Rumor Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rumor" Showing 1-30 of 62
Criss Jami
“A rumor is a social cancer: it is difficult to contain and it rots the brains of the masses. However, the real danger is that so many people find rumors enjoyable. That part causes the infection. And in such cases when a rumor is only partially made of truth, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the information may have gone wrong. It is passed on and on until some brave soul questions its validity; that brave soul refuses to bite the apple and let the apple eat him. Forced to start from scratch for the sake of purity and truth, that brave soul, figuratively speaking, fully amputates the information in order to protect his personal judgment. In other words, his ignorance is to be valued more than the lie believed to be true.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

George Eliot
“People are almost always better than their neighbors think they are.”
George Eliot, Middlemarch

“Never judge someone's character based on the words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Kamand Kojouri
“We reveal most about ourselves when we speak about others.”
Kamand Kojouri

William Shakespeare
“Rumour is a pipe
Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures
And of so easy and so plain a stop
That the blunt monster with uncounted heads,
The still-discordant wavering multitude,
Can play upon it.”
William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part Two

Toba Beta
“If humor and rumor are needed more than faith and truth,
then it tells me something about the kind of world we live today.”
Toba Beta [Betelgeuse Incident], Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

Richard Brinsley Sheridan
“Tale-bearers are as bad as the tale-makers.”
Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The School for Scandal

Patricia Briggs
“Rumor exaggerates.”
Patricia Briggs, Dragon Blood
tags: rumor

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Your tongue tends to say more about you when it blabs about other people.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

C.J. Tudor
“None of it was true but rumors are like germs. They spread and multiply almost in a breath and before you know it, everyone is contaminated.”
C.J. Tudor, The Chalk Man

William Shakespeare
“Upon my tongues continual slanders ride,
The which in every language I pronounce,
Stuffing the ears of men with false reports.”
William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part Two

Sue Grafton
“The cold hard truth will fall on stony ground, whereas your all-around trashy rumor will flourish like a weed.”
Sue Grafton, Y is for Yesterday

Jay Asher
“Pero es más que sólo un arañazo. Es un puñetazo en el estómago y una bofetada en la cara. Es una puñalada en la espalda porque preferiste creer los falsos rumores que lo que sabías que era verdad.”
Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
tags: rumor

Paul Verlaine
“Rumour has a hundred mouths.”
Paul Verlaine, Confessions

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“When an uninstructed multitude attempts to see with its eyes, it is exceedingly apt to be deceived. When, however, it forms its judgment, as it usually does, on the intuitions of its great and warm heart, the conclusions thus attained are often so profound and so unerring as to possess the character of truth supernaturally revealed.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

Katie McGarry
“Hearsay, even from the people I love, doesn't equate to gospel truth.”
Katie McGarry, Chasing Impossible

“Don’t talk bad about someone to me, or talk about the bad things they do, if you will not talk about us finding a way of helping them to do right, but you talk,because you want to be seen as an angel and them as the devil.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Peggy Webb
“After all, hewashuman, in spite of rumors to the contrary.”
Peggy Webb, The Mona Lucy

Gerard Way
“-Ni siquiera esas lágrimas son reales.
-¡Bueno, estas sí!
-Entonces es un desastre que no esté Vanya... podría tocar el violín.”
Gerard Way, The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Trust your mind when it says that it has nothing much to say.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Marion Meade
“Scandalous stories of extramarital affairs and abortions persisted in circulating, but that was largely because she made no attempt to deny the rumors, since they were true.”
Marion Meade, Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This?

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“The only thing Covid-19 shares with false rumour is the speed with which it spreads. And that must have misled people in the beginning, who treated it like rumour.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Bremer Acosta
“Rumors are often more attractive than complex facts. Gossip spreads faster than sober analysis.”
Bremer Acosta

Rodrigo Éker
“La gente opina constantemente de mí y me desprecia. Comprendo que lo hagan, porque quizás yo también lo haría si estuviera en su lugar. No les guardo ningún rencor. Después de todo, es demasiado fácil juzgar a los demás. Lo difícil, lo verdaderamente difícil, es permanecer en silencio.
Y escuchar los gritos que aúllan en la oscuridad.”
Rodrigo Éker, Epifanías

Christina Estes
“Her embrace is an unwelcome reminder the rumor mill is stronger than my reporting.”
Christina Estes, Off the Air

Stewart Stafford
“Lady Shaded G by Stewart Stafford

This thorned rose is a perfumed pox,
Rumours dog her as contagion itself;
Breeding cherubs with batons sinister,
Her trail leads to noblest chambers.

Mothers warn sons not to mount,
This mare of the rampant night,
With dead eyes of a dark frontier,
Her black dress does smother all.

Fair Tiffany's skin flashes with iron,
Once seen, wantonness shadows,
Shady whispers inflame her temerity,
A rock for purple ships a-crashing.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Caroline  Scott
I am pleased to enclose my mother's recipe for Maids-of-Honor. She made beautiful pastry, such a light touch, and this was a great treat in my childhood. She liked to tell us that this cake dates back to Henry VIII's time (he was fond of his maids, wasn't he?) and that the original recipe is padlocked inside an iron box in Richmond Palace. Could that be true?
Caroline Scott, Good Taste

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Peace as rumor and hope as the stuff of myth is the manifestation of the person who cannot see beyond the short horizon of circumstance.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Francisco de Quevedo
“Ninguna cosa despierta tanto el bullicio del pueblo como la novedad.”
Francisco de Quevedo

“Rumblings of thunder warn us lightning may occur. Crashing thunder tells us lightning has occurred.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

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