Psr Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psr" Showing 1-20 of 20
“The PSR gives rise to ontological mathematics, which is just the exploration of all the different ways in which x = 0 can be explored, and x can be any expression at all, provided it can ultimately be reduced to zero. There are infinite mathematical tautologies, all of which are consistent with the PSR and Occam’s razor. Nothing can be simpler in hypothesis than requiring everything to equal zero, and nothing could be richer in phenomena than this strict requirement since there are infinite ways to generate mathematical expressions that equal zero. So, the law of ultimate simplicity leads, inevitably, to endless variety... all thanks to mathematics and the equals sign. There is no contradiction whatsoever between total simplicity and infinite variety... that’s exactly why math is so powerful, and can produce the incredibly varied universe we live in... all of which is simply “nothing” expressed in different ways. Is that not the ultimate miracle? But it’s not a miracle at all. It is the direct consequence of the PSR, hence is the most rational thing of all.”
Thomas Stark, Castalia: The Citadel of Reason

“The idea that there is something necessarily wrong with circular logic is itself a logical fallacy. If there is nothing wrong with the starting premises then the conclusions are necessarily correct too. In fact, only circular logic can be correct. Only such logic can offer total holistic coherence and analytic closure, i.e. perfect tautology – provided it is the correct circular logic, which means it must have the correct starting premise: the PSR itself.”
Thomas Stark, Tractatus Logico-Mathematicus: How Mathematics Explains Reality

“Why is there something rather than nothing? Only because something can exist as nothing – via the mathematical capacity to express “nothing” in non-zero terms, e.g. e iπ + 1 = 0. In other words, wherever you see “nothing” (zero), you might in fact be confronting e iπ + 1 ( “something” ), without knowing it. Only mathematics has this unique capacity to the ground state of the universe. The compulsory ground state of the universe is zero, the minimum value possible. There is no sufficient reason for any arbitrary non-zero number to serve as the ground state.”
Brother Abaris, The Illuminist Army

“Randomness and Multiverses are acts of sheer intellectual desperation. If you can’t explain something then say it is one instance of an infinite ensemble of all possible outcomes. That, in fact, is an anti-explanation. It’s the equivalent of giving the answer “God” to everything. It simply begs the question. Just as any reference to God as the explanation of everything evades the logical need to explain God himself, so any reference to ALL possibilities being realized evades any explanation of why that should be the case. But science has nowhere else to turn since it has denied God, mathematics, logic and sufficient reason! Illuminism, on the other hand, gives a sufficient reason for everything and states the precise logic involved. We have hidden nothing from view. In the God Series of books, we have shown how existence is logically inevitable. There is NOTHING random about it.”
Mike Hockney, The God Secret

“Evolution is about reason optimizing itself, and it has to do so through its myriad, competing monadic nodes, which include all of us. It is the hardest rational task conceivable, the ultimate, cosmic, Rubik's Cube.”
Thomas Stark, The Book of Mind: Seeking Gnosis

“What ordinary people have never understood is that reason has an appearance and can be experienced. Reason has many dimensions: reason is thinking, reason is feeling, reason is sensing and reason is intuition. It is two types of judging (thinking and feeling), and two types of perceiving (sensing and intuition). All of this flows from the fact that reason is both syntactic and semantic, and is evolving towards Perfect Reason. Everything is just an aspect of reason. There is nothing other than reason, and everything has a reason. A universe made of reason is ipso facto an intelligent, mental, living universe, imbued with meaning and purpose. A universe made of reason is idealist, not materialist. Science has inverted reality.”
Thomas Stark, The Book of Mind: Seeking Gnosis

“The PSR is not an abstract principle. It is embodied ontologically by way of Euler's formula, which is what the PSR reduces to mathematically. Anyone who denies that the universe is made of reason is automatically an irrationalist, and their irrational opinions can be dismissed. There is nothing more ironic, and irrational, than irrationalists trying to give reasons why the universe is not made of reason.”
Thomas Stark, The Book of Mind: Seeking Gnosis

“The PSR is reflected in points traveling in complex-numbered Euler circles where no point is privileged over any other. From this motion, we get sine and cosine waves, even and odd functions, symmetry and antisymmetry, orthogonality and non-orthogonality, phase, straight-line radii, right-angled triangles, Pythagoras’ theorem, the speed of mathematics (c), π, e, i, Fourier mathematics… and from all of that we get the whole of mathematics (eternal, necessary and mental; Being), and thus the whole of science (temporal, contingent and material; Becoming). And that is the whole universe explained. Nothing else is required. The PSR gives us mathematics, mathematics gives us science, and that’s all we need for the universe: science with a mathematical and rational core rather than with a material and observable core. What could be more rational and logical?”
Thomas Stark, Castalia: The Citadel of Reason

“Occam’s razor uses the least energy; it is the most economic solution. Nature always operates this way, and it does so because it is mathematical. If it were not mathematical, it could never do what it does and would degenerate into instability and chaos.”
Thomas Stark, Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

“Zero is the ultimate nullibist and holenmerist entity. Zero is whole in every number, and whole in every part of mathematics. The universe that we all experience exists purely because zero is nullibist and holenmerist… because zero contains all numbers… because zero is exactly where “something” = “nothing”. Reality exists solely because something = nothing. Zero is everything. Zero contains everything. Zero is everywhere. Zero is whole everywhere, and whole in everything. Nothing rivals the incredible power and beauty of zero. It’s the ultimate expression of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) and Occam’s razor. What could be simpler than nothing? The universe of zero is the simplest possible universe and the best possible universe.”
Thomas Stark, Holenmerism and Nullibism: The Two Faces of the Holographic Universe

“In any analysis of any part of the world, it is mandatory to institute a general reasoning in which the whole – the Absolute – is also included. This is what science scrupulously avoids. Science is all about the parts, and ignoring the whole. Science is non-holistic, which is why it cannot arrive at a grand unified, final theory of everything. From the whole you can get to every part, because the whole defines the parts. If you start with the parts, as science does, you can never get to the whole because the parts are necessarily defined piecemeal, heuristically and with no regard to the whole, since the whole is unknown. A bottom-up approach can never work. Only top-down approaches have any chance of working. Empiricists are always parts people and bottom-up people. Rationalists are holistic and top-down. These are opposite worldviews. The PSR is an explanatory, top-down principle. Randomness is a non-explanatory, bottom-up speculation.”
Thomas Stark, God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

“Language necessarily involves bringing any particular under more and more general and universal labels. That’s what conceptualization is all about: reducing particular things to fewer and fewer generalizations and universals, until, ultimately, reality is reduced to just one universal, the supreme concept that explains everything. This one concept is the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR). The whole point of concepts is to reach more and more general and universal levels until we ultimately arrive at one concept – the ultimate universal which explains the whole of reality. That concept is the PSR.”
Thomas Stark, The Stairway to Consciousness: The Birth of Self-Awareness from Unconscious Archetypes

“What is the eternal, necessary order? It is the order of reason and logic. It is the analytic, a priori order, the conceptual order. It has traditionally been associated with God (religion), but it ought to be associated with mathematics (rationalism). Much of what is said about God in philosophy could equally be said about mathematics. The traditional proofs of the existence of God can easily be repurposed as proofs of the existence of mathematics.”
Thomas Stark, The Sheldrake Shift: A Critical Evaluation of Morphic Resonance

“Reality is defined by the Principle of Sufficient Reason. Anyone who denies this is ipso facto an irrationalist. Whatever they say is necessarily irrational, hence can be immediately discounted. The very act of trying to provide reasons why the Principle of Sufficient Reason is wrong is irrational because, in trying to find reasons, you have already acknowledged the supremacy of the PSR. You cannot use reasons to attack reason while denying the worth of reason. Yet it’s astounding how many people try.”
Thomas Stark, The Sheldrake Shift: A Critical Evaluation of Morphic Resonance

“The PSR is equivalent to a generalized version of Euler’s Formula, the most important analytic formula of mathematics, which is in turn ontologically conveyed through mental, metaphysical, mathematical points (monads: eternal sinusoidal energy systems, each of which constitutes an autonomous mind). Despite what science says using the fallacies and incongruities of correspondence, the whole scientific world is in fact rooted in total coherence, in the generalized Euler Formula, the God Equation. The God Equation is ontologically conveyed not by a single eternal God, but by a myriad of eternal minds.
All of these minds considered collectively constitute “God”, and they have a net result of zero.”
Thomas Stark, Tractatus Logico-Mathematicus: How Mathematics Explains Reality

“You can never get enough generality. The more general solution the better. The solution to existence is the most general solution of all, the solution least infected by particularity. That is its defining quality. The entire way of thinking mathematically – in terms of simplicity, generality, tautology, elegance, beauty, stability, the eternal, the necessary, coherence, the analytic, the a priori – is totally different from the way a scientist thinks, which is always mired in particularity, inelegance, ugliness, the temporal, the contingent, the ad hoc, the arbitrary, the heuristic, the speculative; in Feynman’s crude guessing game.”
Thomas Stark, What Is Mathematics?: The Greatest Detective Story Never Told

“Once you accept mathematics as reality, you immediately see that everything has a sufficient reason, an explanation and answer, and you are part of the cosmic machinery of providing all of these answers. You yourself are an essential node of the calculation.”
Thomas Stark, What Is Mathematics?: The Greatest Detective Story Never Told

“God” is mathematics, and mathematics is simply the principle of sufficient reason. Absolutely everything happens for a specific reason. There is nothing at all that is random and indeterministic. If any such things were possible, the universe would instantly unravel into absolute chaos where order, organisation and pattern were all impossible.”
Mike Hockney, The Mathematical Universe

“Math is nothing – eternally structured, dynamic nothingness. Why does anything exist? Because it’s a special type of nothing – mathematical nothing. It needs nothing, expends nothing, and nothing can stop it, and that’s exactly why it can endure forever. There is only one perfect perpetual motion machine: mathematical nothingness, which is also everything.”
Mike Hockney, Causation and the Principle of Sufficient Reason

“Mathematics has been described as “not just a language”, as a language plus reasoning, a language plus logic, as a tool for reasoning. In truth, mathematics is reason. It’s how reason manifests itself ontologically. It’s exactly because the universe is made of math that it’s a rational place, obeying the principle of sufficient reason. That’s why everything has an explanation.”
Mike Hockney, Causation and the Principle of Sufficient Reason