Sarah Morgan Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sarah-morgan" Showing 1-30 of 30
Sarah Morgan
“What is the happiest moment you can remember?”
He didn’t hesitate. “The day they delivered my Ferrari.”
“Fine! Tonight, you are going to look at me as if I’m your Ferrari.”
“Do I get to put your top down?”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“Don’t ever call me “kitten paws” again and don’t tell me I need acting lessons or the next thing you’ll be eating between two slices of bread will be a certain supersensitive part of your anatomy.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“Maybe friendship was loving someone even when you didn't always understand them.”
Sarah Morgan, Sunset in Central Park

Sarah Morgan
“You drive well for a woman.”
“That is so patronising. If I’d known you were going to say something like that I would have wrapped your precious Ferrari round a lamppost.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“No relationship is perfect. No matter how much love there is, there's a strong chance you're going to hit rocky times at some point. Life is unpredictable. It can throw out the unexpected and the challenging. Coping with that requires trust and honesty.”
Sarah Morgan, Sunset in Central Park

Sarah Morgan
“I thought you were trying to prove to the board you’re responsible?’
‘I’ll use a condom. Does that count?”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“We have to get back to the wedding before the bride comes."
"If I have my way you’ll come before the bride.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“So what advice does your website offer?"
"According to this, newly engaged couples touch all the time. They can’t bear to be next to each other and not feel each other. Does that mean I have permission to stroke your breasts in public? Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“If I don’t read at least one bad thing about myself every day I take a long look at my behaviour and try harder to be shocking.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“When you started this engagement farce I thought I was going to hate every minute of it. Instead I loved every minute of it. I loved every minute of being with you. You’re bright, sexy, funny, confident, sexy, strong, warm—did I say sexy?”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“I love you, Taylor Carmichael Corretti. I love you for better and for worse—preferably worse, by the way.” His eyes glittered into hers. “I love a bad girl. Think about it—if I marry you we can spend the rest of our lives shocking people.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“That happens in life sometimes, doesn't it? Something terrible happens and you think it's the worst thing ever and then it turns out to be the best.”
Sarah Morgan, Miracle on 5th Avenue

Sarah Morgan
“I don't have a hot date. I don't even have a lukewarm date.”
Sarah Morgan, Miracle on 5th Avenue

Sarah Morgan
“Here you are. Ten habits of engaged couples. Can you believe someone researched that and then wrote about it? What a total waste of a life.”
Sarah Morgan, An Invitation to Sin

Sarah Morgan
“I know you're scared, but doing something even though it scares you is the definition of brave.”
Sarah Morgan, Sunset in Central Park

“As to me, so long as I have the strength, I shall battle against Melancholy. I am not philosopher enough to reason it away, so I’ll be content with singing it off.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“My idea of happiness is a rainy evening with a comfortable book to read.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“Soon found there is no way to rid yourself of a disagreeable man’s conversation more effectually than by not allowing him an opportunity of making a remark.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

Sarah Morgan
“... Just because someone doesn't ask for help doesn't mean they don't want it or need it. Particularly women. Women are so used to coping that sometimes they don't even realize there's another way...”
Sarah Morgan, The Book Club Hotel

Sarah Morgan
“One relationship didn't work out, but that doesn't mean relationships never work out. One single experience isn't representative of all of them.”
Sarah Morgan, Sunset in Central Park

“Here I am, at your service, Madame Idleness, waiting for any suggestion it may please you to put in my weary brain, as a means to pass this dull, cloudy Sunday afternoon.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“I have a bad habit of hugging people when I am very happy, so every one who does not wish to be embraced had better keep away.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“Well! this time next year, we will know all of which we are now ignorant.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“Seeing his disappointment, I hastily resolved never to come between a man and his pun again. It’s worse than interfering between husband and wife.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“Do I like being alone so much? Yes—sometimes! Nonsense! I like it very well. So delightful to shut one’s eyes and recite aloud without fear of being overheard, or dream golden dreams without the dread of being disturbed; or better still, write page after page with none to cry “Put down that pen before you kill yourself” or read some favorite author as long as one chooses, without having the extinguisher placed over the candle as a night cap.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“Why can’t “They say” let every body settle their own affairs?”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“As I seem to possess irresistible attractions for every fool, the biggest one in the room fastened himself to me, and there remained.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“I abhor the man whose first remark after being introduced is “How warm, or how cold, it is.” It proves either that he is a fool, or that he thinks I am one. This one expatiated on the weather. “Insufferable” I said, which might be applied to both himself and the heat.”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

“How a word more or less, an idea omitted or added, a syllable misplaced, can transform a whole sentence and make what was before harmless, really shocking!”
Charles East, Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary Of A Southern Woman

Sarah Morgan
“... Just because someone doens't ask for help doesn't mean they don't want it or need it. Particularly women. Women are so used to coping that sometimes they don't even realize there's another way...”
Sarah Morgan, The Book Club Hotel