater meaning.”
Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear

Thomas C. Foster
“If you want to know what the world thinks about a writer and her work, check back with us in, oh, two hundred years or so.”
Thomas C. Foster, How to Read Literature Like a Professor

Mitta Xinindlu
“Don't wait to be famous to plant positive seeds in the society.
Start with the resources that you have today to cultivate positivity in your environment.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Enrico Galiano
“Noi non siamo arrivi, siamo viaggi; non siamo sazietà, siamo fame. Noi siamo desiderio.”
Enrico Galiano, L'arte di sbagliare alla grande

“If you want to be famous forever, emulate Jesus's character, picture it in your mind, and never show off.”
Luckson T Mabade

Eve Babitz
“She just has to have one thing."
"What?" I asked.
"A father in the industry."
To get in, you have to be born in or start at twenty like Daniel or Gabrielle. Or marry in, although others don't like that-pushy wives and husbands are not suffered gladly.”
Eve Babitz, Slow Days, Fast Company: The World, the Flesh, and L.A.

Barbra Streisand
“Fame is a hollow trophy.
No matter who you are, you can only eat one pastrami sandwich at a time.”
Barbra Streisand, My Name Is Barbra

“We are but temporary caretakers of all we own. True treasures reside within.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

“You're a nobody until somebody hates you.”
tags: fame

“But in that time the RuPaul idea was born, and people outside of my world were inspired to talk about me and androgyny and drag in a way that was unprecedented. Not long after that, the questions came: Why you? Drag had been around forever. Why had I been able to crack the code after so many false starts and almosts?”
RuPaul, The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir
tags: drag, fame

“Whether reaching for fame or just fitting in with a crowd, let us not lose sight of those dearest to us and common sense.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Avoid the comfort-zone at all costs and focus more on necessity, rather than the choices life presents you.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Stewart Stafford
“Lifecast by Stewart Stafford

Be your play's lead actor,
Beware of its shooting star,
In drama's immortal mania,
Your reputation carries far.

Fish your dawn-gold phrases,
From out the impostor's throat,
Your tongue streaming candor,
Not stumbling forth by rote.

Let no Salieri hand,
Override your author's claim,
Even if remuneration's elusive,
You may still relish the acclaim.

© Stewart Stafford, 2024. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

“I liked the raise I finally received to twelve hundred a week. Even after all the deductions were taken from my salary it remained more money a week than I had once been able to make in six months. I had clothes, fame, money, a future, all the publicity I could dream of. I even had a few friends. And there was always a romance in the air. But instead of being happy over all these fairytale things that had happened to me I grew depressed and finally desperate. My life suddenly seemed as wrong and unbearable to me as it had in the days of my early despairs.”
Ben Hecht Marilyn Monroe, My Story

Honoré de Balzac
“I would rather be beloved than famous. You are fairer than success and honors. There, fling the pencils away, and burn these sketches! I have made a mistake. I was meant to love and not to paint. Perish art and all its secrets!”
Honoré de Balzac
tags: art, fame, love

Ryan Gelpke
“He could see Cannes shimmering in the distance, like a mirage it haunted him. A mirage, so nearby yet so far out of reach, a mirage of light and elegance, a mirage of fame and excess, a place where modern mythologies came to life, if only temporarily.”
Ryan Gelpke, Dying in Champoussin

“It's not bad to lose a love, nor the power you gained, nor the friends you have. Nor losing a battle or even being miserably defeated in war. The worst of all, that's what really kills anyone, is losing" Glamour ".”
Geverson Ampolni

“What is it like to be rich in wealth, power, fame but poor health”
Guru Deepik Kariyawasam

“Not every poet or artist is a doper (metaphorically), but being dopey (metaphorically) often awakens art and poetry. Perhaps artistic creation is intrinsically linked to disconnecting from oneself, allowing the highest and darkest intentions of the human spirit to emerge, something that is often only achieved through an altered state of consciousness.”
Geverson Ampolini