Morose Quotes

Quotes tagged as "morose" Showing 1-14 of 15
N.H. Kleinbaum
“So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.”
N.H. Kleinbaum, Dead Poets Society

Gabrielle Zevin
“There are no ghosts, but up here” —she gestured toward her head— “it’s a haunted house.”
Gabrielle Zevin, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Sanhita Baruah
“Often it feels like I am breathing today only because a few years back I had no idea which nerve to cut...”
Sanhita Baruah

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We are sometimes dragged into a pit of unhappiness by someone else’s opinion that we do not look happy.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: agony, anguish, aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, as-happy-as-a-clam, beaming, beatific, bliss, blissful, blissfulness, blithe, blue, broken-hearted, buoyant, carefree, chagrin, cheerful, cheerfulness, cheerless, cheery, chirpy, content, contented, contentment, dejected, dejection, delight, delighted, depressed, depression, desolation, despair, despairing, despondency, despondent, disconsolate, dispirited, distress, doleful, dolefulness, down, down-at-the-mouth, down-in-the-dumps, down-in-the-mouth, downcast, downhearted, ecstasy, ecstatic, elated, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, euphoric, exhilarated, exhilaration, exuberance, exultant, face, faces, forlorn, funny, gaiety, glee, gleeful, gloom, gloominess, gloomy, glum, glumness, good-spirits, gratified, grief, grinning, happiness, happy, heartache, heartbroken, hilarious, hole, holes, humor, humorous, humour, hurting, impression, impressions, in-a-good-mood, in-good-spirits, in-seventh-heaven, jocular, jocund, joke, jokes, jollity, jolly, jovial, joviality, joy, joyful, joyfulness, joyless, joyous, jubilant, jubilation, jumping-for-joy, lighthearted, lightheartedness, long-faced, low-spirits, lugubrious, malaise, melancholy, merriment, merry, miserable, misery, morose, mournful, mournfulness, on-a-high, on-cloud-nine, on-top-of-the-world, opinion, opinions, over-the-moon, overjoyed, pain, pit, pits, pleased, pleasure, quotations, quotes, radiant, rapture, rapturous, sad, sadness, satire, satisfaction, satisfied, smiling, sorrow, sorrowful, suffering, sunny, the-blues, thrilled, tickled-pink, torment, transports-of-delight, tribulation, unhappiness, unhappy, untroubled, walking-on-air, well-being, woe, woebegone, woeful, wretchedness

“The skeleton key unlocks the mind and swings open the door of imagination. A far better place than here A much safer place than there The quintessential somewhere The mystical nowhere The Enigma tic anywhere My gift to you - the key to everywhere.
The mortal will find itself lost while the soul always knows the way it is grateful for the darkness and celebrates the day

I can give you peace my peace I give you... but I cannot be your savior or your god - I cannot be the light along your path - I can only give you the lamp and point the way.

The blind will see... the deaf will hear... but those who choose reason will never understand.

Woe to the ones who think they know the answers they will cease to ask the questions that may be their own salvation.

We possess the knowledge of the Universe from conception. Once born we are taught to forget.

If we cannot look out at our world and see our children's vision then we are truly blind we are unable to lead them to paradise.

"Even people who are in the dark search for their shadows. Shadows exist only if there is light. We will never find total darkness - not even in death......and we always cast a shadow no matter how overcast our skies become. You are never alone."

Do not listen to the voice that shouts to you from behind desks behind podiums behind altars. Do not pay attention to the orators and the opportunists. Do not be distracted by the promises made behind masks. Listen to the quiet. Listen to the whispers as they gently guide you through the assaults of man's absurdities. Listen to the gentle breathing of your mother and lay your head to rest in her peace and in her warm embrace and understand that truth and power lie within you. Breathe silence.

The free bird will always return to the cage sooner or later to seek food and water and the loving hand of it's caretaker.”
M. Teresa Clayton

Joseph Conrad
“I remember staying to look at it for a long time, as one would linger within reach of a consoling whisper. The sky was pearly grey. It was one of those overcast days so rare in the tropics, in which memories crowd upon one, memories of other shores, of other faces.”
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

Vladimir Nabokov
“She was my darling: difficult, morose -
But still my darling.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire

Sanhita Baruah
“There was this constant urge in me to tear my insides apart,
I didn't know why. By the time I made my mind that it was impossible for me
to do, there alighted the fear, haunting me with the words that rang
constantly in my head, "You're not brave enough".

I didn't feel devastated, I felt the urge to be devastated.”
Sanhita Baruah

Iris Murdoch
“She thought sadly, gaiety and laughter are not in my destiny.”
Iris Murdoch, The Nice and the Good

“Her touch removed the presiding air, landed on the quiescent surface of his skin, warm touch diffused, and suffused in lakes of his morosity; dyed his every molecule, placing her in his empty spaces, declaring 'meaning' against the very existence.”
Teufel Damon

“Beauty is scandalous sir! It takes away a man's reason and cedes him unreasonable fervor. For you see sir! A man profligate as me; has found in this destitution
that a reasonable man is more likely to lead a
content life. That's the best a man can be sir, content.
Especially an eternally dejected man, such as myself.
Who has lost his ability to be pleased.”
Teufel Damon

Miranda July
“And as I crawl, I realize that this one was the Big One. It was the earthquake that shook the whole world, and every single thing was destroyed. But this isn’t the scary part. That part always comes right before I wake up. I am crawling, and then suddenly, I remember: the earthquake happened years ago. This pain, this dying, this is just normal. This is how life is. In fact, I realize, there never was an earthquake. Life is just this way, broken, and I am crazy to hope for something else.”
Miranda July, No One Belongs Here More Than You

John Osborne
“(Charles) Laughton was one of the most pugnaciously morose men I had ever met. His huge talent seemed to endorse his implacable resentment. His Caliban self-portraiture must have been further agnozied by being incarcerated, like so many of his unhappy generation, in that closet which dared not speak its name. Even his large collection of Klees and Kokoshchkas was displayed as trophies of martyrdom rather than joyful plunder.”
John Osborne, Looking Back: Never Explain, Never Apologise

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Depression possesses the soul, just the way alcohol possesses the body.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia