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Tom Robbins
“We should consider ourselves lucky, honored, blessed that we possess the capacity to feel tenderness of such magnitude and be grateful even when that love is not returned. Love is the only game in which we win even when we lose.”
Tom Robbins, Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life

Tom Robbins
“On Sa-bat, from which comes our Sabbath, men as well as women were commanded to rest, for when the moon menstruated, the taboo was on everyone. Originally (and naturally) observed once a month, the Sabbath was later to be incorporated by the Christians into their Creation myth and made conveniently weekly.”
Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker

Tom Robbins
“Out where the boogie stopped and the woogie began.”
Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues: A Novel

Tom Robbins
“In the haunted house of life, art is the only stair that doesn’t creak.”
Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All

Tom Robbins
“That’s the value of artists, isn’t it? Even when they aren’t aware of it, they’re dreaming our dreams for us.”
Tom Robbins, Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life

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