Manuel's Reviews> A Separate Peace

A Separate Peace by John Knowles
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's review

I LOATHED this book. I was required to read this piece of crap when I was a sophomore at Carmel High.
When you are in high school, you are required to read many books as part of a required reading list. Often times, you groan when you pick up something that looks like it will be a chore to read, but in the end the book will have a semblance of value. Many books will entertain you or at least you can say you learned something new. I didnt enjoy reading the "The Scarlet Letter" or "Billy Bud", but as I grew older I recognized their merit.
I having nothing good to say about this mind numbing dribble of teenage angst. I didnt find the main characters very likable or sympathetic and frankly I am astonished as to why this rubbish was considered required reading for high school?
Becoming a teenager was not an easy time for most of us, but Im sure there are far better books dealing with and explaining those difficult years than this story of two prep school brats at the cusp of WWII.
I dont believe in censorship or book burnings, but if I were ever forced to participate in something so disagreeable; this book would be the first thing I would throw into the flames.

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April 10, 2008 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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Sasha C. Is it really this bad? We are just starting to read it in my class, so I am prepared for the worst after this review.

message 2: by Steven (new) - rated it1star

Steven Hummer Let me know when and were the bon fire will be:) thanks for the laughs good review you nailed it.

message 3: by Howard (last edited Dec 14, 2009 07:34AM) (new) - rated it1star

Howard Buchman Bravo! Bravo! In my mind, this book will always be known as "A Seperate Peace"...of crap.


message 4: by Steven (new) - rated it1star

Steven Hummer Annelida wrote: "Is it really this bad? We are just starting to read it in my class, so I am prepared for the worst after this review."

Annelida wrote: "Is it really this bad? We are just starting to read it in my class, so I am prepared for the worst after this review."
Yeah it really does suck I feel sorry for you dude best of luck hope you survive.

message 5: by Nn (new) - rated it5stars

Nn This book is a literary classic, and if you cannot understand the deep implications of it you should go back to school.

message 6: by Howard (new) - rated it1star

Howard Buchman You know, we are all entitled to our opinion... However, this book really, really stunk. I went back to school, as so I can understand the deep implications of this book......and it still stinks.

LaKayla Herbert I am reading this as a sophomore and I loathe it as well

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