Seas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "seas" Showing 1-27 of 27
Kamand Kojouri
“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“This is an ode to life.
The anthem of the world.
For as there are billions
of different stars that
make up the sky
so, too, are there billions
of different humans that
make up the Earth.
Some shine brighter
but all are made of
the same cosmic dust.
O the joy of being
in life with all these people!
I speak of differences
because they are there.
Like the different organs
that make up our bodies.
Earth, itself, is one large body.
Listen to how it howls
when one human is
in misery.
When one kills another, the
Earth feels the pang in its
chest. When one orgasms,
the Earth craves a cigarette.
Look carefully,
these animals are
beauty spots that make the
Earth’s face lovelier
and more loveable.
These oceans are the Earth’s
limpid eyes. These trees, its hair.
This is an ode to life.
The anthem of the world.
I will no longer speak of
differences, for the similarities
are larger.
Look even closer. There may be
distances between our limbs but
there are no spaces between
our hearts. We long to be one.
We long to be in nature and
to run wild with its wildlife.
Let us celebrate life and living,
for it is sacrilegious
to be ungrateful.
Let us play and be playful,
for it is sacrilegious
to be serious.
Let us celebrate imperfections
and make existence
proud of us, for tomorrow is
death, and this is an ode to life.
The anthem of the world.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“For all these stars,
nothing is new.
They’ve seen all kinds of wars
and miracles, too.

They know the messengers with their holy books
will smile and wash their hands in blood.
They know the politicians with their good looks
will make the poor eat pies of mud.

They’ve seen the Earth freeze
and then burn with greed.
They’ve seen the trees
and the seas emptied.

Yet, you won’t hear their sneers
when a man arrives
and, having experienced a number of years,
proclaims: 'I have lived!'

Because nothing is new under these stars:
the lies, the love, the memories and scars,
the ruin, the revolution, the fakes and true,
the families, the friends, none of it is new.
All of it—even the me and you.”
Kamand Kojouri

Joseph Conrad
“The hair of his face, on the contrary, carroty and flaming, resembled a growth of copper wire clipped short to the line of the lip; while, no matter how close he shaved, fiery metallic gleams passed, when he moved his head, over the surface of his cheeks.”
Joseph Conrad, Tales of the Sea

“Mr. Bird flung his food away and leaped to his feet, glaring around at no one in particular. 'I am not a dog!' he shouted agrily, his gold earrings flashing in the firelight.”
Tim Powers, On Stranger Tides

James Clavell
“Let's compete freely. Goddam tariffs! Free trade and free seas—that's what's right!”
James Clavell, Tai-Pan

“Sometimes it takes a mountain---sometimes a troubled sea; sometimes it takes a desert--to get a hold of me. Your love is so much Stronger than whatever troubles me---Sometimes it takes a mountain to Trust You and Believe.”
Mark Mathes, writer

James S.A. Corey
“The ocean, just outside, seeped into everything. An olfactory reminder to everyone passing through the Ellis Island of the space age that Earth was absolutely unique to the human race. The birthplace of everything. The salt water flowing in everyone’s veins first pulled from the same oceans right outside the building. The seas had been around longer than humans, had helped create them, and then when they were all dead, it’d take their water back without a thought.”
James S.A. Corey, Nemesis Games

George R.R. Martin
“Every child knows its mother, Dany thought. When the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

Ernest Hemingway
“But in the Gulf you got time. And I'm figuring all the time. I've got to think right all the time. I can't make a mistake. Not a mistake. Not once. Well, I got something to think about now all right. Something to do and something to think about besides wondering what the hell's going to happen. Besides wondering what's going to happen to the whole damn thing.”
Ernest Hemingway, To Have and Have Not

Gabriela Mistral
“And he keeps listening to seas
that love nothing but themselves.
But maybe now he listens to nothing,
stalled in forgetfulness and salt.”
Gabriela Mistral, Madwomen: Poems of Gabriela Mistral

Richie Norton
“Anchors aren’t meant to ground ships forever.
Ships pick up anchors, sail the seas, go where they want and the settle down again.
Ironically, anchors help you travel better.
Your anchor helps you move safely between seas.”
Richie Norton

“He couldn’t prevent her from feeling any pain, but he could stand beside her through it.”
Meljean Brook, Tethered

Walt Whitman
“To-day a rude brief recitative,
Of ships sailing the seas, each with its special flag or ship-signal,
Of unnamed heroes in the ships—of waves spreading and spreading
far as the eye can reach,
Of dashing spray, and the winds piping and blowing,
And out of these a chant for the sailors of all nations,
Fitful, like a surge.

Of sea-captains young or old, and the mates, and of all intrepid sailors,
Of the few, very choice, taciturn, whom fate can never surprise nor
death dismay.
Pick'd sparingly without noise by thee old ocean, chosen by thee,
Thou sea that pickest and cullest the race in time, and unitest nations,
Suckled by thee, old husky nurse, embodying thee,
Indomitable, untamed as thee.

(Ever the heroes on water or on land, by ones or twos appearing,
Ever the stock preserv'd and never lost, though rare, enough for
seed preserv'd.)

Flaunt out O sea your separate flags of nations!
Flaunt out visible as ever the various ship-signals!
But do you reserve especially for yourself and for the soul of man
one flag above all the rest,
A spiritual woven signal for all nations, emblem of man elate above death,
Token of all brave captains and all intrepid sailors and mates,
And all that went down doing their duty,
Reminiscent of them, twined from all intrepid captains young or old,
A pennant universal, subtly waving all time, o'er all brave sailors,
All seas, all ships.”
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

“Water is water.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

“Stars, Seas, Mountains, Bridges, Roads and Tunnels Are Manmade.”
Irfan Haidar

“There is nothing as powerful to the human psyche as the mental image educed by viewing a magnificent vista. We comprehend the paltriest of our bodies whenever a single person travels across an open desert or an immense prairie, stands on top of a mountain range, walks in the sand in front of a furious sea, or lies on their back and takes in the magnificence of the misty span of the Milky Way. Each act of magnification places us in touch with the finiteness and irrelevance of our trifling personhood. We can only view the broad expanse of the desert and steppe, the sheerness of a mountaintop, the immensity of the sea, and the immeasurable vastness of the galaxy with an overpowering sense of both horror and awe as their grand span transcends human scale. The overpowering physicality of these vistas stands as a testament to their cold indifference to the mortality of humankind. The sheer immensity of nature’s breadth beseeches us to consider the unthinkable: we are transient beings. We are mortal; we are mere sparklers burning fitfully until our spurting light completely fizzles out.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Hope divides seas for a captain of a shipwreck.”
Alan Maiccon

Margot Berwin
The Luna Maria

The moon has two distinct terrains, the very old highlands, and the younger, smoother maria. The maria are lunar seas formed by impact craters striking the surface of the moon, but that's not their most interesting feature. Even more fascinating are the names that astronauts and physicists have given to the maria. These include Sea of Tranquility, Sea of Serenity, Sea of Fertility, Sea of Storms, Sea of Peace, and Sea of Clouds.
Why is it that, with such romantic and imaginative names for the seas of the moon, the seas on earth get stuck with Black Sea, Red Sea, North Sea, and Baltic Sea?

Margot Berwin, Hothouse Flower and the Nine Plants of Desire

Gift Gugu Mona
“Have faith. It will give you the courage to stay afloat in the stormy seas.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes

Anthony T. Hincks
“It's in Barbados where the beaches are the most beautiful.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Victoria McCombs
“The seas were exactly what I wanted right now. They were open and free and welcoming.”
Victoria McCombs, Savage Bred
tags: seas

Anthony T. Hincks
“Water will always flow with the current.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Stewart Stafford
“The Watery Cosmos by Stewart Stafford

O realm of Poseidon,
Dura Mater of all hidden -
Salty soup of subtle plankton,
And breaching whales unbidden.

O friendly ocean,
Looking glass of sky steep -
Shooting stars bioluminescent
Whirlpool galaxies of the deep.

This savage playground,
Cradling hurricane fury,
The birthing pool of the living,
A submerged mass cemetery.

As light fades fast above,
So a lunar-dark seabed rears up,
Slowly enveloping all and sundry,
Surface in a seahorse stirrup.

Seeds from the Amazon,
Passengers of the Atlantic Conveyor,
Nestling on English coasts
Gifts of an aquatic purveyor.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Anthony T. Hincks
“The world's oceans are not only alive with life, but they are also alive with life.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Frank Herbert
“For they shall suck of the abundance of the seas and the treasure hid in the sand.”
Frank Herbert, Dune

“She was so sick of it— sick and tired of being told to sit down and shut up, that she couldn't fight or sail or wear pants or study the seas and skies because she was a girl. To hell with it, she thought. No one could stop her anymore.”
Ellie Dow