Ground Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ground" Showing 1-30 of 107
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
“How I wish I was like the water,
Flowing so freely with every drop
Let my every emotion wonder,
No need to start, nor even stop
How I wish I was like the fire,
Burning with every flame up
Leaving a trace of hot desire
As a Phoenix raises its' wings up
How I wish I was like the earth,
Raising each flower from the ground
Seeing the beauty of death and birth
And then returning to the ground
How I wish I was like the wind,
Hearing each whisper, sound and thought
A lonesome and wandering little wind,
Shattering all that has been sought
Oh, how I wish I was where you are,
Not separated by empty space, so far
It seems like we're galaxies apart,
But we find hope within our heart
And how I wish I was all of the above,
So I can come below and yet forget,
The beauty of angels which come down like a dove
And demons who love with no regret.”
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache

J.R. Rim
“Flying starts from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.”
J.R. Rim

George R.R. Martin
“The ground was so far below him, he could barely make it out through the grey mists that whirled around him, but he could feel how fast he was falling, and he knew what was waiting for him down there. Even in dreams, you could not fall forever. He would wake up in the instant before he hit the ground, he knew. You always woke in the instant before you hit the ground.”
George R.R. Martin

Maureen F. McHugh
“It was spring, the barren time in March when you cannot be sure if it is really warner, but you are so desperate for change that you tell yourself the mud at the edge of the sidewalk is different than winter mud and you are sure that the smell of we soil has suddenly a bit of the scent of summer rains, of grass and drowned earthworms. And it has, because it is spring and inside the ground something is stirring.”
Maureen F. McHugh

M.F. Moonzajer
“I would like to burn them to ground and stand on their ashes.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Christina Engela
“Some might claim that like the secret of flying is missing the ground, the secret to immortality is simply not dying.”
Christina Engela, For Love of Leelah

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“All things are engaged in writing their history...Not a foot steps into the snow, or along the ground, but prints in characters more or less lasting, a map of its march. The ground is all memoranda and signatures; and every object covered over with hints. In nature, this self-registration is incessant, and the narrative is the print of the seal.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I am captivated by the beautiful colors of Fall,
Show me,show me,
Show me All!
Orange, yellow, purple, reddish-brown,
And the rustling of the leaves as they fall to the ground.”
Charmaine J. Forde

Lara Biyuts
“There is the title of one book In Underground One Can Meet Only Rats. And I'd re-phrase, In Cosmos One Can Meet Only Mutants, besides, rats are mutants too there, in cosmos, therefore, I'd rather walk on the ground.”
Lara Biyuts, The Sunless Parlour

Richie Norton
“Anchors aren’t meant to ground ships forever.
Ships pick up anchors, sail the seas, go where they want and the settle down again.
Ironically, anchors help you travel better.
Your anchor helps you move safely between seas.”
Richie Norton

Robert Kirkman
“Now get the fuck up off the ground so I can put you in it... like a coffin. Because you'll be fucking dead after I kill you, you fucking asshole.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 27: The Whisperer War

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Of course I have my head in the clouds, for without that kind of perspective there’s no reason to have your feet on the ground.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“If you want to sicken your population, you isolate them.”
Steven Magee

“Any attempt to attack, defend, or withdraw will work against you. Instead, you must restrain these reactive tendencies, find the courage to stand your ground, and then step forward in the face of this determined opposition.”
Rick Brinkman, Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst

“When you stand accused, your character is being tested. The strength of character that you reveal will ultimately determine the Tanks’ perception of you and future behavior toward you. Action Plan Step 1. Hold Your Ground. The first step is to stay put and hold your ground, neither running away nor gearing for battle. Do not change your position, whether you happen to be standing, sitting, leaning, or making up your mind. You don’t have to go on the offensive or the defensive. Instead, silently look the Tank in the eyes, and shift your attention to your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply. Intentional breathing is a terrific way to regain your self-control. And while you compose yourself, the Tank has the opportunity to fire off a round unimpeded. When Martin found himself under attack, he restrained his impulse to counterattack. Instead, he held his ground. He looked into his Boss ’s eyes, kept breathing, and waited for the blasting to stop. When it did, Martin asked, “Is that everything?” Apparently, that wasn’t all. The Tank loaded up another round a of abuse and fired it off. Martin held his temper in check, took a slow breath, and asked evenly, “Anything else?” “Why, you...” Sherman loaded up his last round and fired it off. He was now completely out of ammunition, having said every rotten thing he knew how to say. At that point, he just stood there silently glaring at Martin, as if waiting for an answer will ultimately determine the Tanks’ perception of you and future behavior toward you.”
Rick Brinkman, Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst

“She may up the ante, so to speak, and
try some manipulation as the women in the stories below describe, but it is your job to stand your ground.”
Karyl McBride, Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

Steven Magee
“Changing the clouds changes the ground radiation levels.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Suicide is as easy as not pulling the ripcord on the parachute.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“We come from dirt and we return to dirt.”
Steven Magee

“We can recall that earlier, Hegel claimed that the particularization, individuation, and determinateness of the Concept is a movement and reference outward, which suggests that the judgment of the Concept must have the same outward reference. The notion of outward reference suggests that the subjective Concept strives to correspond with reality and approximates it, but ultimately remains inadequate and unequal to reality until we reach what Hegel calls the Idea. What does it mean, then, that life is the immediate Idea, the immediate unity and division of Concept and reality? Roughly, I think it means the following: life qua Idea not only is the ground of the correspondence between subject and predicate in judgment but must also be the ground of a schema of reality, allowing reality to take shape for and appear to the judging subject in a way that corresponds with its powers of judgment. That is, in order for reality to potentially correspond or not correspond to judgments of the Concept, reality must appear immediately to the judging subject in a particular way. This reality is not the immediacy of sheer being, not is it the immediacy of intuition in the form of space and time; rather, it is the immediate schema of the form of life, a form that Hegel outlines in the chapter on 'Life' according to three poles: corporeality, externality, and process of the species. Reality for Hegel is this not the immediacy of sheer being or bare givenness but, rather, always appears as shaped by the specific constitution of one's life-form, and all life-forms immediately experience reality according to the specific constitution of these three poles.”
Karen Ng, Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic

Steven Magee
“The last thing you want in a hurricane state is the electrical utility power grid above ground on tall poles!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Arcadia was ground zero for the river flooding from hurricane Ian.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I keep my solar power systems on the metal roofs of storage sheds and the ground, due to the fire risks.”
Steven Magee

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Don't change water with blood if they pour on the ground the water will be dry It's going to be lost but blood will not change its color there will be still on the ground.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

“Life is made more of struggle than celebrations.
It is made more of failures than victories.
It is made less of yes than of no.
And the difference between ordinary people and successful people
is that they simply did not allow themselves to be on the ground.”
Augusto Branco

Gift Gugu Mona
“Prayer is a process where you cast your burdens unto the Creator of Heaven and Earth, because you understand that the same way He carries the sun from falling to the ground, He can carry you without a doubt.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Prayer: An Antidote for the Inner Man

Florin-Marian Hera
“If you ought to pass through a mist, first think of the ground, then of the sky.”
Florin-Marian Hera, Ten Loud Rocks

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“The man with a woman behind him
will never turn his back on the ground.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“When the problem of marginalization arises, some people go to the top from the ground and those who are on the top backwards.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

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