Frozen Image Quotes

Quotes tagged as "frozen-image" Showing 1-5 of 5
Erik Pevernagie
“Let us drop our 'tin ear' and listen to the sounds of the 'real' world veiled beyond our inattention, and overwhelmed by the smoke and mirrors of superficiality. (" Like a frozen image ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“If relationships have been pinned down like nails in the wall and do not renew themselves every moment, allowing us to change our mind’s core or improve our world vision, we are like frozen characters that remain only at the stage of “being” and do not develop into the instar of “becoming.” ( "Like a frozen image" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“When we have the knack for listening to ourselves and hearing ourselves out without flinching, we can throw down willful deafness and self-deceit and meet up with our authentic selves. ( “Like a frozen image “)”
Erik Pevernagie

Lars Gustafsson
“Så egendomligt overklig denna våning redan hade blivit! Det var inte en våning där någon bodde, utan en bild av en våning där någon hade bott. Precis som Goethehuset i Weimar eller August Strindbergs arbetsrum på Drottninggatan. En våning kunde bli en bild av sig själv när den inte längre var befolkad.
Den var densamma som förut. Men den hade stelnat till bild.”
Lars Gustafsson, La clandestina

Adrienne Young
“El lago crujió bajo mi peso. Rugió, hambriento. Cerré los ojos y traté de no ver... de no mirar hacia la profundidad que había en mi interior, sellada debajo de la superficie.”
Adrienne Young, Sky in the Deep