Word Of God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "word-of-god" Showing 1-30 of 326
A.W. Tozer
“I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.”
A.W. Tozer

John R.W. Stott
“We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior.”
John Stott

Amit Ray
“Take care of your words and the words will take care of you.”
Amit Ray

Thomas Paine
“The most detestable wickedness, the most horrid cruelties, and the greatest miseries, that have afflicted the human race have had their origin in this thing called revelation, or revealed religion. It has been the most dishonourable belief against the character of the divinity, the most destructive to morality, and the peace and happiness of man, that ever was propagated since man began to exist. It is better, far better, that we admitted, if it were possible, a thousand devils to roam at large, and to preach publicly the doctrine of devils, if there were any such, than that we permitted one such impostor and monster as Moses, Joshua, Samuel, and the Bible prophets, to come with the pretended word of God in his mouth, and have credit among us.

Whence arose all the horrid assassinations of whole nations of men, women, and infants, with which the Bible is filled; and the bloody persecutions, and tortures unto death and religious wars, that since that time have laid Europe in blood and ashes; whence arose they, but from this impious thing called revealed religion, and this monstrous belief that God has spoken to man? The lies of the Bible have been the cause of the one, and the lies of the Testament of the other.”
Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

R.C. Sproul
“It is fashionable in some academic circles to exercise scholarly criticism of the Bible. In so doing, scholars place themselves above the Bible and seek to correct it. If indeed the Bible is the Word of God, nothing could be more arrogant. It is God who corrects us; we don’t correct Him. We do not stand over God but under Him.”
R.C. Sproul, Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“If you cut him, (John Bunyan) he'd bleed Scripture!”
Charles H. Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Bread is a second cause; the LORD Himself is the first source of our sustenance. He can work without the second cause as well as with it; and we must not tie Him down to one mode of operation. Let us not be too eager after the visible, but let us look to the invisible God.”
Charles H. Spurgeon

Martin Luther
“The soul can do without everything except the word of God, without which none at all of its wants are provided for.”
Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty

Robert G. Ingersoll
“If the people of Europe had known as much of astronomy and geology when the bible was introduced among them, as they do now, there never could have been one believer in the doctrine of inspiration. If the writers of the various parts of the bible had known as much about the sciences as is now known by every intelligent man, the book never could have been written. It was produced by ignorance, and has been believed and defended by its author. It has lost power in the proportion that man has gained knowledge. A few years ago, this book was appealed to in the settlement of all scientific questions; but now, even the clergy confess that in such matters, it has ceased to speak with the voice of authority. For the establishment of facts, the word of man is now considered far better than the word of God. In the world of science, Jehovah was superseded by Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. All that God told Moses, admitting the entire account to be true, is dust and ashes compared to the discoveries of Descartes, Laplace, and Humboldt. In matters of fact, the bible has ceased to be regarded as a standard. Science has succeeded in breaking the chains of theology. A few years ago, Science endeavored to show that it was not inconsistent with the bible. The tables have been turned, and now, Religion is endeavoring to prove that the bible is not inconsistent with Science. The standard has been changed.”
Robert G. Ingersoll, Some Mistakes of Moses

Thomas Paine
“Each of those churches shows certain books, which they call revelation, or the Word of God. The Jews say that their Word of God was given by God to Moses face to face; the Christians say, that their Word of God came by divine inspiration; and the Turks say, that their Word of God (the Koran) was brought by an angel from heaven. Each of those churches accuses the other of unbelief; and, for my own part, I disbelieve them all.”
Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Frank Herbert
“Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality. Something cannot emerge from nothing.”
Frank Herbert, Dune

Billy Graham
“We need to encourage new believers to feed on God’s Word—it is nourishment for the soul.”
Billy Graham, Billy graham in quotes

Oswald Chambers
“There have been prophets and students who handle the Bible like a child’s box of bricks; they explain to us the design and structure and purpose; but as time goes on things do not work out in their way at all. They have mistaken the scaffolding for the structure, while all the time God is working out His purpose with a great and undeterred patience.”
Oswald Chambers

Toba Beta
“The word of my lord
is the sword for world.”
Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

Israelmore Ayivor
“God’s on your side; be on God’s side!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Become a Better You

“God’s plan is so perfect. That he made every person to be dependent on nature. To be dependent on other people. To be dependent on him to live and to survive. Next time think twice when you want to take nature, people or God our of your life. Think twice when you want to destroy nature and other people, because you might be destroying yourself. No matter how perfect, rich or good you are. You always need others to survive.

Philippians 2:3-4 | Philippians 2:3 | 1 Peter 4:10”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“There is no assurance like the word of God.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Vince Baker
“Your inward eye of Faith allows you to plainly see the path of God for your life that no one else can see”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

Vince Baker
“Keep your foot on the throttle of your Faith, and you will see your prayers answered speedily”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

Vince Baker
“Faith starts and ends in what is revealed in the Scriptures”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

Vince Baker
“If you always live in a low-level state of fear, doubt, and unbelief, you will never come into the powerful potential of living by Faith, where miracles and Divine answers to your prayers manifest on a regular basis”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

Vince Baker
“Once you’ve decided to quit worrying, you’ve opened yourself up to living by Faith”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

Vince Baker
“A guilty conscience will ruin your chance of speaking by Faith and getting your prayers answered by God”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

Vince Baker
“When you have Faith, you will always have tangible answers from God Almighty”
Vince Baker

Vince Baker
“Strict adherence to the Words of Christ creates an unshakeable Faith in the believer”
Vince Baker, Faith Secrets: Learn How To Please God With Your Faith

“No matter how smart we think we are, without the Word of God to guide us, we are less than simple and fully unchanged.”
Michael A Dalton

“Mission is the heartbeat of God, flowing directly from His nature. To know His nature is to know His heart; to know His heart is to know His word; and to know His word is to know His mission.”
P.K. Satheesh Kunjumon