Spectacles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spectacles" Showing 1-11 of 11
Lisa Kleypas
“Suddenly she was distracted by the feel of a strange object underneath her palm, pressed flat against his chest. There was a hard lump in the inside pocket of his coat. She frowned curiously. Before Derek realized what she was doing, she reached inside the garment to investigate.
"No," he said swiftly, his large hand gripping her wrist to stop her.
But it was too late; her fingers had already encountered the object and identified it. With a disbelieving look on her face, Sara pulled out the tiny pair of spectacles she thought she had lost at the club. "Why?" she whispered, amazed that he was carrying them in his breast pocket.
He met her gaze defiantly, his jaw set. A small muscle twitched his cheek.
Then she understood. "Are you having problems with your sight, Mr. Craven?" she asked softly. "Or is it your heart?”
Lisa Kleypas, Dreaming of You

John Hegley
“my doggie don't wear glasses
so they're lying when they say
a dog looks like it's owner
aren't they

-My doggie don't wear glasses
John Hegley, Can I Come Down Now Dad?

John Hegley
“I experienced a terrible sense of my own mortality as it struck me that during my life I would only remove and replace my glasses a specific number of times. The thought filled me with sombreness to the extent that I began to weep, removing my glasses so that I could wipe my eyes, thus adding one more to whatever the final number would have been; the realisation of which cheered me.

-A spectacular tale
John Hegley, Can I Come Down Now Dad?

Lisa Kleypas
“Catherine Marks came to stand on the other side of the doorway as if she were a fellow sentinel guarding the castle gate. Leo glanced at her covertly. She was dressed in lavender, unlike her usual drab of colors. Her mousy brown hair was pulled back into such a tight chignon as to make it difficult for her to blink. The spectacles sat oddly on her nose, one of the wire earpieces crimped. It gave her the appearance of a befuddled owl.
"What are you looking at?" she asked tersely.
"Your spectacles are crooked," Leo said, trying not to smile.
She scowled. "I tried to fix them, but it only made them worse."
"Give them to me." Before she could object, he took them from her face and began to fiddle with the bent wire.
She spluttered in protest. "My lord, I didn't ask you to- if you damage them-"
"How did you bend the earpiece?" Leo asked, patiently straightening the wire.
"I dropped them on the floor, and as I was searching, I stepped on them."
"Nearsighted, are you?"
Having reshaped the earpiece, Leo scrutinized the spectacles carefully. "There." He began to give them to her and paused as he stared into her eyes, all blue, green, and gray, contained in distinct dark rims. Brilliant, warm, changeable. Like opals. Why had he never noticed them before?
Awareness chased over him, making his skin prickle as if exposed to a sudden change in temperature. She wasn't plain at all. She was beautiful, in a fine, subtle way, like winter moonlight, or the sharp linen smell of daisies. So cool and pale... delicious. For a moment, Leo couldn't move.”
Lisa Kleypas, Tempt Me at Twilight

Lisa Kleypas
“With your permission, I will instruct the jeweler I work with to build the frames you've drawn."
"Make them in silver," Leo said. He paused, regarding Catherine with a faint smile. "And have him put a touch of filigree on the earpieces. Nothing vulgar... keep it delicate."
Catherine shook her head immediately. "Such adornment is expensive and unnecessary."
"Do it nevertheless," Leo said to the doctor, his gaze still holding Catherine's. "Your face deserves adornment. I would hardly put a masterpiece in an ordinary frame, would I?”
Lisa Kleypas, Married by Morning

“The wonder of life is in the miracle of life. There is spectacle, there is awe and there is incredulity. The blunder of life is in the greediness of Man from Abel and Cain to the City of Sodom and concurrently to the conflict in the Gaza Strip.”
Anthony Pan

Lisa Kleypas
“She felt a pang of excitement as she realized it was not Mr. Hunt but Matthew Swift.
He rose from his chair, and Daisy said bashfully, "No, please, I'm sorry to have interrupted..."
Her voice trailed away as she noticed there was something different about him. He was wearing a pair of thin, steel-framed spectacles.
Spectacles, on that strong-featured face... and his hair mussed as if he had been tugging absently on the front locks. All that combined with a plentitude of muscles and masculine virility was astonishingly... erotic.
"When did you start wearing those?" Daisy managed to ask.
"About a year ago." He smiled ruefully and removed the spectacles with one hand. "I need them to read. Too many late nights poring over contracts and reports."
"They... they are very becoming."
"Are they?" Continuing to smile, Swift shook his head, as if it had not occurred to him to wonder about his appearance.”
Lisa Kleypas, Scandal in Spring

Lisa Kleypas
“Catherine drew out an object wrapped in soft cloth. Gently she unwrapped a new pair of spectacles made of silver... gleaming and perfect, the oval lenses sparkling. Marveling at the workmanship, she drew a finger along one of the intricate filigreed earpieces, all the way to the curved tip." They're so beautiful, "she said in wonder.
"If they please you, we'll have another pair made in gold. Here, let me help you..." Leo gently drew the old spectacles off her face, seeming to savor the gesture.
She put the new ones on. They felt light and secure on the bridge of her nose. As she looked around the room, everything was wonderfully detailed and in focus. In her excitement, she jumped up and hurried to the looking glass that hung over the entryway table. She inspected her own glowing reflection.
"How pretty you are," Leo's tall, elegant form appeared behind hers. "I do love spectacles on a woman."
Catherine's smiling gaze met his in the silvered glass. "Do you? What an odd preference."
"Not at all." His hands came to her shoulders, lightly fondling up to her throat and back again. "They emphasize your beautiful eyes. And they make you look capable of secrets and surprises- which, as much as we know, you are." His voice lowered. "Most of all I love the act of removing them- getting you ready for a tumble in bed."
She shivered at his bluntness, her eyes half closing as she felt him pull her back against him. His mouth went to the side of her neck.
"You like them?" Leo murmured, kissing her soft skin.
"Yes." Her head listed to the side as his tongue traced a subtle path along her throat. "I... I don't know why you went to such trouble. It was very kind."
Leo's dark head lifted, and he met her drowsy gaze in the looking glass. His fingers went to the side of her throat, stroking as if to rub the feel of his mouth into her skin. "I wasn't being kind," he murmured, a smile touching his lips. "I merely wanted you to see clearly."
I'm beginning to,she was tempted to tell him, but Poppy returned to the apartment before she was able.”
Lisa Kleypas, Married by Morning

Viola Shipman
“People flocked like lemmings to the water's edge all across Michigan's vast coastline every pretty summer evening to watch the spectacular sunsets. They were marvelous spectacles, a fireworks display most nights- a kaleidoscope of color and light in the sky, white clouds turning cotton candy pink, Superman ice cream blue, and plum purple, the sun a giant fireball that seemed to melt in the water as it began to slink behind the wavy horizon.
Sunsets are one of our simplest and most profound gifts,Sam remembered her grandma telling her years ago as they walked the shoreline looking for witches' stones- the ones with holes in them- or pretty Petoskeys to make matching necklaces.They remind us that we were blessed to have enjoyed a perfect day, and they provide hope that tomorrow will be even better. It's God's way of saying good night with His own brand of fireworks.”
Viola Shipman, The Recipe Box

John Cowper Powys
“Mr. Gaul took off his spectacles, a gesture of his which always accompanied the reception of anything startling. But he only twisted them in his hands and replaced them carefully. Had the event been more personally arresting he would have cleaned them with his coat-sleeve. Confronted by a shipwreck he might even have rubbed them against his trousers.”
John Cowper Powys, Weymouth Sands