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2010 Lists > Laura's 2010 Books

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message 1: by Cassandra (last edited Mar 24, 2010 10:14AM) (new)

Cassandra I'm going to try to read as many as possible. It's my goal to get into a habit where I read everyday. I really liked the ones with links and pictures (25%), I liked the ones with links (50%), and I didn't like the others (25%).

1.Sir ThursdaybyGarth Nix
2.Fool MoonbyJim Butcher
3.Watership DownbyRichard Adams Watership Down by Richard Adams
4.TamsinbyPeter S. Beagle
5.The Titan's CursebyRick Riodan

message 3: by Cassandra (last edited Apr 03, 2010 02:22PM) (new)

message 4: by Cassandra (last edited Mar 24, 2010 10:19AM) (new)

Cassandra 16. White Is for Magic by Laurie Faria Stolarz
17.The Last OlympianbyRick Riordan The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5) by Rick Riordan
18. Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce
19. The Egg and Other Stories by Sherwood Anderson
20.Dream WarriorbySherrilyn Kenyon

message 5: by Stephanie (last edited Feb 22, 2010 05:16AM) (new)

Stephanie | 71 comments Did you enjoy the Sunne in Splendour? I have it on my TBR list and wonder if I should move it up...

message 6: by Cassandra (last edited Feb 23, 2010 11:24PM) (new)

Cassandra I thought it was good, but I found it really hard to get through. It had passages where I was hanging on to every word, and passages where I couldn't get myself to read another word. It has a really high average rating and I think that might be because people that didn't like it never managed to finish it.

It was really similar to the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.

message 7: by Cassandra (last edited Apr 16, 2010 11:33AM) (new)

message 8: by Cassandra (last edited Mar 24, 2010 10:16AM) (new)

Cassandra 26. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
27. Boating for Beginners by Jeanette Winterson
28.Spring TorrentsbyIvan Sergeevich Turgenev Spring Torrents (Penguin Classics) by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
29. The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers by Lilian Jackson Braun
30. Fling And Other Stories by John Hersey

message 9: by Cassandra (last edited Apr 16, 2010 11:32AM) (new)

Cassandra 31.Living Dead in DallasbyCharlaine Harris
32. High Rhulain by Brian Jacques
33.Someone Named EvabyJoan M. Wolf
34. Dracula by Bram Stoker
35.The Queen's FoolbyPhilippa Gregory

message 10: by Cassandra (last edited Mar 25, 2010 08:40AM) (new)

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