The Next Best Book Clubdiscussion

Personal Reading Goals > Join us in posting your Personal Reading Goals

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message 1: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
HI everyone. Emilee created a thread asking everyone to share their 2009 reading goal, and to post their progress.

Rather than using one thread to track everyone progress, I thought it would be much easier and neater to have a seperate folder where you can each create your own thread with your personal goal, and track your progress for us all to see!

Who is gonna get us started?

message 2: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) me next!

message 3: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) Me too!

message 4: by Becky (last edited Feb 17, 2009 01:47AM) (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) And that is why you're the Super Mod.:)

*runs off to start my thread*

message 5: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
nono.. it was Emilees great idea. My OCD just won out over the single thread vs a whole folder:)

message 6: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) | 1045 comments I'm in.

message 7: by Kandice (new)

Kandice Me too.

message 8: by Ann from S.C. (new)

Ann from S.C. | 1395 comments Me too!

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm in!

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

I am so in

message 11: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) Where's the folder?;o)

message 12: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) You're in it, Liz... From the group homepage, you'd just click on "New" and name your thread whatever you want, and choose the "Our Personal Reading Goals" folder.:) Hope that helps!

message 13: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Last year I joined on another site(can't remember when i have been on there) the fifty book challenge a year. I didn't thik I would make it but went over it in the end. That was in a year of not working and just sitting in my room home for four months hoping they would pass as soon as possible. This year starts with a full time job so.....but I read 12 books this year so I am surprising myselg. When I ahve more time and am alone i am going to book mine too.

message 14: by Kristina (new)

Kristina (klonk) I'd appreciate it if, in the lists of your goals and what you've achieved so far, did not only write the titles of the books, but the authors as well. I haven't heard of all the books people read, and it'd make it easier for me, and probably other people as well, if there was a name as well as a title.

But, that's just my wish.:)

message 15: by Liz (new)

Liz (hissheep) Jeane wrote: "Last year I joined on another site(can't remember when i have been on there) the fifty book challenge a year. I didn't thik I would make it but went over it in the end. That was in a year of not wo..."

Jeane, I signed up for that group too (Yahoo Groups, I 80 minute commute round-trip! Soon realized even a book a week was too much for me...;o)

message 16: by Lynlee4 (new)

Lynlee4 | 117 comments I'm in:o>

message 17: by Alycia (new)

Alycia (alyciac) | 2907 comments I'm in! Can't wait to see what everyone else has for goals; I'm going to go jot mine down before I peek at any others.

Elizabeth (Alaska) I'd just like to post that I have no reading goals for 2009. I probably won't be participating in any any challenges either, unless by challenge you mean trying not to have a larger stack of unread books at the end of the year than I have at the beginning of the year. That doesn't mean I won't be purchasing any new books before I've read the ones I already own, but that I'll try to read more than I buy. Anyway, I just read for pleasure, as often as I can.

message 19: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
Reading for pleasure is about as good as it gets!

message 20: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Elizabeth wrote: "I'd just like to post that I have no reading goals for 2009. I probably won't be participating in any any challenges either, unless by challenge you mean trying not to have a larger stack of unread..."

A great goal which I think should be one of the main reason of reading.

My goals are more about which books I want to read this year. And some other less important things.

message 21: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments So, finally I can start with my reading goals for 2009. I am alone home today and jsut going to think about it finally....

Elizabeth (Alaska) Ok, here's the deal. I said just 2 days ago that I have no reading goals for 2009 and that I probably wouldn't be participating in any challenges either. Well, I discovered this morning that I have 3 Pulitzer's sitting on my TBR shelf. Heck, I've already purchased them. So the goal is that I will actually read all three of them before year's end. OK, that's off my chest. Now, as to the challenges. I just looked at the statistics thread for the Winter Challenge and the average finishing percentage was less than 40%. Well, then, most of you are not buckling under the pressure. Sooooo... I looked at the Spring Challenge and it's March 1. I'm not saying I'll plan my next 3 months reading according to the Spring Challenge, but I might see if what I have to read fits any of the categories and earn a few points.

message 23: by Katie (new)

Katie (hockeygoddess) | 257 comments Elizabeth -- That's totally the way to do it! It's fun, not pressure, and I think a lot of us use it as motivation to get through some of those books we've had sitting on out TBR shelves for way too long! I always try to participate & I'm uber busy, so even if I only complete two tasks like I did in the Winter Challenge, it's two more books read:) Plus you never know what fabulous book you may discover that someone else has read for a challenge! Have fun...we'll be here to cheer you on no matter what:)

message 24: by Christina (new)

Christina Winata (littlebookworm) | 51 comments Hi Katie,

Perhaps it sounds stupid, but what is TBR? (innocently looking through your eyes)

message 25: by Kandice (new)

Kandice TO BE READ

message 26: by Katie (new)

Katie (hockeygoddess) | 257 comments Kandice beat me to it:) Sorry to abbreviate, Wawa...I'm just so used to writing it that way!

message 27: by Leah (new)

Leah (ling_ling) | 226 comments Oo i'm so in on this! work has been slow so I've been reading like crazy!

message 28: by April (new)

April (booksandwine) | 954 comments I definately think quantifying your goal and writing it out makes it that much easier to achieve. Plus with the moral support of TNBBCers, you can't go wrong!

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree April!

message 30: by Brittany (new)

Brittany (wifethatprays) May sound a bit crazy, but with my husband in the military and a lot of his time is spent away from home (thus there's not much to clean when he's not home since he makes the messes) I can read a LOT. My personal reading goal for the year is to read 500 books. Which, divided by 12 is about 42 books a month. I think it may be feasible. Expensive but feasible, lol.

message 31: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
holy what!!!! 42 books a month? You can read more than one book a day? are you a superhuman?

message 32: by Brittany (new)

Brittany (wifethatprays) hahahaha. Not even close to a super human. I could definitely read more than one book a day, seeing that they'd be under 400 pages. Like I said, hubby is gone A LOT. When he's home, he comes home late so I'm finished cleaning and doing chores by 10 AM and I have the rest of the day to do whatever.

I feel really quite pathetic now lol

message 33: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
Why do you feel pathetic?
I think its amazing that someone can read so fast. i have three days to myself to read. My kids are in school on my days off, so between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Im rushing around doing a little housework, and then the rest of that time is mine all mine!! But I still cant manage a whole book! wow!!

message 34: by Brittany (new)

Brittany (wifethatprays) LOL only felt pathetic because it LOOKS like I don't do anything, but surely if there were a visitor at my home you'd think I only cleaned and never anything else. I'm just that good;-)

message 35: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 437 comments At one point, I was going for 500 books in a year. I had to scale back though. I was getting headaches from reading so much. Now I'm going for 200.

message 36: by Brittany (new)

Brittany (wifethatprays) Whilst it is a goal and seemingly feasible, I may have to scale down or settle for less. Moreover, it will encourage me to read more than I had before!

message 37: by Dar (new)

Dar | 14 comments As a result of I am a international student. I plan to read English book in order to improve my English as much as I can. My goal is a book per month which depends on how thick the books are. I'm currently reading 2 books now. Eclipse and He's not that into you. I love reading...<3

message 38: by Mitch (new)

Mitch (mitchrror) Howdy Y'all!

Okay, I'm thinking if I write down my goal then it'll stick and I can manage to actually accomplish my goal so here it goes:

My goal for 2009 is to read the 105 un-read books that are sitting on my shelves just itching to be read BEFORE I go out and purchase just one more book.

There, I said it and I'm horrible, I keep seeing and/or hearing of these great reads and then I'm chomping at the bit to buy them and when I do, it's awhile before I can get to them because sure enough I'll pick up one that looks all that much better and read it first (or next). Geez! Heck, I was at the store today and grabbed two more. Duh!

Elizabeth (Alaska) Mitch, you're going to fit right in here.

message 40: by Mitch (new)

Mitch (mitchrror) Elizabeth wrote: "Mitch, you're going to fit right in here."

Well thanks! I just received 2 more books to add to my "must read" shelves. I'm such an addict!

message 41: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey I want to read 200 books this year!:)

message 42: by Leah (new)

Leah (ling_ling) | 226 comments Kristen wrote: "I want to read 200 books this year!:)"

good luck!!! ^_^

.. I think thats too high a number for me but I'm shooting for 100 myself..

message 43: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey I've read more than 50 already this year.. so I think I can reach 200.. hopefully.

message 44: by Leah (new)

Leah (ling_ling) | 226 comments see there yah go.. you've got a great start.. I've only read 16 so far..

message 45: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey Of course... I do read a lot of graphic novels.. which don't always take as long to read.

message 46: by Leah (new)

Leah (ling_ling) | 226 comments yeah but graphic novels are good! heh

message 47: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey Yes they are, and very addictive!

message 48: by Leah (new)

Leah (ling_ling) | 226 comments haha indeed!

message 49: by S.M. (new)

S.M. | 6 comments I am a new...

So far I have made a goal of reading one book a month... I know to many of you that will seem a bit weak, but I have 6 children, all homeschooled and I am a writer, so my lap is full. When I read it is all I do, the Host was down in about 6-8 hours (counting feeding kids):) I love to read, just don't get much time to myself anymore...

I have read more than I have listed as well, just don't have the time to add them all, lol I steal a few moments here and there when my daughter is in the hospital (that happens a lot)

well I hope to get to know most of you and to get one book a month read. See you around:) Stacey

message 50: by Lori,Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10419 comments Mod
Stacey, any reading goal is a great goal! I wish you luck with that, and you have my utmost respect, homeschooling 6 kids takes alot of patience!!

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