High Plains Drifter (1973)
Clint Eastwood: The Stranger
Sarah Belding : Be careful. You're a man who makes people afraid, and that's dangerous.
The Stranger : It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
[last scene: the stranger is on his way out of town. He stops at the cemetary, where Mordecai is chiseling a gravestone]
Mordecai : I'm just about done here.
Mordecai : I never did know your name...
The Stranger : Yes, you do.
[Mordecai stares at the stranger, confused]
The Stranger : Take care.
Mordecai : [salutes] Yes, sir, captain!
[the Stranger rides away. The camera pans back to reveal the writing on the gravestone: "MARSHAL JIM DUNCAN - REST IN PEACE" ]
The Stranger : Your feet ma'am are almost as big as your mouth.
Bill Borders : Maybe you think you're fast enough to keep up with us, huh?
The Stranger : A lot faster than you'll ever live to be.
Lewis Belding : I got 18 people in my hotel! Where are they gonna go?
The Stranger : Out.
The Stranger : Wonder what took her so long to get mad?
Mordecai : Because maybe you didn't go back for more?
Preacher : See here, you can't turn all these people out into the night. It is inhuman, brother. Inhuman!
The Stranger : I'm not your brother.
Preacher : We are all brothers in the eyes of God.
The Stranger : All these people, are they your sisters and brothers?
Preacher : They most certainly are.
The Stranger : ...Then you won't mind if they come over and stay at your place, will ya?
The Stranger : You know you're going to look awfully silly with that knife sticking up your ass.
Sheriff Dan Shaw : Well, I been needin' to talk with you; now's as good a time as any.
The Stranger : What about?
Sheriff Dan Shaw : Billy Borders.
The Stranger : Don't know the man.
Sheriff Dan Shaw : Well, you missed your chance; you shot him yesterday.
[first lines]
The Stranger : Beer... and a bottle.
Lutie Naylor : Ain't much good, but it's all there is.
[brings drinks]
Lutie Naylor : You want anything else?
The Stranger : Just a peaceful hour to drink it in.
The Stranger : I want every man in the regiment to have one of these nice rifles here.
Gunsmith : What regiment?
The Stranger : City of Lago Volunteers.
Gunsmith : Never heard of it.
The Stranger : Well you ought to, you're in it. So are you, you, and all of you out there. I want everyone out in the street in 10 minutes for drill.
Sheriff Dan Shaw : [after the Stranger blows up the hotel and shoots four men] What the hell happened?
The Stranger : Somebody left the door open and the wrong dogs came home.
The Stranger : I'd love to oblige you. But a man's got to get his rest sometime.
Sarah Belding : Oblige me?
The Stranger : But I tell you what, if you'd come back in about half hour, I'll see what I can do, all right?
The Stranger : I like chicken, fried.
Mordecai : What about after we do it?
The Stranger : Hmm?
Mordecai : What do we do then?
The Stranger : Then you live with it.
The Stranger : The only problem you've got Sheriff is a short supply of guts.
Mordacai : What did you say your name was again?
The Stranger : I didn't.
Mordecai : No. I guess you didn't at that, did you?
The Stranger : [drinking] To your feet, Ma'am. They're not as big as your mouth.
Lutie Naylor : [the stranger has bought a round for the house] Let's see, one round for the house plus the smoke; that comes to about eight dollars and fifty cents.
Sheriff Dan Shaw : [chuckling] There's no charge Lutie; you were at the meeting, anything he wants.
Lutie Naylor : I didn't know that mean free whiskey!
Sheriff Dan Shaw : Everybody's got to put something in the kitty.
The Stranger : [Reaches over a takes off Shaw's badge and pins it on Mordecai] 'Bout time this town had a new sheriff.
Mordacai : I'm the new sheriff!
[looks around the saloon]
Mordacai : I'm the new sheriff!
Mayor Jason Hobart : [laughing] I'm sorry, Dan; but you should have seen the look on your face when he took off your badge and pinned it on the runt.
Mordacai : I'm not a runt anymore; I'm the new sheriff!
The Stranger : [reaches over and takes off the mayor's hat and puts it on Mordecai] And the mayor. Any objections?
Mayor Jason Hobart : Uh, no.
The Stranger : Well, right now I don't feel too agreeable.
Sarah Belding : I knew you were cruel, but I didn't know how far you could go.
The Stranger : Well, you still don't.
The Stranger : What makes you think I care?
The Stranger : My room ready?
Sarah Belding : Two connecting rooms. The best in the hotel. One for entertaining your many new friends in town, and one for sleeping - if your conscience lets you sleep.
The Stranger : Oh, I sleep just fine, ma'am.
Sarah Belding : Is that so?
The Stranger : You care to see for yourself?
Sarah Belding : [glares at him and walks away]
Mordecai : All right, everybody grab a brush and start in!
Mayor Jason Hobart : You mean you want the whole place painted?
The Stranger : Everything.
Preacher : You can't possibly mean the church, too?
The Stranger : I mean *especially* the church.