At around 1min and 30sec into the car chase scene, Buddy and the two criminals pass a large, red white and blue sign that says "BF Goodrich CAR CARE CENTER" bathed in bright sunlight. Roughly 10 seconds later, they pass the same sign, now darkened in the shade.
At the funeral parlor, Ansel burns his fingers when he attempts to remove the short unfiltered cigarette butt from his lips and drops it on the ground. Yet in the continuation of the shot, the butt he stamps out with his foot is a freshly lit filtered cigarette.
During a shootout, the revolver in the cop's hand changes from Smith & Wesson to a Colt, then back to a Smith.
Toward the end of the chase, from one angle Manucci is seen operating the hand-held two way radio with his right hand. In the next cut, an angle from behind the driver, he is still heard speaking into the radio, but his right hand is on the wheel. It then cuts back to the other angle, and the radio reappears in his right hand.
Towards the start of the film in the police station, after Buddy speaks with his boss, he goes into the locker room as his 7-Up cop buddies pause and look at him, noticing that he's frustrated. Ansel has his foot kicked up on a stool with his blue hat OFF. The shot cuts back to Buddy in anger as he throws his shoulder into the locker. The very next shot, Ansel has his blue hat ON.
Scheider's green Ventura cop car is clearly automatic transmission equipped. Yet during the chase scene, the engine sound effects are from a manual transmission equipped car.
At about 1 minute into the chase sequence, there is a shot of hands on the steering wheel as Roy Scheider honks the horn. While the car is supposed to be roaring up the avenue at high speed, the gearshift lever is clearly in the "park" position.
During the chase scene, 'Buddy's car performs a 270 degree turn incorporating a huge sideways skid. Multiple sets of tire marks on the road indicate several rehearsals and/or takes of the maneuver.
When Manucci turns right off 49th Street onto 10th Avenue, the shot inside his car shows a Rando Tires sign outside backwards - revealing that the shot has been optically flipped.
Crowds are occasionally visible watching the shots of the car chase.
At the climactic shootout, Roy Scheider fired off eight rapid fire rounds from a.38 caliber revolver (either five or six shots, depending on the model).
Buddy was nearly unscathed after his car hit the rear of the tractor trailer. Though a high speed impact like that would have certainly caused at least serious injuries regardless if Buddy 'ducked' first.
In the car chase sequence, when Buddy Manucci is driving through the street packed with children playing, an interior shot of his car shows a small portion of stunt driverBill Hickman's face (his glasses are clearly seen in particular). Hickman did much of the driving for the interior shots of this car, besides his acting role as one of the two 'bad guys' and stunt driving in the car being pursued by Manucci.
During the car chase, just before crossing the bridge the camera team can clearly be seen filming from another angle. The other angle appears immediately after making it look like they went round the same corner twice.
During the car chase, we see Sonny's car chasing the bad guys over the George Washington Bridge into New Jersey. Then we see a sign that says "NY 100-NY 133, Millwood, Briarcliff Manor" which is in New York.
The car chase scenes between Bill Hickman andRoy Scheidertake place on both the Palisades Interstate Parkway and Taconic State Parkway. These roads are on two different sides of the Hudson River, and getting from one road to the other requires crossing the river a second time via The Tappan Zee Bridge, which they failed to do.
During the Chase scene, they cross the George Washington Bridge from Manhattan, but don't wind up in New Jersey, they wind up in Westchester. There was an exit sign for Millwood and Briarcliff Manor.
Near the end of the chase scene, the suspect's car hides in front of a Greyhound bus. The destination sign on the bus says New York City. However, the bus is going north in "NJ" and thus away from NYC.
Trucks and buses are forbidden on the parkways of New York State, yet the bus that got caught in the crossfire was on the Taconic State Parkway near F.D.R. State Park.