Make Up Quotes

Quotes tagged as "make-up" Showing 1-30 of 58
Erik Pevernagie
“We have to walk out on ourselves, expel ourselves from our inner castle, and drop our formatted masks if we want to encounter people in the flesh, without makeup. (" Steps in the unknown ")”
Erik Pevernagie

Stieg Larsson
“She had put on make-up in a colour scheme that indicated she might be colourblind.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

“French girls still have the Jane Birkin culture. You can go just like that, without makeup, without managing your hair.”
Emmanuelle Alt

Anthony Liccione
“It's not the appearance that makes a man, it's the man that makes an appearance.”
Anthony Liccione

Virginia Woolf
“But love – don’t we all talk a great deal of nonsense about it? What does one mean?... It’s only a story one makes up in one’s mind about another person, and one knows all the time it isn’t true. Of course one knows; why, one’s always taking care not to destroy the illusion.”
Virginia Woolf

Gayathri Jayakumar
“I wonder why the celebrities remodel themselves with plastic and then proclaim in ads to be ourselves! Well hellooo... Nice example”
Gayathri Jayakumar

Christina Engela
“Where would tourism be without a little luxury and a taste of night life? There were several cities on Deanna, all moderate in size, but the largest was the capital, Atro City. For the connoisseur of fast-foods, Albrechts’ famous hotdogs and coldcats were sold fresh from his stall (Albrecht’s Takeaways) on Lupini Square. For the sake of his own mental health he had temporarily removed Hot Stuff Blend from the menu. The city was home to Atro City University, which taught everything from algebra and make-up application to advanced stamp collecting; and it was also home to the planet-famous bounty hunter – Beck the Badfeller. Beck was a legend in his own lifetime. If Deanna had any folklore, then Beck the Badfeller was one of its main features. He was the local version of Robin Hood, the Davy Crockett of Deanna. The Local rumor mill had it he was so good he could find the missing day in a leap year. Once, so the story goes, he even found a missing sock.”
Christina Engela, Loderunner

Malak El Halabi
“Our mornings were never" rise and shine. "They were" rise and fight. "They were loud and ravaging. They were heavy and unnerving, like the after-math of a war, with unresolved territorial disputes.
They were never serene, but they were beautiful. More beautiful than the smile you wear when you step out of the shower, more tempting than the sight of you brewing coffee from across the kitchen bar, more promising than a glorious victory, bigger than all our tumultuous past. Bigger than you. Bigger than I.”
Malak El Halabi

“Du bisch au ohni Schminki hübsch gnug. 2007”

Marian Keyes
“I click to buy it and I’m furious to discover that it’s not available in Ireland and they won’t post it from abroad and the only place that sells it is Harrods and it’s impossible for me to go to Harrods because it’s like being trapped in an Escher painting.”
Marian Keyes, The Break

Mitch Albom
“I had told him I was searching for my keys, that's what had taken me so long in the car, and I squeezed him tighter, as if I could crush my little lie.”
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Women there is no perfect man! Don't waste your money on make-up!”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Ljupka Cvetanova
“We can provide you democracy. When do you need it?”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

“Don't mock someone's business just because yours have higher profits. The battle is against poverty not against each other”
Daniel Friday Danzor

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Put some make-up on! Blush with shame!”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

“Maybe in another life I was a drag, maybe I was just a shadow.”
Karry Blues

“Not every sketch needs to be colored in order to be beautiful.”
Giovannie de Sadeleer

Ehsan Sehgal
“You can make up your face, but the worth and the beauty of that depends on reality.”
Ehsan Sehgal

Witold Szabłowski
“Przyprawy dla dania to jak makijaż dla kobiety. Potrafią wydobyć smaki, których istnienia byś nawet nie podejrzewał.”
Witold Szabłowski, Jak nakarmić dyktatora

Laura Chouette
“Vielleicht ist Perfektion in Wirklichkeit nur das Ende aller Schönheit.”
Laura Chouette

Bianca Turetsky
“Louise was spritzed with some musky French perfume, powdered, and adjusted, and eventually, she was ready to go. She didn't have to lift a finger; it was like being sent through a car wash.”
Bianca Turetsky, The Time-Traveling Fashionista on Board the Titanic

Holly Black
“He takes my wounded hand in his. He's wearing black gloves, the leather warm even through the silk over my fingers, and black suit of clothes. Raven feathers cover the upper half of his doublet, and his boots have excessively pointed metal toes that make me conscious of how easy it will be to kick me savagely once we've begun dancing. At his brow, he wears a crown of woven metal branches, cocked slightly askew. Dark silver paint streaks over his cheekbones, and black lines run along his lashes. The left one is smeared, as though he forgot about it and wiped his eye.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Sarah J. Maas
“From the neck up, I was regal: my face was adorned with cosmetics- rouge on my lips, a smearing of gold dust on my eyelids, kohl lining my eyes- and my hair was coiled around a small golden diadem imbedded with lapis lazuli. But from the neck down, I was a heathen god's play-thing. They had continued the pattern of the tattoo on my arm, and once the blue-black paint had dried, they placed on me a gauzy white dress.

If you could call it a dress. It was little more than two long shafts of gossamer, just wide enough to cover my breasts, pinned at each shoulder with gold brooches. The sections flowed down to a jewelled belt slung low across my hips, where they joined into a single piece of fabric that hung between my legs and to the floor. It barely covered me, and from the cold air on my skin, I knew that most of my backside was left exposed.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Ljupka Cvetanova
“In the animal kingdom male species are better looking than females. In humans, women put make-up.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“And for this drama of life,
Neither make-up, nor false emotions
What is necessary
Is simply being truthful
To your own self.”
Neelam Saxena Chandra, Garden of Fragility

The School of Life
“As pschologists will point out, what dooms couples isn't that they argue; it's that they don't know how to make up.”
The School of Life, How Ready Are You For Love?: A path to more fulfilling and joyful relationships

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