Straight to the Heart
30 March 2022
While Freedom Writers follows the same predictable 'school teacher opens the world' formula, this is still a special film, based on a true story. Fair warning, it's a tear-jearker all right. The stories of the kids are heart-breaking. Yet what makes it stand out in the genre, is the creative links it makes.

Hillary Swank shines as the teacher who shows gang-kids where hate ultimately leads: holocaust. That's the first smart link and it's very powerful. She plays the role effortlessly, with her heart in the right place and just enough determination to make it believable but not melodramatic.

The second link is her husband who suffers from low self-esteem. Although he does not know gang violence like the kids do, this places him in the exact same mindset as the kids are in. In other words: we're all not that different.

The third link is between good and bad. We can view gangs as bad, but are we any good ourselves if we don't try to teach the kids that threathen to fall into this life? The film steers clear of becoming too gritty and bloody, but that question still reverberates through it.

And the fourth link is the most powerful: agency and choice. It follows the character of Eva, who faces a terrible dilemma between a life of gang-family and a life of her own. Whatever choice she makes, she will suffer. No spoilers, but because of the teacher, she at least has a choice now.

The last link is with the system of education, and how choices are made based on convenience, instead of the best interests of the kids. The way the film depicts this will make you think long and hard about not just these special classrooms, but also on how we teach kids in general.

It's a big film, formulaic yes, but it's big in tears, big in messages and big in emotions. Right where it needs to be if we want to change the life of these kids. Go for it.
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