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My Success Story > What's your success story?

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message 1: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
We've all had those little successes in life, like when I was looking for a particular shop. I was standing there thinking where could this specific outlet be, I turned around from the street view and there the shop was, it had been right behind me all the time... or had it? I mean, had my wishing created it being there? Who can say, but it was just one of thiose little synchronistic successes that saved me marching around the city I was in.

So what's your success story? Look forward to hearing it.

Stephen Richards

message 2: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 6 comments Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to add my story to this. I suppose like most people struggling for what you call "success" I was down on my luck. I know you don't consider luck to be something that is real, and as you say we make our own luck.

I consider you, Stephen, to have been my mentor in bringing this success story about. Over the time you have advised me through your books and CDs on a wide variety of topics, from wealth creating, focusing, and more.

I recall as a young child watching my mother sew, she sewed all sorts of things for other people, even sewing fabrics into window drapes and other plush home interior products.

When I was about 12 or so, I too started to sew. Many commented on my skills and how good I was, but as I grew older I drifted away from that and almost forgot all about it. One morning when I was sitting there looking out of the window wondering what I could do to earn some more money I saw something that made me think back to when I was a child and all that sewing I had done. I was focusing on my best side, as that's what you always said to do and through that thinking I suddenly saw myself running my own business and sewing things.

I think there is a time in everybody's life that this sort of thinking happens, but I did what you said to do and acted on my gut instinct. From sitting there with nothing I now had this idea of starting my own business and I was buzzing with excitement at the thought of it.

What made me decide to use my old skills was something you wrote about in one of your books, it was something along the lines of "always place a cosmic order within the bounds of your capabilities".

Within a week I had my whole family involved, my excitement was contagious. I now operate a successful business. Although it's early days I am saying positive things and thinking positive things.

I have obtained some second hand commercial machines that we use to stitch fabrics of every type. All my business is coming to me by word of mouth and I don't even need to advertise.

What started my seed of a thought on that day I was looking out through the window was a little delivery van that had just pulled up, it had written on the side of it "Iron & Sew Service". Now my small family run business is taking advantage of the recession as so many people are repairing garments and making them last.

I could go into intricate detail about my success story, but I am sure you get the gist of it.

message 3: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
Thank you, Sophie. Indeed, it is inspiration to me that I played a very small part in your success. I am honored that you consider my role as even worth mentioning, thank you and long may you continue to prosper.

message 4: by Alfred (new)

Alfred Clarke | 6 comments My success story is when I was in need you helped me Stephen. Thank you for all the time you put into me about four years ago as I was rally low in myself then. You wrote a lot of letters for to get me on a course. I was pretty nasty to you befoere all of that as I never heard back from you and then you asked for a number to cal me on. You helped me up when tyhe world wanted to section me off. Sorry about my writing but it sometimes gets bad.

message 5: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
Alfred - Hi,

Ah, yes I do recall you. Welcome to my Goodreads profile and I am sure you will find quite a lot to entertain you while here. If I can help you in any way then please do say.I look forward to your your interaction here.

Best wishes ever,

Steve r

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