Something Quotes

Quotes tagged as "something" Showing 31-60 of 276
Steven Magee
“There is something in the sky awaiting discovery.”
Steven Magee

“There's something exceptional about Autumn”
Charmaine J Forde

Shana Jaroli
“something inside me aches for something inside you still.”
Shana Jaroli, Bridges: A Lost Connection

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“To experience something to its fullest, I must first appreciate the fact that I had the opportunity to experience it. For without that kind of appreciation I might have done something, but I didn’t experience it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Only nothing can create something.”
Meir Ezra

“There's something magical about Autumn!”
Charmaine J. Forde

“Zero is at the core of the PSR because nothing can prevent zero’s existence, it requires nothing, and it is infinitely stable under all transformations. A zero is a singularity, a point, the most stable thing you can possibly get, hence the necessary basis of existence. The PSR is the science of zero.”
Thomas Stark, Inside Reality: The Inner View of Existence

“Why is there something rather than nothing? Only because something can exist as nothing – via the mathematical capacity to express “nothing” in non-zero terms, e.g. e iπ + 1 = 0. In other words, wherever you see “nothing” (zero), you might in fact be confronting e iπ + 1 ( “something” ), without knowing it. Only mathematics has this unique capacity to the ground state of the universe. The compulsory ground state of the universe is zero, the minimum value possible. There is no sufficient reason for any arbitrary non-zero number to serve as the ground state.”
Brother Abaris, The Illuminist Army

Avijeet Das
“Unknowingly it happens between you and me. There is a pull that happens between you and me. What is it between you and me? Something that you do to me. Something that I do to you.”
Avijeet Das, Why the Silhouette?

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Sometimes taking a moment to do ‘nothing’ is the best ‘something’ that we can do.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“If something is worth saying, it is worth saying three times over.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Something magical is happening in the world of light.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There is something in the ground awaiting discovery.”
Steven Magee

“Zero is the ultimate nullibist and holenmerist entity. Zero is whole in every number, and whole in every part of mathematics. The universe that we all experience exists purely because zero is nullibist and holenmerist… because zero contains all numbers… because zero is exactly where “something” = “nothing”. Reality exists solely because something = nothing. Zero is everything. Zero contains everything. Zero is everywhere. Zero is whole everywhere, and whole in everything. Nothing rivals the incredible power and beauty of zero. It’s the ultimate expression of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) and Occam’s razor. What could be simpler than nothing? The universe of zero is the simplest possible universe and the best possible universe.”
Thomas Stark, Holenmerism and Nullibism: The Two Faces of the Holographic Universe

“Reason is indeed all about identity, or, rather, tautology. Mathematics is the eternal, necessary system of rational, analytic tautology. Tautology is not “empty”, as it is so often characterized by philosophers. It is in fact the fullest thing there, the analytic ground of existence, and the basis of everything. Mathematical tautology has infinite masks to wear, hence delivers infinite variety. Mathematical tautology provides Leibniz’s world that is “simplest in hypothesis and the richest in phenomena.” No hypothesis cold be simpler than the one revolving around tautologies concerning “nothing.” There is something – existence – because nothing is tautologous, and “something” is how that tautology is expressed. If we write x = 0, where x is any expression that has zero as its net result, then we have a world of infinite possibilities where something ( “x” ) equals nothing (0).”
Thomas Stark, God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

“Zero is not a point of non-existence. Zero is always a balance point of existents. The human understanding of “zero” must undergo the most radical of all transformations. Most people, especially scientists, associate it with absolute nothingness, with non-existence. This is absolutely untrue.”
Thomas Stark, God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

“Although you don’t know it, you simulate the Big Bang every time you dream. A dreamworld is a world created from nothing by a single monadic mind. The dreamworld explodes out of nowhere, through nothing but the power of thought. Also, you can bring this world to an end when you conclude the dream. You carry out your own Big Crunch.”
Thomas Stark, God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

“something comes,
then choose the path.”
Deniel Alraffly

“We always talk about the incredible relationship between zero and infinity. It’s Euler’s Formula that controls this relationship ontologically. You can have infinite things that are completely different and unique and yet are all exactly the same – ZERO. Every Euler circle, with its different Euler numbers and different energy characteristics, is, at one and the same time just zero energy because all the different elements ALWAYS cancel to zero. This is simply breathtaking. Only mathematics can deliver this and, in particular, only Euler’s Formula. That’s why it’s the all-controlling God Equation.”
Mike Hockney, Hyperreason

“Math is nothing – eternally structured, dynamic nothingness. Why does anything exist? Because it’s a special type of nothing – mathematical nothing. It needs nothing, expends nothing, and nothing can stop it, and that’s exactly why it can endure forever. There is only one perfect perpetual motion machine: mathematical nothingness, which is also everything.”
Mike Hockney, Causation and the Principle of Sufficient Reason

Anne Wilson Schaef
“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” -Anne Wilson Schaef”
Anne Wilson Schaef, 365 Meditations, Reflections & Restoratives Form Women Who Do Too Much Calendar

“The mathematical ontological arguments proceeds as follows: nothing can prevent nothing; nothing has no requirements; nothing, uniquely, endures forever; nothing is indestructible. A universe of nothings must exist. However, a universe of nothings with no
properties is actually a universe of nothing at all, i.e. a universe of non-existence. Why, then, does anything exist? Why is there something (existence) rather than nothing at all (non-existence)? There is only one conceivable answer. A something can exist only
when it is nothing. However, it is not nothing with no properties, but nothing with one essential property: its components balance to exactly nothing.”
Mike Hockney, Science's War On Reason

“The SOME of something is not the SUM of something...”
Joli Darling

Gift Gugu Mona
“A smart leader listens in order to learn something, because he knows that he cannot know everything.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Effective Leadership Prototype for a Modern Day Leader

“I mean right now. Like this very second. You as this person across from me. You're something.”
Julie Cross and Mark Perini

Steven Magee
“Turn your frustrations into something productive.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Dead and distressed flying insects are the early warning sign that something is wrong with environmental radiation.”
Steven Magee

“To survive, you need to focus on something”
Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong

Steven Magee
“There is something going on in Kauai which seems to be more toxic than the other Hawaiian islands.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The human brain is something you have to feed the right food to.”
Steven Magee