Mahra Alshehhi

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David Foster Wallace
“I do things like get in a taxi and say," The library, and step on it.”
David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

Paul Auster
“Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice: reading for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author's words reverberating in your head.”
Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies

Abraham Lincoln
“My Best Friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.”
Abraham Lincoln

Karen Marie Moning
“I love books, by the way, way more than movies. Movies tell you what to think. A good book lets you choose a few thoughts for yourself. Movies show you the pink house. A good book tells you there's a pink house and lets you paint some of the finishing touches, maybe choose the roof style,park your own car out front. My imagination has always topped anything a movie could come up with. Case in point, those darned Harry Potter movies. That was so not what that part-Veela-chick, Fleur Delacour, looked like.”
Karen Marie Moning, Darkfever

Annie Dillard
“She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.”
Annie Dillard, The Living

year in books

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