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Archive (2019 RYS) > Karol's Read Your Shelves - 2019

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message 1: by Karol (new)

Karol | 115 comments I'll try to read 24 that I already own this year.

message 2: by Karol (new)

message 3: by Juli,Moderator (new)

Juli | 1933 comments Mod
Very good goal! We all need to read more books we already own.

message 4: by Karol (new)

Karol | 115 comments Juli wrote: "Very good goal! We all need to read more books we already own."

Juli - I need to be able to justify buying more books! LOL

message 5: by Elyse,Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8590 comments Mod
Karol wrote: "Juli wrote:" Very good goal! We all need to read more books we already own. "

Juli - I need to be able to justify buying more books! LOL "

*SMH* I don't/can't justify anymore...lol. I just did another Book Outlet order, my second of the year...*my* justification is that I'm not paying full price for books. lol

message 6: by Juli,Moderator (new)

Juli | 1933 comments Mod
Elyse wrote: "Karol wrote:" Juli wrote: "Very good goal! We all need to read more books we already own."

Juli - I need to be able to justify buying more books! LOL "

*SMH* I don't/can't justify anymore...lol. I... "

Hahahaha, I have "reasons" like that too!

message 7: by Elyse,Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8590 comments Mod
Juli wrote: "Elyse wrote:" Karol wrote: "Juli wrote:" Very good goal! We all need to read more books we already own. "

Juli - I need to be able to justify buying more books! LOL "

*SMH* I don't/can't justify an... "

Hey the way I see it is that books are not a bad addiction to have! And it's not hoarding if it's books. I have a mug that says so so it must be true.;)

message 8: by Juli,Moderator (new)

Juli | 1933 comments Mod
Elyse wrote: "Juli wrote:" Elyse wrote: "Karol wrote:" Juli wrote: "Very good goal! We all need to read more books we already own."

Juli - I need to be able to justify buying more books! LOL "

*SMH* I don't/can... "

Most definitely true!

message 11: by Elyse,Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8590 comments Mod
Oh nice you read a good chunk of pre-owned books! A River in Darkness and Last Train to Istanbul are in my TBR. I do own Istanbul too! Maybe I will add it to my Read Your Shelves list!

message 12: by Karol (new)

Karol | 115 comments Elyse wrote: "Oh nice you read a good chunk of pre-owned books! A River in Darkness and Last Train to Istanbul are in my TBR. I do own Istanbul too! Maybe I will add it to my Read Your Shelves list!"

Last Train to Istanbul is quite interesting - at least, I found it to be so. I really knew nothing about Turkey during WWII. And this book was interesting too because of a "mixed marriage" between a Muslim and a Jew. There were many painfully difficult things to read however - as is always the case with the Nazis and their treatment of the Jews.

message 16: by Andrea,Moderator (new)

Andrea | 4270 comments Mod
Only 4 more to go Karol!

message 17: by Karol (new)

Karol | 115 comments 21.Circumstantial Evidence,byJames Scott Bell,4/5 stars, 08/22/19

22.The Boomerang Clue,byAgatha Christie,5/5 stars, 08/24/19

23.The Power of Weakness: Embracing the True Source of Strength,byDan Schaeffer,5/5 stars 08/25/19

24.Michigan's Columbus: The Life of Douglass Houghton,by Steve Lehto, 4/5 stars, 09/10/19


message 18: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (stacieh) | 1945 comments Woohoo!! Great job:)

message 19: by Elyse,Moderator (new)

Elyse (winesaboutbooks) | 8590 comments Mod
Congrats Carol!

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