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R.H. Sin
“i have bruises
no one can see
i am hurting
but i’ll just smile”
R.H. Sin, Algedonic

“When they are truly into something, they are absolutely single-minded in their fixation. They give it all they have. They throw heaps of money at it, research it endlessly, and do whatever seems necessary to draw closer to it. You sense real passion there.”
Aoko Matsuda, Where the Wild Ladies Are

Santosh Kalwar
“People were always most interested in things that didn't have anything useful to tell them. I had no idea why.”
Santosh Kalwar, The Society In Opposition To Everything

Hiromi Goto
“You must be lonely."
"Only when I'm with other people.”
Hiromi Goto, Chorus of Mushrooms

Glennon Doyle
“I am not a good friend. I have never been capable of or willing to commit to the maintenance that the rules of friendship dictate. I cannot rmember bithdays. I do not want to meet for coffee. I will not host the baby shower. I won't text back because it's an eternal game of Ping-Pong, the texting. It never ends. I inevitably disappoint friends, so after enough of that, I decided I would stop trying. I don't want to live in constant debt. This is okay with me.”
Glennon Doyle, Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living / A Toolkit for Modern Life

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