Valkyrie Quotes

Quotes tagged as "valkyrie" Showing 1-30 of 80
Derek Landy
“Stairs," Valkyrie said, disappointed.
"Not just ordinary stairs," Skulduggery told her as he led the way down. "Magic stairs."
"Oh, yes."
She followed him into the darkness. "How are they magic?"
"They just are."
"In what way?"
"In a magicky way."
She glared at the back of his head. "They aren't magic at all, are they?"
"Not really.”
Derek Landy, Mortal Coil

Kresley Cole
“This is what it's all been about with you," he said in an even tone. "All the fear, all the running. The nightmares." When she nodded, he said, "You called him the devil."
"He is."What are you thinking, Scot?
"But you... married him?"
MacRieve's disgusted with me."Basically? Yes."
"Ceremony and everything?"
She swallowed. "He tricked me into it. I-I was only sixteen."
A muscle ticked in his cheek and his irises grew pale. "Then know this..."
She stopped breathing.
"Lass, I'm about to make you a widow--”
Kresley Cole, Pleasure of a Dark Prince

Kresley Cole
“Aidan from the past: He took her hands in his bloodied, callused ones. “Accept me?” His eyes glowed, his lashes spiked from rain.

Declan in the present: He gripped her nape. “I fuckin love you, Regin!” Rain spiked his lashes as he gazed down at her, commanding her, “Love me back!”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Straightaway, she'd called to the guard," Oh, boys? "She'd sauntered to the glass in only her black lace bra and panties." I need some assistance, "When they slowed, agog, she'd purred," Can one of you help me find my orgasm?”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“He's like six hundred years younger than you are. I refuse to be the moral compass of our cell! Most weekends I have an intoxispell bong attached to my mouth like a respirator. I love scatological humor, and I list 'pranks involving nuclear waste' and 'making demons eat things' as my hobbies.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“When the warden appeared outside their cell, he ogled Regin's bared midriff. Gross. Whenever men leered at her, Regin tended to leer back. She canted her head on the floor, turning it one way, then the other." I finally understand what a dickie-do is. Your gut does stick out more than your dickie do.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“And if you don’t think I can hold my own against all those eighteenth-century mortals you were out tagging, then you’re a fool, Casanova.”... “Oh, yes, I know all about you.”

He went still. “What are you talking about?”

“I was alive back then. And all the Lore heard about the ruthless warlord brothers from Estonia. The general, the scholar, the Enigma, and... the manwhore.”
Kresley Cole, Deep Kiss of Winter

Kresley Cole
“You're still... Declan?" --

--Voice hoarse, he said, "Aye, it's me. I will never be your perfect Viking, Regin! I've made unforgivable mistakes. I've no family or friends, and my men hold no love for me. I'm scarred inside and out. And I'm bloody askin' for you anyway!”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Seconds passed, then... La Dorada skulked into view. She was half-mummified, but sodden. Gooey.

Regin let out a low whistle. "The Mummy ReturnsmeetsDingoes Ate My Face."--

--La Dorada swung her head around, peering at Regin with her one eye. "Okay. That's freaky. Lookit, Gollum, if you spring me, I'll help you find your precious.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Derek Landy
“It's a very small object to be capable of doing many wonderful things, don't you think?"
"It does much more that that," Valkyrie said, opening up a game and showing it to him.
His eyes widened. "What wonder is this?"
"It's called Angry Birds. Now do you believe me?”
Derek Landy, Kingdom of the Wicked

Kresley Cole
“His tone dripping condescension, Lothaire crooned, “Ah children, it’s not yet story time.” He closed his eyes and turned away, saying over his shoulder, “To anyone who contemplates even nearing me while I sleep: I will garrote you with your own viscera.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Just hear me out. While you were napping, I was busy chatting up our allies. Didn't you know--your woman's a golden-tongued ambassador! My sisters always said I graduated from the shock-and-awe school of diplomacy, but joke 'em if they can't take a fuck, right?”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Valkyrie, I will get answers from you one way or another. Either through this painful exercise in futility, as you believe, or through a civilized conversation."

"You call this civilized?" She strained against her cuffs, leaning in to whisper, "Psst, Chase. The sexual tension between us is grueling.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Finally the vampire released him with another groan, sitting back on his haunches." Your blood issteepedin power. "Running his tongue over a fang, he said," Among other things. I believe I might be high. But Ilikeit.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Don't get pissy with me leech." With a glare, Carrow pressed her print to his torque. "Even tapped out, I can still do a love spell to make you fall in love--with the sun.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“What'd you want to talk about?"

"Just to commend you on your revenge last night. It must have been fiendish. Of course, I can only imagine since there wasn't a mark on Chase this morning, only residual bliss."

"He heals fast! I whaled on his face. Must've been thirty hits."

Natalya's lips quirked. "You're glowing like a Lite-Brite."

"Shut it, fairy.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“It felt bizarre to be ignored in general, much less by an embodiment of Aidan--who used to stare at her so hard that he'd run into trees.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“She murmured," You're unfinished. "
"Aye, precisely."
"I need to go."
When she moved to get up, he shoved her against his side and slapped her arse to keep her there. "You stay with me."
She snapped, "What do you want from me, Chase?"
He drew his head back in confusion. "I want everything. You'remine,Regin.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“..., It'd taken her several seconds to react to the sight of them together. She'd been almost hypnotized by the scene as Lothaire drank. Chase's masculine face had been tense, his gray eyes focused on the ground. Lothaire's face had been starkly beautiful, his pale blond hair brushing Chase's shoulder.
Light and dark. One terrible, one tragic.
And Lothaire had been... hard. "Oh, gods!" She cried as she ran back along the trail.Hot poker for my eyes! Hot poker!
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“You do not mind my humor?”

“Not at all. I’ve not laughed like this…” His brows drew together. “I think I’ve never laughed like this.”

“Usually I exasperate people. And I jest at inappropriate times. Such as during executions. Freya says ’tis my gift and my bane to frustrate others.”

“I like your manner, Reginleit. Life is long without humor.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Yo, Dekko, who do I gotta blow around here to get a shower?”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Apparently unaffected, she rose." Yeah, you're probably right. I should be going. "She feigned a yawn." You've gotta head back to work and I've gotta head to jail. Big night for me. I'm planning to shiv someone for a bar of soap. --”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“The largest one laughed. Until Natalya's glass shard plugged his jugular. Regin aimed and pulled the trigger. The gun kicked as bullets sprayed. It was shredding their torsos like cheese, halving their bodies." Let'sdothis! Rock out with your cocks out!”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Regin had known the risk in coming here, but she wasn't fearful. As Lucia had also told her," Sometimes I don't think you have the sense to be afraid when you should. "Regin had interpreted that to mean," You have no sense of fear, oh, great Reginleit.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“He shot to his feet, faced off against her." No more mercy for ye, Valkyrie. "Holding nothing back, he launched a haymaker at her head.

She ducked and laughed. "That accent you work so hard to hide is coming out! Are ye feckin' Oirish this time? Eh, boyo?" She leapt atop his desk, punting the side of his head. "Those swords aremine!Touch them, and I'll use 'em to slice off your nutsack! For a coin purse!”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“Kneeling before him, Regin murmured," Don't let that Fegley worm get to you. "Still staring ahead, the kid slowed his banging." There's a good... male of indeterminate species.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“You see, that's the thing with you detrus," Chase began in a contemplative tone. "Your bodies are abominations. If I severed your arms--"

Lothaire yawned loudly.

"--you'd merely regenerate from the injury. You might experience pain, but you wouldn't suffer the horror of permanent loss, not like a human."

Lothaire grew increasingly bored by this. "When I get free, I believe I'll show you your spine. I'll hand it to you so casually, politely even, as if expecting you to remark upon it.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Kresley Cole
“I'm told the effect is cumulative--it will continue to worsen." Though outwardly calm as he explained this, his face had paled even more. "But if you tell me about the Valkyrie's weaknesses, I'll administer the antidote."

"Weaknesses? So many. Foremost, we're... ticklish.”
Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior

Derek Landy
“Donegan Bane and Gracious O'Callahan - the Monster Hunters. Adventurers, inventors, authors ofMonster Hunting for Beginnersand it's sequels,Monster Hunting for Beginners is Probably InadvisableandSeriously, Dude, Stop Monster Hunting.
Derek Landy, The Maleficent Seven

Derek Landy
“Aurora sagged." Why is it, "she asked," that every time I'm with you two we end up stealing something big? "
"We always return it," Donegan said, a little defensively. "Maybe not always in one piece or necessarily to the right person but return it we do, and so it is not stealing, it is merely borrowing."
Gracious looked at him. "It's a little bit stealing."
"Anyone who leaves a private jet just lying arounddeservesto have it stolen. "
"It wasn't lying around," said Gracious. "It was locked up tight. It took us an hour to dismantle the security system and get inside."
Donegan looked at him. "You're not helping.”
Derek Landy, The Maleficent Seven

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