Sex Addiction Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sex-addiction" Showing 1-30 of 40
Bessel van der Kolk
“When you have a persistent sense of heartbreak and gutwrench, the physical sensations become intolerable and we will do anything to make those feelings disappear. And that is really the origin of what happens in human pathology. People take drugs to make it disappear, and they cut themselves to make it disappear, and they starve themselves to make it disappear, and they have sex with anyone who comes along to make it disappear and once you have these horrible sensations in your body, you’ll do anything to make it go away.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk

Ethlie Ann Vare
“My fear of abandonment is exceeded only by my terror of intimacy.”
Ethlie Ann Vare

Ethlie Ann Vare
“Just because something is addictive doesn't mean that you will get addicted to it. But... if your stomach ties up in knots while you count the seconds waiting for a phone call from that special someone... if you hear a loud buzzing in your ears when you see a certain person's car (or one just like it)... if your eyes burn when you hear a random love song or see a couple holding hands... if you suffer the twin agonies of craving for and withdrawing from a series of unrequited crushes or toxic relationships... if you always feel like you're clutching at someone's ankle and dragged across the floor as they try to leave the room... welcome to the club.”
Ethlie Ann Vare

Alexandra Katehakis
“Intensity-seeking is an enslavement of our own perpetuation. When we step out of the delirium of always seeking someone new, and meet the same old sad and lonely child within, our healing journey begins. Exhausting ourselves with novelty is a defense against our deepest pain, one that we cannot outrun. But once we stop and feel our losses, we can begin our healing journey and be the authentic, joyous person we were born to be.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

Ethlie Ann Vare
“A frequent exchange of text messages is not a relationship. It's not even a pen-pal.”
Ethlie Ann Vare, Love Addict: Sex, Romance, and Other Dangerous Drugs

Alexandra Katehakis
“Just as a heroin addict chases a substance-induced high, sex addicts are bingeing on chemicals — in this case, their own hormones.”
Alexandra Katehakis

Kris Kidd
“There are rules you've gotta follow when you fuck to forget. A body's only a temple if and when you treat it like one, but a heart can still break even if you never put it together properly in the first place.”
Kris Kidd

Kristian Ventura
“Tickle me, stroke me, feed me, fuck me,
Overload my senses-- hug me, drug me.
It's hard, you see, to consider what's more,
When we hate to think and love the gin.
But until this pleasure dies, I will never live--
There has to be more to life than this.”
Karl Kristian Flores, Can I Tell You Something?

Kris Kidd
“Two sad eyes and one skanky smile, I practically pulse with the promise of promiscuity. I'm easy to catch, but too slippery to hold onto. Men love a challenge if the prize is guaranteed. I know how to start a fight while deepthroating a white flag.”
Kris Kidd

Kris Kidd
“Then I drop to my knees because I can't find a decent enough reason not to, because reluctance rarely stands a chance against repeated behavior.”
Kris Kidd

Oche Otorkpa
“One thing you must realize is that: you either kill your addiction or your addiction will eventually kill you.”
Oche Otorkpa, The Night Before I killed Addiction

Kris Kidd
“February falls on top of me like a cartoon piano. I reek of champagne, come, and CK One.”
Kris Kidd, Split Lips: Stories About Love & Sex

Christopher Dines
“Drug addicts will likely suffer from other addictive or dysfunctional behaviours. Seldom will you meet a drug addict who does not exhibit multiple addictive behaviours. Because drug addiction and eating disorders are impossible to ignore so are often in the splotlight, often subtler addictive behaviours, such as love addiction, compulsive underearning and sex addictions, may be neglected.”
Christopher Dines, Drug Addiction Recovery: The Mindful Way

“Somehow the only way to mask my insecurity was to overpower it with sex.”
Erica Garza, Getting Off: One Woman's Journey Through Sex and Porn Addiction

“A cesspool of past wounds has created men who have worked hard to protect themselves from revisiting emotional pain by learning not to feel. In fact, they have done such an excellent job in erecting protective walls they are not fully aware of the depth of their brokenness. But, if they believe their issue starts and ends with their addictive behaviors, they – and their clinicians – are sadly mistaken.
-- "Why Men Struggle to Love”
Eddie Capparucci, Ph.D., LPC

Ana B. Good
“Dylan mumbled, “Yeah. Sure. Okay, I guess.” “And don’t sleep with Bunny again. Don’t even so much as look at her in a way that might make her panties slippery. Understand?” Dylan stopped abruptly in the hallway. “Why? Give me one good reason.” “Because you want to be loved, and every time you’re not loved you feel worse about yourself. And Bunny is definitely not going to love you.”
Ana B. Good, The Big Sugarbush

“For us men, sex is the most important thing in the world. Men feel about sex the way vampires feel about blood. They don't just like it, they crave it. That's why vampire stories always have strong sexual undercurrents. A vampire's hunger is simply a metaphor for a man's lust.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Why Men And Women Can't Be Friends: Honest Relationship Advice for Women

“You live on love crumbs. A nibble drops, you gobble up the morsel. The crumb sustains you until he gives you another. Don't you believe you deserve the whole loaf?" - A Dress the Color of the Sky”
Jennifer Irwin

Oche Otorkpa
“The mentality, thought system and relationships that got you into addiction will keep you there unless you disentangle yourself from them.”
Oche Otorkpa, The Night Before I killed Addiction

Oche Otorkpa
“Your decision to kill your addiction will become a reality only if you believe and reinforce the fact that you have the capacity to do it.”
Oche Otorkpa, The Night Before I killed Addiction

Christopher Dines
“Unfortunately, incest is still quite common and is rife in families with a history of addiction. It is not unusual to hear of a daughter being subjected to incest on the part of her alcoholic father or grandfather, or the adult child of an alcoholic practising incest with her own children. Many recovering drug addicts, sex and love addicts or love avoidants have been victims of incest.”
Christopher Dines, Drug Addiction Recovery: The Mindful Way

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Saying a womaniser loves women is like saying a fighter ace loves his kills.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Sex is a need… to the continuation of the life of the species; not that of the animal, or the person.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Steven Magee
“It is like a bomb, the lies destroy everything!”
Steven Magee

Arti Honrao
“Despite the objection from his mother he had decided to visit a clinic with the woman. He knew, he would forever be obliged to her. He had found a job, but he could not keep it because of his addiction. He had no money. The woman paid the expenses. She introduced him to people who would understand his problem and help him deal with it. She made him join Sex Addicts Anonymous. She helped him deal with his urges. He had started to believe that sexual addiction was real. Suddenly, everything made sense. He was not a freak, he had a serious problem. He suffered from a disorder. He had the option to set things straight. He underwent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which he benefited from. A prostitute had set him free.

- from story 109 of You Me & Stories”
Arti Honrao

“Clinicians must go even deeper when working with individuals dealing with addiction, and that focus needs to be on unresolved childhood pain points. By focusing on behavior modification to deal with addiction, too many counselors are neglecting to ensure we are not cleansing only a client’s damaging behavior but also his soul.”
Eddie Capparucci, Ph.D., LPC

“Clinicians must go even deeper when working with individuals dealing with addiction, and that focus needs to be on unresolved childhood pain points. By focusing on behavior modification to deal with addiction, too many counselors are neglecting to ensure we are not cleansing only a client’s damaging behavior but also his soul.
-- "Why Men Struggle to Love”
Eddie Capparucci, Ph.D., LPC

Steven Magee
“Addicts, you have to leave them.”
Steven Magee

“[t]he art of talking comes easier to some of us but others. For boys and men, so many of them still socialised in a myriad of destructive ways to hide weakness and took out their difficulties, the idea of sharing deep emotional pain with anyone is often unthinkable, even in the 21st century. When you are punished or mocked if you dare to express, or even have, feelings, you typically put a lot of effort into appearing strong and stoic. Except for anger. Male conditioning is much more accepting of anger, and emotion that is more about 'doing' that 'feeling'. Men are, generally speaking, more likely to deal with distress by doing something: overworking, sex, drinking, drugs, aggression, violence, suicide. What is suicide if not the most decisive of actions, after al. Small wonder then that the ultra-macho prison environment, where having emotions is seen as a sign of weakness, is full of men acting out their distress in harmful ways.”
Kerry Daynes, The Dark Side of the Mind: True Stories from My Life as a Forensic Psychologist

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