Relegion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relegion" Showing 1-14 of 14
Anthony de Mello
“These things will destroy the human race: politics without principle, progress without compassion, wealth without work, learning without silence, religion without fearlessness, and worship without awareness.”
Anthony de Mello

Agatha Christie
“She looked at them with shining eyes. Her chin went up. She said:
"You regard it as impossible that a sinner should be struck down
by the wrath of God! I do not! "
The judge stroked his chin. He murmured in a slightly ironic voice:
"My dear lady, in my experience of ill-doing, Providence leaves the work
of conviction and chastisement to us mortals-and the process is often
fraught with difficulties. There are no short cuts.”
Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None

Howard Zinn
“How can you have a war on terrorism while war itself is terrorism!”

Dennis Sharpe
“Jehovah’s Witness? Don’t sweat it. I’m going to hell, already booked my ticket. Bright side? I’m pagan. Your hell is my heaven... if for no other reason than you won’t be there.”
Dennis Sharpe, Wednesday

Orhan Pamuk
“لم يكن الرب أكثر ما أخافني لكن اولئك الذين غالوا في الإيمان به. وكان الشيء الثاني الذي يرعبني غباء الورعين، الذي لا يمكن أبداً مقارنة حكمهم بحكم الرب - حاشا للرب- الذي يعبدونه من كل قلوبهم”
Orhan Pamuk

“MIGHT, something God only has.”
A Gentlemen

Mark Twain
“All men speak in bitter disapproval of the Devil, but they do it reverently, not flippantly; but Father Adolf's way was very different; he called him by every name he could lay his tongue to, and it made everyone shudder that heard him; and often he would even speak of him scornfully and scoffingly; then the people crossed themselves and went quickly out of his presence, fearing that something fearful might happen.”
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger

“IMPOSSIBLE' is God's favorite word. Because He only needs to erase just two letters to make things POSSIBLE! Hard for you. But easy for him. If you are in an impossible situation, You need to do only one thing! 'ASK' HIM. He has an eraser. He will never turn his back on you!”
Lince Mathew

“Our United States" State religion "has become Secular Humanism which has no" separation from the State.”
James C Campbell

Gérard de Nerval
“Για μας όμως, που έχουμε γεννηθεί σε μέρες επαναστάσεων και καταιγίδων, όπου έχουν γίνει θρύψαλα όλα τα πιστεύω - για μας που το πολύ πολύ μεγαλώσαμε μ' αυτήν την αόριστη πίστη που αρκείται σε ορισμένους εξωτερικούς τύπους και που η αδιάφορη προσχώρηση σ' αυτήν είναι ίσως περισσότερο ένοχη απ' την ασέβεια και την αίρεση, - είναι πολύ δύσκολο, όταν αισθανόμαστε την ανάγκη της, να ανοικοδομήσουμε το μυστηριακό οικοδόμημα που οι αθώοι και οι απλοί έχουν βαθιά χαραγμένη τη μορφή του στις καρδιές τους." Το δέντρο της γνώσεως δεν είναι το δέντρο της ζωής! "Παρ' όλ' αυτά, μπορούμε άραγε ν' αποβάλουμε από το πνεύμα μας ό,τι καλό ή ολέθριο έχουν ενσταλλάξει σ' αυτό τόσες ευφυείς γενεές; Η άγνοια δεν διδάσκεται.”
Gérard de Nerval, Αυρηλία

Vadim Zeland
“Why do people kill others just like them with such ferocity simply because they worship a different god? What harm were they doing? People suffer in these wars and dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions even lose their lives. Whatever happened to the survival instinct? One could just about understand the violent battle for wealth or territory but how are we supposed to understand the battle for a belief?”
Vadim Zeland, Reality Transurfing Steps I-V

“When we all are already Traveling In Meridian of Earth \↑/.... then how it could be possible for us, going back to the previous Meridian without stopping next Meridians!!... - Tanveer Hossain Mullick \↑/”
Tanveer Hossain Mullick

“Materialistic people want to have materialistic reason for presence of GOD.”
Zeeshan Haider

Gabriel García Márquez
“— Az ördögűzés nem sokban különbözik a négerek varázslataitól – mondta. – Sőt rosszabb náluk, mert a négerek legfeljebb csak kakasokat áldoznak fel az isteneiknek, az Inkvizíció pedig ártatlan embereket hurcol kínpadra, és négyeltet fel, vagy a tömegnek szánt látványosságként elevenen süti meg őket.”
Gabriel García Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons