Augustine Dagnone

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Karl Braungart
““What’s puzzling is the sender wrote, ‘I hope this is helpful for the Tariq’Allah office in Istanbul. Stay in touch.’ Turkey does not speak Arabic. Someone wrote this cover page in Arabic.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Carolyn Cutler Hughes
“God knows what we do not see, so let Him lead and set you free.”
Carolyn Cutler Hughes, Through God's Eye

Claudia   Clark
“At one point, approximately halfway through her remarks, Merkel stated in German something about ‘being able to greet the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama,’ and an overly ambitious Obama, who perhaps thought that was his cue, headed toward the podium. Perhaps catching the president’s movement out of the corner of her eye, Merkel thought quickly, and without even looking up from her notes, she told the excited American president, in English, ‘Not yet, dear Mr. President, dear Barack Obama.’ Obama sheepishly returned to his seat to allow the chancellor to finish her speech.”
Claudia Clark, Dear Barack: The Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel

S.G. Blaise
“Son, I hope your fur doesn’t stink when it rains.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

“Again, the exercise begins. For me, the American in me, the city of Detroit comes to mind. A house, once within the bustling city, now lies on the outskirts. Industry has come and gone, and the car manufacturers have relocated. I recall images of the rough lifestyles south of 8 Mile. The city’s borders have changed. Post-apocalyptic, long grasses sway with the wind. The house is melancholy and lonely. The owners: maybe there, maybe not.”
Colin Phelan, The Local School

year in books
Glenna ...
126 books | 35 friends

Magali ...
31 books | 24 friends

Merle L...
68 books | 20 friends

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