Transformers (2007)
Everything I could have asked as huge fan
9 August 2020
It's August 9th 2020. I am watching this again for the 100th time. Never thought about reviewing it until now. As a massive fan in the 80s I was obsessed with the Comics (have them all) the toys and the tv cartoon. When I learned this was being made I had zero expectations except the trailers making it look something special. It really did not disappoint. The CGIof the robots is brilliant. The story is something that falls in line with the source material which okay isn't the most amazing of stories however it's a modern twist with elements of subtle comedy a real babe in Megan and a badass Megatron. I know people were upset with the decision to scrap Megatron turning into a gun but how would it have worked? This is by far the best of all the movies made so far. If you are a real fan you'll appreciate the efforts made I know I am.
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