Odd Quotes

Quotes tagged as "odd" Showing 1-30 of 115
Tom Hiddleston
“Every villain is a hero in his own mind.”
Tom Hiddleston

Neil Gaiman
“You don't get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplicably odd.”
Neil Gaiman

Dr. Seuss
“You have to be odd to be number one”
Dr. Seuss
tags: odd

Criss Jami
“Creative people are often found either disagreeable or intimidating by mediocrities.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“What is a genius? A person who demands little to nothing from others, but is often found extremely difficult to have around.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Criss Jami
“Quiet people always know more than they seem. Although very normal, their inner world is by default fronted mysterious and therefore assumed weird. Never underestimate the social awareness and sense of reality in a quiet person; they are some of the most observant, absorbent persons of all.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Cassandra Clare
“He cocked his head to the side." Did he die well? "
"He died screaming." Charlotte's bluntness startled Tessa.
"What a beautiful thing to hear.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

E.A. Bucchianeri
“I am an artist you know... it is my right to be odd.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly,

Criss Jami
“The funny thing about the heart is a soft heart is a strong heart, and a hard heart is a weak heart.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Jasper Fforde
“…Tell me, has anything odd happened to you recently?
What do you mean, odd?'
Unusual. Deviating from the customary. Something outside the usual parameters of normalcy. An occurrence of unprecedented weird.”
Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book

Phil Lester
“Just picked up a black pair of scissors thinking they were my glasses.
That definitely would't have enhanced my eyesight.”
Phil Lester

Criss Jami
“Of all individuals, the hated, the shunned, and the peculiar are arguably most themselves. They wear no masks whatsoever in order to be accepted and liked; they do seem most guarded, but only by their own hands: as compared to the populace, they are naked.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Julie Hockley
“The problem is normal was'nt in my DNA. I was destined to be forever freakish.”
Julie Hockley, Crow's Row

Catherynne M. Valente
“All things are strange which are worth knowing.”
Catherynne M. Valente, In the Cities of Coin and Spice

Kent Marrero
“Normal is over rated, and so is spelling.You want perfection? Go out and buy a spell check, but know this: Spellcheck won't keep you warm at night or love you unconditionaly. I will stick to being abnormal and a bad speller. Makes life more interesting. After all, what fun is there in being normal or perfect?”
Cristina Marrero

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Hey, Ms. P," Tad called, "what's going on?"
She let out a slow breath before she answered. "You won't believe this... Brian Murrey tried to eat Scott Morgan."
Nick's eyes widened at the unexpected explanation. Had he heard that right?”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Infinity

Sue Fitzmaurice
“I'm not here to be small, to compare, to judge (myself or you), to fit in or to be perfect. I'm here to grow, to learn, to love, to be human.”
Sue Fitzmaurice

Dean Koontz
“When I am battered and oppressed by the world that humanity has made - which is difference from the world that is was given - my primary defense, my consolation, is the absurdity of that world”
Dean Koontz
tags: odd

Frank Beddor
“For now. But if I ever decide you're useless, you are a dead man."
To be killed by you is to be desired more than a life excluded from your service. "
Bravo. "Her Imperial Viciousness laughed with genuine feeling." Bra-vo!”
Frank Beddor, Seeing Redd

Franny Billingsley
“The handkerchief dabbed at my forehead. 'Ouch! You'll have a fine-looking bruise tomorrow.'
'Then you'll be able to distinguish me from Rose.'
The handkerchief paused. 'I could tell you apart from the beginning. You're quite different to each other, you know.'
Perhaps he could tell, in the obvious ways. The odd one was Rose; the other odd one was Briony.”
Franny Billingsley, Chime

Amanda Howells
“In those moments it's hard to remember that an angry voice is an invisible thing incapable of drawing blood.”
Amanda Howells, The Summer of Skinny Dipping

Brian Martinez
“Christopher throws dandelion head after dandelion head into his bag. It's getting heavy now and his fingers are stained from the work but there are still so many left to kill. His biggest mistake is giving them names.”
Brian Martinez, Kissing You is Like Trying to Punch a Ghost

“As an Odd-Fish, it is not my job to be right,' said Sir Oort. 'It is my job to be wrong in new and exciting ways.”
James Kennedy

“There was an infinitesimal pause while he watched her face, as though he half expected her to recognise it, before he went on, 'My friends call me Thorn,' and gave her a smile of such devastating charm that she blinked.

Her hand clasped in his, her senses zinging from his touch and that stunning smile, she stared into his dark, handsome face until, realising that she was gawking at him like some overgrown schoolgirl, she withdrew her hand and asked quickly, 'What do your enemies call you?”
Lee Wilkinson, Ruthless!

“For as long I can remember I have wanted to die. So that started around age 6. I think. My earliest clear memories start at age 140.”
John Kennebrew, Restless nights and Zombies

Vineet Raj Kapoor

Topher Kearby
“Fall in love with a weird one - someone not quite right in the head - life is far more interesting when love is odd”
Topher Kearby

Peter Manseau
“No other foreskin could have caused such trouble.”
Peter Manseau, Rag and Bone: A Journey Among the World's Holy Dead

Steve Aylett
“Stab me if you can enjoy it - but not if it feels like a duty. Stab me vertically if I’m lying down and horizontally if I’m running”
Steve Aylett

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