Somali Quotes

Quotes tagged as "somali" Showing 1-10 of 10
Louis L'Amour
“Lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for the trickster and catch him at the first attempt, but beware of an honest man. (said by the author to be a Somali saying)”
Louis L'Amour, The Walking Drum

“Since the water turns into Ice
Different physical shapes the eye See
but indeed their building blocks still remain same easy,
Farah Said.”
farah Said

Diriye Osman
“I have always been a loner. Even as a child, when my family and friends were off attending parties I would be sequestered in my room, sketchpad in hand, stereo by my side, listening to seductive R&B. Solitude was something I took for granted. Coming from a large family I needed solitude in order to think straight and paint my way out of confusion. My parents were accepting of the fact that I kept to myself and they respected my decision even though it went against my Somali upbringing, a culture rooted in boisterousness and joie de vivre.”
Diriye Osman

“gud hadimo ha qodin, hadaad qodona ha dheerayn ku dhici doontaana mooye.”

“Dadaala xaaji cabaas waa gaadha, oo dhaafi karaa”

“Brraaac bish kac dhac, its the sound of the victory.”
F.M. Sogamiah

“Be as very careful in love as you would be in business.”
F.M. Sogamiah

I. Farah
“Mulki being the dreamer that she was latched herself onto this unassuming mentorship and had begun her graduate studies with high hopes of one day becoming an archaeologist of her own and leading Somali based exploration team to uncover the lost history of her country of origin.”
I. Farah, The Dig Up
tags: somali

I. Farah
“[Bashe] found it easier to swallow all of the hardship he faced growing up, this pent up anguish became a well-disciplined beast, that was never meant to see the light of day or be dealt with in any capacity whatsoever.”
I. Farah, The Dig Up
tags: somali

I. Farah
“She had a peculiar prettiness, a kind of captivation, that was evanescent, and took a second glance to be adequately detected. But once found the beholder knew they had discovered a rare treasure.”
I. Farah, The Dig Up
tags: somali