Idiom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "idiom" Showing 1-27 of 27
J.K. Rowling
“I'll fix it up with Mum and Dad, then I'll call you. I know how to use a fellytone now—"
"A telephone, Ron," said Hermione. "Honestly, you should take Muggle Studies next year...”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Anthon St. Maarten
“Patience is the antidote to the restless poison of the Ego. Without it we all become ego-maniacal bulls in china shops, destroying our future happiness as we blindly rush in where angels fear to tread. In these out-of-control moments, we bulldoze through the best possible outcomes for our lives, only to return to the scene of the crime later to cry over spilt milk.”
Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

Hannah Kent
“Blíndur er bóklaus ma∂ur. Blind is a man without a book.”
Hannah Kent, Burial Rites

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Straw met camel's back. Breaking commenced.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Raised by Wolves
tags: idiom

Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“Don't think this means I'm giving up. There's more than one way to decapitate a hellhound, and as it so happens, I know them all.”
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day
tags: idiom

Charlaine Harris
“You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.”
Charlaine Harris, Dead and Gone

Elmore Leonard
“There were a lot of terms you had to learn, as opposed to the shylock business where all you had to know how to say was 'Give me the fuckin money.”
Elmore Leonard, Get Shorty

Steven Erikson
“Stones make no splash on a frozen lake.”
Steven Erikson, Midnight Tides

“There is a hidden power in details”
Sabeesh Yemmay

D.H. Lawrence
“The world is supposed to be full of possibilities, but they narrow down to pretty few in most personal experience. There's lots of good fish in the sea... maybe... but the vast masses seem to be mackerel or herring, and if you're not mackerel or herring yourself, you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea.”
D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover

Karen Joy Fowler
“Pheromones are Earth’s primordial idiom.”
Karen Joy Fowler, We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves

Enock Maregesi
“Robert Louis Stevenson wa Uskochi aliponukuu nahau ya ‘kamera haiwezi kudanganya’ katika kitabu chake cha ‘South Seas’ mwaka 1896, miaka 57 baada ya sanaa ya upigaji wa picha kugunduliwa, hakumaanisha tuwe asili. Hakumaanisha tusizirekebishe picha zetu baada ya kuzipiga na kuzisafisha! Alimaanisha tuwe nadhifu tuonekanapo mbele za watu au mbele ya vyombo vya habari; ambapo picha itapigwa, itasafishwa, itachapishwa na itauzwa kama ilivyo bila kurekebishwa.”
Enock Maregesi

Garon Whited
“You wouldn’t dare!”
I cocked my head at him and thought about it.
“Why do people say that?” I asked. “I don’t understand it. It’s like demanding whatever it is actually be done. It’s tantamount to daring me to do it.”
Garon Whited, Shadows
tags: dare, idiom

“Are you now eating the evil fruit of your own growing?”

“Some people’s eyes are blind, but not their hearts. Some people can see, but their hearts are blind.”

Hal Needham
“I was beginning to think I had let 'my alligator mouth overload my jaybird ass.”
Hal Needham, Stuntman!: My Car-Crashing, Plane-Jumping, Bone-Breaking, Death-Defying Hollywood Life
tags: idiom

Christina Engela
“Imagine if you will:
At the highly secretive, largely independent, inter-dimensional and (inevitably) clandestine organization called the Time Saving Agency, there is a saying that goes: ‘You can’t break an omelet without first making eggs’. While this may appear to be a rather flippant little idiom, there is – as is usually the case, far more to it than meets the eye.”
Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency

Emma Richler
“When he leaves home to sow his oats—"

"Wild oats, Tasha. They have to be wild. Unless he ran off to be a farmer.”
Emma Richler, Be My Wolff

Rin Chupeco
“You look like a little thundercloud hovering in the middle of a field of sunshine."

I bit back a sigh and faced Kalen. "Im flattered you made all this effort to keep the thundercloud company.”
Rin Chupeco, The Heart Forger

“Jade does not loose its brilliance even if it breaks and the bamboo does not bend even if it burns.”

“Those with no concerns, have no regard for life. Those who have found love, have no fear of death.”

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Harry Turtledove
“The life of a soldier far from the cannon's roar has little glamour to it.”
Harry Turtledove, The Guns of the South

Robert K. Tanenbaum
“Yeah, well, if something goes wrong, it'll give me a chance to shoot your ass and save the taxpayers a lot of money," Fulton said and looked again in the mirror. The humor was gone from Kane's face, replaced by a mask of such malevolence that the detective was suddenly re minded of one of his mother's old sayings about letting sleeping dogs lie.”
Robert K. Tanenbaum, Counterplay

Nicholas Sparks
“During my first semester on campus, I was pretty shocked at how open everything was. I'd hear girls in the dorm talking about hooking up with guys they just met, and I wasn't even totally sure what that meant. Half the time, I'm still not sure, because it seems like different people mean different things. To some, it's just making out, but to others, it means sleeping with someone, and to others something in between, if you know what I mean. I spent a big chunk of my freshman year trying to unscramble the code.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Longest Ride

Thomas Blackwell
“That a Poet describes nothing so happily, as what he has seen; nor talks masterly, but in his native Language, and proper Idiom; nor mimicks truly other Manners, than those whose Originals he has practised and known.”
Thomas Blackwell, An Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer