Shadowplay Quotes

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Shadowplay (Micah Grey, #2) Shadowplay by L.R. Lam
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Shadowplay Quotes Showing 1-14 of 14
“Is it ghosts that truly haunt us, or the memory of our own mistakes that we wish we could undo?”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“Never are we as honest as at night, alone with thoughts and nightmares.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“I was just thinking how the purr of a contented cat is one of my favorite sounds in the world. There's something so comforting about it, isn't there?”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“A magician creates magic and mesmerizes the audience. But it is a pantomime, and the audience knows that it’s a ruse. It’s in the name: a “magic trick”. They play along when the magician tugs his sleeves to show there is nothing hidden within them, or that the top hat is empty of a rabbit, or eggs, or flowers. Beneath the façade there is only sleight of hand, wires and contraptions, misdirection at a key moment.
“But what the audience does not realize is that it’s not always trickery. Or at least, not quite.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“There is no one way to be a magician any more than there is only one way to be human.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“So many men and women I have wronged, reduced to ghosts and shades. They surround me, but I can never let them know I regret what I have cost them, both the living and the dead.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“You two are children almost grown. Your hearts have not hardened to the realities of the world. Your dreams have not fallen through your fingers. You still know hope.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“Never are we as honest as at night, alone with thoughts and nightmares.” Elladan Proverb The”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“Your whole life, you are told what is right and what is wrong. What you should do and what you should not do. What makes a good citizen and what makes a traitorous one. What happens, then, when you do everything you are not meant to do? Break down each and every barrier? Find out how good you are by how evil you can be?”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“A good magician’s performance tells a story. Each act should build on the next, becoming ever more engaging to fill the audience with wonder. It’s a bud that unfurls into a flower, meant to woo the audience.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“Oftentimes the answers that you seek are not the ones you are expecting to receive.”
Laura lam, Shadowplay
“Dreams hold the answers, even if the questions are not yet known.”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“you can do… it’s beautiful.” He came close, and wrapped”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay
“Honestly, Maske and Taliesin should have just whipped them out and discovered once and for all whose was the longest.” Drystan”
Laura Lam, Shadowplay