Grace Tjan's Reviews> Into the Wild

Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
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bookshelves: 2014, jess-shelf

This is my daughter Jess' review. Jess is 11.

This review won the Ultimate Book Reviewer Award given by her school's Language Arts teacher.

Do you ever wonder what your pet cat thinks about? Fantasy author Erin Hunter brings you this spine-tingling, action-packed, fantasy adventure novel about wild cats. Explore and experience the land from the eyes of Rusty, a common house cat that dreams about the forest and all its wonders.

One fateful day, Rusty finds himself walking towards Thunderclan camp, a whole new world where wild cats fight as warriors under the warrior code. Medicine cats used their knowledge of herbs and cures to heal the wounded, and apprentices trained with their mentors to become full-fledged warriors. All this happens beneath the leader's rule, and that leader just happens to be Bluestar, the cat that Rusty met outside his house gates.

Training to become a warrior of Thunderclan, Rusty now named Firepaw, must faced the dangers that lurk in his path to becoming a warrior. Once such danger is Tigerclaw, the fierce and ambitious mentor of Ravenpaw, his timid friend. With Redtail, the deputy dead, Tigerclaw claims that he saw Oakheart, the Riverclan deputy, kill him. Firepaw then proceeds to ask Ravenpaw, as he was the only cat that was there to witness the murder. Firepaw wants answers, but he know he cannot get them in Thunderclan camp, knowing that Tigerclaw will attempt to kill Ravenpaw to keep him silent. Graypaw, Firepaw's new best friend, accompanies him while escorting Ravenpaw to an abandoned barn on the moors.

The characters are the reason I loved this novel. They were all described wonderfully, and each cat has different traits and personalities. They all look different too!! Fur colors range from an ordinary brown to a spectacular golden tabby fur. There are so many creative ideas put into this book, and one of them is the idea that wild cats live in big groups and depend on each other for survival. It's really, really hard to choose a favorite character out of this book, because there aresomany cats to choose from. But if I really had to pick up one, I'd choose Graypaw. Who wouldn't love a stubborn, friendly gray kitty who likes to crack jokes? I also like that supportive, helpful attitude of his. He's not afraid to stand up for his friends, and he's always going to be right there next to you if you need help, though he can get a little carried away sometimes, I think he's generally a great friend to have.

If fantasy and adventure novels catch your attention, then this is the book for you! It has very descriptive writing that puts images in your head, and the tension and emotions that the characters display might just give you goosebumps! To find out what happens next, you'll have to read the book!

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Reading Progress

Started Reading
April 10, 2013 – Finished Reading
June 10, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
June 10, 2014 – Shelved
June 10, 2014 – Shelved as: 2014
June 10, 2014 – Shelved as: jess-shelf

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Praj (new)

Praj Wonderful!! Sandy, please do convey my "congratulations" to your daughter and let her know what an amazing writer she is and would certainly be one in the future.

And, yes it is lovely to see you after a long time on GR:)

Grace Tjan Hi Praj! Thanks for liking Jess' review and nice to see you around too (and still writing!).

message 3: by Wanda (new)

Wanda Hi Jess! Good to see you again. Great review!

message 4: by bookgirl (new) - added it

bookgirl Please tell Jess I love her review! I am around her age.

Whisperwind This brings tears to my eyes. Wonderful. I can see why it got Ann award. A great review for a great book series

Grace Tjan Thanks!

Eliana I loved Jess's review! Very descriptive and accurate.

Grace Tjan Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

message 9: by Ava (new) - rated it5stars

Ava Absolute amazing organized writing! Loved your descriptive and accurate review!

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