This pretentious action blockbuster is by far the worst movie by Christopher Nolan, and if you remove all the (undeserving) hype surrounding it, you will find a disappointingly mediocre movie with bad directing, bad screenplay, bad pacing, bad editing and abysmal camerawork. The actual plot is paper-thin and predictable (about a group of secret agents who must prevent an evil terrorist from destroying the world etc), but what makes the movie incomprehensible is the annoying shaky-cam that is dominant in most action scenes and which becomes even more pronounced as the movie progresses. What also bothered me is how most scenes end way too abruptly, with the narration jumping from one continent to another so quickly that the viewer gets lost in all the jump-cuts. Furthermore, the characters are all one-dimensional and everybody speeks in a needlessly cryptic jargon that's full of codewords and abbreviations. It seems to me that the whole story aspect about time-travel and "reverse entropy" is just a cheap supperficial gimmick that's supposed to justify extravagant special effects and draw attention from the movie's numerous flaws. I don't think this movie deserves so much hype since it's really a complete wreck with flaws in every department.