Shocked Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shocked" Showing 1-30 of 44
Patricia Highsmith
“But there were too many points at which the other self could invade the self he wanted to preserve, and there were too many forms of invasion: certain words, sounds, lights, actions his hands or feet performed, and if he did nothing at all, heard and saw nothing, the shouting of some triumphant inner voice that shocked him and cowed him.”
Patricia Highsmith, Strangers on a Train

Stewart Stafford
“Shock is when language and emotion get overwritten by trauma's numbing code.”
Stewart Stafford

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Esa chica esta bien caliente.”Hector laughed as Rider shook his head. Ainsley stiffened across from me. She was pretty fluent in Spanish and even though Hector was Puerto Rican, I had a feeling she was getting the general gist of whatever he was saying and she was not happy about it.“Me gustaria a llevarla a mi casa y comermela.”
Ainsley cocked her head to the side as she brushed her long, blond hair over her shoulder.“Gracias! Pero no hay ni una parte de mi que tu te vas a comer.”
Hector’s eyes widened.
Rider threw his head back and burst into laughter. “Oh, shit. Priceless.”
“What?” Ainsley blinked big eyes at the stunned Hector. “You think some white chick can’t possibly understand another language so you’re going to sit in front of me and talk about me like I’m not here?” Her smile was brittle and fake. “Bitch, please.”
“Man...” Hector sat back, slowly shaking his head as he stared at her. “You’re...brutal.”
“Damn straight,” she replied, her eyes like chips of blue ice. Whatever yumminess she’d seen in Hector was completely out the window now. “And you’re amal criado.”
Hector’s eyes narrowed.
“I really like your friend, Mouse.” Still chuckling, Rider winked at me. “She basically called him a classless ass, and I agree.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Problem with Forever

Sonali Deraniyagala
“I was dizzy in that room. I felt faint with disbelief. I held on to the seat of my chair to stay upright. I knew what was going on, but I couldn’t absorb any of it.”
Sonali Deraniyagala, Wave

Valentin Rasputin
“Everything, that she was saying, now, everything that she saw and heard, took place in a deep numbness, in which all the senses are stilled and a person exists not in one's own life but with some emergency life that is stuck onto one. In such situations fear, pain, surprise and enlightenment come later, and until such time as one comes to one's senses, this sober, sturdy, and almost unfeeling mechanism takes over.”
Valentin Rasputin, Live and Remember

Rebecca Yarros
“You are kind of terrifying.'

'Thank you.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Cassandra Clare
“scrub oak trees. Kieran was leaning against him, pinning him to the tree, and they were kissing.

Cristina hesitated a moment, blood rising into her face, but it was clear Mark wasn’t being touched against his will. Mark’s hands were tangled in Kieran’s hair, and he was kissing him as fiercely as if he were starving. Their bodies were pressed together tightly; nevertheless, Kieran clutched at Mark’s waist, his hands moving restlessly, desperately, as if he could pull Mark closer still. They slid up, pushing Mark’s jacket off his shoulders, stroking the skin at the edge of his collar. He made a low keening sound, like a cry of grief, deep in his throat, and broke away.

He was staring at Mark, his gaze as hungry as it was hopeless. Never had a faerie looked so human to Cristina as Kieran did then. Mark looked back at him, eyes wide, shining in the moonlight. A shared look of love and longing and terrible sadness. It was too much. It had already been too much: Cristina knew she shouldn’t have been watching them but she hadn’t been able to stop, mingled shock and fascination rooting her to the spot.

And desire. There was desire, too. Whether for Mark, or for both of them, or just for the idea of wanting someone so much, she wasn’t sure. She moved back, her heart pounding, about to pull the”
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight

Sarah J. Maas
“Your beast's little trick didn't work on me,' she said with quiet steel. 'Apparently, an iron will is all it takes to keep a glamour from digging in. So I had to watch as Father and Elain went from sobbing hysterics into nothing. I had to listen to them talk about how lucky it was for you to be taken to some made-up aunt's house, how some winter wind had shattered our door. And I thought I'd gone mad- but every time I did, I would look at that painted part of the table, then at the claw marks farther down, and know it wasn't in my head.'

I'd never heard of a glamour not working. But Nesta's mind was so entirely her own; she had put up such strong walls- of steel and iron and ash wood- that even a High Lord's magic couldn't pierce them.

'Elain said- said you went to visit me, though. That you tried.'

Nesta snorted, her face grave and full of that long-simmering anger that she could never master. 'He stole you away into the night, claiming some nonsense about the Treaty. And then everything went on as if it had never happened. It wasn't right. None of it was right.'

My hands slackened at my sides. 'You went after me,' I said. 'You went after me- to Prythian.'

'I got to the wall. I couldn't find a way through.'

I raised a shaking hand to my throat. 'You trekked two days there and two days back- through the winter woods?'

She shrugged, looking at the sliver she'd pried from the table. 'I hired that mercenary from town to bring me a week after you were taken. With the money from your pelt. She was the only one who seemed like she would believe me.'

'You did that- for me?'

Nesta's eyes- my eyes, our mother's eyes- met mine. 'It wasn't right,' she said again. Tamlin had been wrong when we'd discussed whether my father would have ever come after me- he didn't possess the courage, the anger. If anything, he would have hired someone to do it for him. But Nesta had gone with that mercenary. My hateful, cold sister had been willing to brave Prythian to rescue me.
I looked at my sister, really looked at her, at this woman who couldn't stomach the sycophants who now surrounded her, who had never spent a day in the forest but had gone into wolf territory... Who had shrouded the loss of our mother, then our downfall, in icy rage and bitterness, because the anger had been a lifeline, the cruelty a release. But she had cared- beneath it, she had cared, and perhaps loved more fiercely that I could comprehend, more deeply and loyally.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Steven Magee
“I was shocked at how many prostitutes are on social media! The days of cruising the red light district are gone, you just cruise social media!”
Steven Magee

Rebecca Yarros
“Holy shit are we insignificant.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Marcus du Sautoy
“To understand this new frontier, I will have to try to master one of the most difficult and counterintuitive theories ever recorded in the annals of science: quantum physics. Listen to those who have spent their lives immersed in this world and you will have a sense of the challenge we face. After making his groundbreaking discoveries in quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg recalled," I repeated to myself again and again the question: Can nature possibly be so absurd as it seemed to us in these atomic experiments? "Einstein declared after one discovery," If it is correct it signifies the end of science. "Schrödinger was so shocked by the implications of what he'd cooked up that he admitted," I do not like it and I am sorry I had anything to do with it. "Nevertheless, quantum physics is now one of the most powerful and well-tested pieces of science on the books. Nothing has come close to pushing it off its pedestal as one of the great scientific achievements of the last century. So there is nothing to do but to dive headfirst into this uncertain world. Feynman has some good advice for me as I embark on my quest:" I am going to tell you what nature behaves like. If you will simply admit that maybe she does behave like this, you will find her a delightful, entrancing thing. Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it, 'But how can it be like that?' because you will get 'down the drain,' into a blind alley from which nobody has yet escaped. Nobody knows how it can be like that.”
Marcus du Sautoy, The Great Unknown: Seven Journeys to the Frontiers of Science

Steven Magee
“The thing that most shocked me about astronomy in the Ivy League was how run down and poorly functioning their telescopes were.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was truly shocked to discover how bad the modern medical profession really is!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was truly shocked at what I found when I researched why I could not get my government disability payments.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Take a walk around a hospital counting the wireless radiation antenna systems and you will be shocked at how large the number is!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I ordered food takeout during COVID-19 and I was shocked at the dozen unmasked people that were in line waiting for their orders. I never did takeout again.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When I learned the identity of one of the police officers that had been harassing me, I was truly shocked!”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I am not surprised by evil. Rather, I am surprised by people who are surprised by it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“I was shocked at how much destruction and death hurricane Ian inflicted on Florida!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was shocked at how blatant the Florida cover-up was of the hurricane Ian disaster.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was truly shocked at how unreliable the Desoto Solar Farm was!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was shocked at how many earthquakes there are on the island of Hawaii!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was shocked at how large the summit caldera was of the Mauna Loa volcano!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was truly shocked when I learned how few complaints police internal affairs upholds!”
Steven Magee

Sarah J. Maas
“I went rigid as I sensed Tamlin standing behind me, smelled the rain and spring meadow scent of him, richer than I'd ever noticed. I couldn't turn around to look at him- I couldn't... couldn't move. A High Fae- immortal. What had they done?

I could hear Tamlin holding his breath- hear as he loosed it. Hear the breathing, the whispering and weeping and quiet celebrating of everyone in that hall, still watching us- watching me- some chatting praise for the glorious power of the High Lords.

'It was the only way we could save you,' Tamlin said softly.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“Lucien rubbed his eyes. 'I've seen Rhysand do such... horrible things, seen him play the dark prince over and over. And yet you tell me it was all a lie. A mask. All to protect this place, these people. And I would have laughed at you for believing it, and yet... this city exists. Untouched- or until recently, I suppose. Even the Dawn Court's cities are nothing so lovely as this.'


'And you love him. And he- he truly does love you.' Lucien dragged a hand through his red hair. 'And all these people I have spent my centuries hating, even fearing... They are your family.'

'I think Amren would probably deny that she feels any affection for us-'

'Amren is a bedtime story they told us as younglings to make us behave. Amren was who would drink my blood and carry me to hell if I acted out of line. And yet there she was, acting more like a cranky old aunt than anything.'

'We don't- we don't enforce protocol and rank here.'

'Obviously. Rhys lives in a town house, by the Cauldron.' He waved an arm to encompass the city.

I didn't know what to say, so I kept silent.

'I hadn't realised I was a villain in your narrative,' Lucien breathed.

'You weren't.' Not entirely.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

“I'm shocked by how many people think they're original and say the same thing.”
Jennette McCurdy, I'm Glad My Mom Died

Sarah J. Maas
“Varian. He didn't so much as look at his High lord, his focus going right to where Amren sat at the head of the table. As if he'd sensed she was here- or someone had reported. And he'd come running.

Amren's eyes flicked up from the Book as Varian halted. A coy smile covered her red lips.

There was still blood and dirt splattered on Varian's brown skin, coating his silver amour and close-cropped white hair. He didn't seem to notice or care as he strode for Amren.

And none of us dared to speak as Varian dropped to his knees before Amren's chair, took her shocked face in his broad hands, and kissed her soundly.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You are...' His stare was intense and unblinking, as he sheathed his sword at his side. 'You're absolutely magnificent. Beautiful.'

I jolted, shocked. He'd said that I was beautiful before once he saw my face, and he sounded like he'd meant it then. But now? He'd spoken words which too often meant nothing and too rarely meant everything.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Duchess Teerman shook her head. 'What are you doing with a dagger, Penellaphe?'

'Doing my best not to die,' I told her.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, From Blood and Ash

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